Tag Archives: Supreme Court

Did Jarkesy Undermine Oil States? ParkerVision Thinks So

by Dennis Crouch

In 2018, the Supreme Court's 7-2 decision in Oil States Energy Services, LLC v. Greene's Energy Group, LLC, 584 U.S. 325 (2018) affirmed the constitutionality of inter partes review (IPR) proceedings. The Court held that patents are "public rights" and thus may be canceled through congressionally authorized administrative proceedings without violating Article III or the Seventh Amendment right to a jury trial. This decision was a significant win for proponents of the America Invents Act (AIA) and those seeking to use the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) as an efficient mechanism to cancel issued patents.

Fast forward to 2024, and a number of us were watching the non-patent case of SEC v. Jarkesy, 144 S. Ct. 2117 (2024), wondering if it might destabilize Oil States. Jarkesy indeed narrowed the scope of what qualifies as a "public right," potentially reopening the debate on the constitutionality of IPRs.

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Old Dog, New Tricks: Government Defends 200-Year-Old ODP Doctrine Even Under Modern Statutes

by Dennis Crouch

The debate over obviousness type double patenting continues.  Most recently, the U.S. Government has filed its brief in opposition to certiorari in Cellect v. Vidal. 

In its decision, the Federal Circuit ruled that the Congressionally mandated "patent term guarantee" that adjusts patent term to account for undue USPTO delay (known as PTA) triggers a risk that a later-expiring patent will be invalidated due to obviousness-type double  patenting (ODP). The Government brief consistently defends and agrees with the CAFC's decision -- arguing primarily (1) that ODP is an ancient patent tradition (much like eligibility) and (2) applying ODP to PTA is supported by the statute.

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ITC Patent Jurisdiction: Roku’s Petition and Contreras’ Critique

by Dennis Crouch

Roku, Inc. has asked the Supreme Court to review 2024 Federal Circuit decision affirming the US International Trade Commission's (ITC) finding of a Section 337 violation based on infringement of a TV-remote patent owned by Universal Electronics, Inc. (UEI). US10593196 (method of configuring user interfaces on home theater devices to control other appliances).

The petition focuses on the ITC's "domestic industry" requirement, and the level of nexus required between substantial domestic investment, the scope of the asserted patent, and any articles that embody the patented invention.  The case invites a broader reconsideration of the ITC's role in patent disputes, including its near-automatic issuance of exclusion orders against adjudged infringers.

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No Sugar-Coating: Post-AIA Patent on Secret Process Barred by Pre-Filing Sale of Product

by Dennis Crouch

Although the result could have been guessed, the Federal Circuit has issued an important decision interpreting the scope of post-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 -- and the meaning of the "claimed invention." Celanese Intl. Corp. v. Intl. Trade Comm'n,  22-01827 (Fed. Cir. August 12, 2024).   In particular, the court affirmed the precedent of D.L. Auld -- i.e., the on-sale bar continues to block patenting of an otherwise secret process when the patentee makes pre-filing sales of product made using that process. The ITC had invalidated Celanese' artificial sweetener manufacturing process patent based upon these pre-filing sales. That judgment was thus affirmed on appeal.

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Zebra’s Stripes: Just So Stories about Patent Standing

by Dennis Crouch

The newest patent-focused petition for writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court was recently filed by Zebra Technologies, challenging the Federal Circuit's determination that the a patentee had standing to sue for infringement even though  a third party separately held rights to assign, license, and enforce patent rights.

The case offers an increasingly common situation in patent litigation finance where the litigation funder is seeking legal assurances and collateral rights, but where those rights potentially risk stripping the patent owner from the exclusionary rights necessary to establish standing. 

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Presumption of Injunction: How the RESTORE Act Aims to Re-Empower Patent Holders

by Dennis Crouch

For the vast majority of American history, a judgment of patent infringement (by a court sitting in equity) led almost directly to injunctive relief barring ongoing infringement.  This construct was flipped by the Supreme Court's 2006 decision in eBay Inc. v. MercExchange, L.L.C., 547 U.S. 388 (2006), a case which served as the first major step of weakening patentee rights over the past two decades.  Now, a new bipartisan bill aims to restore the pre-eBay status quo. The Realizing Engineering, Science, and Technology Opportunities by Restoring Exclusive (RESTORE) Patent Rights Act of 2024, introduced by Senators Coons (D-Del.) and Cotton (R-Ark.), with a House companion bill from Representatives Moran (R-Texas) and Dean (D-Pa.), seeks to reshape and repair the availability of injunctive relief for patent holders.  As you'll see, one nice element of the Bill is that it simply adds 1 sentence - creating a rebuttable presumption

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Federal Circuit Closes Book on TRUMP TOO SMALL Trademark Saga

by Dennis Crouch

In a brief order, the Federal Circuit has put what appears to be the final nail in the coffin of Steve Elster's attempt to register "TRUMP TOO SMALL" as a trademark.

