EOLAS Reexam Office Action

For those who are interested in the Microsoft Case, here is a link to the Office Action rejecting all ten of Eolas’ claims under 103(a) for obviousness.  The rejection is based primarily on references from Berners-Lee and Raggett.  The Office Action appears well reasoned and nicely written.  I suspect that the Patent Examiner (Andrew Caldwell) was given much more time to research and write this OA is than the norm.

U.S. Patent No. 5,838,906
ZDNet Article by Paul Festa

Download eolas_office_action.pdf

Update: After a reader e-mailed, I looked into the case a little more. Although I am not completely familiar with the case, the headline of the OA could be “Eolas wins Round I of Highly Anticipated Re-Examination.” In the most recent OA, the Examiner accepted Eolas’ argument as to the initial ground for rejection — thus, according to the Examiner, the combination of references cited in the original application do not render the patent obvious. Now, in Round II, the Examiner has cited a new set of references. As you may know, this type of back-and-forth is common in patent prosecution.