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A few initial thoughts on Loper Bright and the end of Chevron Deference

by Dennis Crouch

This is just a first look at how overturning Chevron may impact patent practice. 

In the past, both the USPTO and patent attorneys have largely ignored the larger scope of administrative law, but in recent years USPTO operations have been under tighter control from the White House, and courts have increasingly asked whether the agency is following the rules.  Administrative patent law was truly launched with  the American Invents Act of 2011 and the resulting administrative patent trials by the PTAB -- resulting in hundreds of appeals arguing that the USPTO's procedural approach is an abuse of administrative power.  Importantly, the Supreme Court in Cuozzo Speed Techs. v. Com. for Intell. Prop., 579 U.S. 261 (2016) provided the patent office with Chevron deference for its determinations regarding AIA trials, including issues such as its approach to claim construction.  But Chevron has now been overruled, and many are wanting the Federal Circuit to revisit the USPTO approach.

Although I expect that the outcome

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Dewberry Group: Structuring the Firm to Avoid Trademark Liability

by Dennis Crouch

The U.S. Supreme Court has granted certiorari in Dewberry Group, Inc. v. Dewberry Engineers Inc., a trademark damages case focused on how corporate separateness principles apply to disgorgement remedies under the Lanham Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1117(a). The Fourth Circuit's decision affirmed a $43 million disgorgement award against petitioner Dewberry Group (DG) for trademark infringement, an amount that included profits earned by DG's "legally separate" corporate affiliates. Apparently, the affiliates were “single-purpose entities,” also privately owned by John Dewberry, whose sole function was to own commercial properties serviced by DG.

Pierce the Veil: In its literal sense, a veil is a delicate fabric that separates the visible from the concealed, a barrier that can be easily lifted or parted. However, the phrase has a history of extending beyond the material world, with a veil often serving as a boundary between the physical and spiritual realms in our universe. Many of us go through life, only occasionally glimpsing beyond this veil into the hidden spiritual dimensions that, according to story tellers, lie alongside our own. In the corporate world, the veil of corporate personhood serves to shield the owners from personal liability, creating a legal fiction that separates the actions of the company from those of its shareholders. This veil of protection is not impenetrable, however, and can be pierced by the courts in cases of serious misconduct or wrongdoing, exposing the owners to personal responsibility. Although the truth of owner identity may already be known, piercing the corporate veil removes the protection against responsibility  by attempting to holding accountable those who would misuse its protections. But, the legal doctrine of corporate separateness is quite strong and I might venture that it is easier to pierce the veil of our spiritual realms than the corporate analogue.

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Does Justice Thomas Hate Invention or Just the Hubris of Inventors?

by Dennis Crouch

The Supreme Court recently decided Moore v. United States, --- U.S. --- (June 20, 2024), a case focusing on the constitutionality of the Mandatory Repatriation Tax (MRT). While the majority opinion, authored by Justice Kavanaugh, upheld the MRT, Justice Thomas published a strong dissent relying upon an invention metaphor in a decidedly negative light, something that he has done in several other recent opinions. For Thomas, judicial invention is a synonym to judicial activism and antithetical to his approach that looks primarily to historic preservation, especially when interpreting the U.S. Constitution.

In Moore, the majority held that the MRT, which attributes the realized and undistributed income of an American-controlled foreign corporation to the entity's American shareholders and then taxes those shareholders, "falls squarely within Congress's constitutional authority to tax." The Court reached this holding by relying on its "longstanding precedents" that allow Congress to attribute the undistributed income of an entity to the entity's shareholders or partners for tax purposes.

Justice Thomas, joined by Justice Gorsuch, dissented. He argued that the Sixteenth Amendment requires realization for income to be taxed without apportionment.  His main complaint against the majority opinion is that it "invent[ed]" a new attribution doctrine to reach its conclusion.

Justice Thomas' negative invocation of "invention" in Moore is part of a broader trend in his recent opinions. Just a week before Moore, in FDA v. Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine, 602 U.S. --- (June 13, 2024), Justice Thomas refused to "invent a new doctrine of doctor standing," concluding that "there would be no principled way to cabin such a sweeping doctrinal change to doctors or other healthcare providers."  Similarly, in a recent concurring opinion, Justice Thomas argued that "Federal courts have the power to grant only the equitable relief 'traditionally accorded by courts of equity,' not the flexible power to invent whatever new remedies may seem useful at the time." Alexander v. S.C. State Conf. of the NAACP, 144 S. Ct. 1221 (2024) (Thomas, J., concurring).  And in his dissent in US v. Rahimi, 602 U.S. --- (June 21, 2024), Justice Thomas complained that "At argument, the Government invented yet another position."

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Double Trouble: IPO asks for Supreme Court review of PTA/ODP Cellect dispute

by Dennis Crouch

A second amicus brief has been filed - this one from the Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO) - encouraging the Supreme Court to grant certiorari in Cellect, LLC v. Vidal, No. 23-1231. The case concerns the interplay between the Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) statute, 35 U.S.C. § 154(b), and the judicially-created doctrine of obviousness-type double patenting (ODP).

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Veterans’ Benefits at the Supreme Court: The Battle Over Benefit-of-the-Doubt

by Dennis Crouch

In April 2024, the Supreme Court granted certiorari in the consolidated cases of Bufkin v. McDonough and Thornton v. McDonough, two veterans’ benefits cases on appeal from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. The cases involve the "benefit-of-the-doubt" rule, a longstanding principle that is codified in veterans law that requires the VA to resolve close or unclear issues in a veteran's favor when adjudicating benefits claims. [SCT Docket]

Both Bufkin and Thornton are veterans who were denied disability benefits by the VA.

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The NYIPLA Brief: Advocating for Patent Term Adjustments

by Dennis Crouch

The Federal Circuit's 2023 decision in In re Cellect, LLC, 81 F.4th 1216 (Fed. Cir. 2023) has set the stage for a potentially significant Supreme Court case on the interplay between the Patent Term Adjustment (PTA) statute, 35 U.S.C. § 154(b), and the judicially-created doctrine of obviousness-type double patenting (ODP). Cellect is now seeking certiorari, and the New York Intellectual Property Law Association (NYIPLA) has stepped in with an amicus brief supporting the petition, arguing that the case presents "questions of exceptional importance." Brief for New York Intellectual Property Law Association as Amicus Curiae Supporting Petitioner at 23, Cellect, LLC v. Vidal, No. 23-1231 (U.S. May 28, 2024).

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Gorsuch’s “Dead Letter” Prophecy: Hearst v. Martinelli may Settle Copyright’s Discovery Rule following the Warner Chappell Avoidance

by Dennis Crouch

The pending Hearst v. Martinelli case may be the "dead letter" offered by Justice Gorsuch. This time, the Supreme Court might actually decide whether the "discovery rule" applies to the Copyright Act's statute of limitations.

Copyright law provides

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Supreme Court Affirms Availability of Back-Damages Under Copyright Discovery Rule

By Dennis Crouch and Timothy Knight

On May 9, 2024, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in Warner Chappell Music v. Nealy, No. 22-1078, 601 U.S. ___ (2024), resolving a circuit split over the availability of back-damages in copyright infringement cases. In a 6-3 decision authored by Justice Kagan, the Court affirmed the Eleventh Circuit's ruling, permitting recovery of damages for acts that occurred more than three years before the filing of the lawsuit under the "discovery accrual rule."

For those of you who have not been following the case, the Plaintiff Sherman Nealy, a music producer, helped create musical works in the 1980s with his collaborator, Tony Butler.  Nealy was incarcerated from 1989 to 2008 and again from 2012 to 2015

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Eolas Seeks Supreme Court Review of Federal Circuit’s Patent Eligibility Decision

Eolas is seeking a writ of certiorari from the Supreme Court -- hoping that the court will overturn the Federal Circuit's decision invalidating its distributed computing (WWW) claims as ineligible under Alice Corp. and Mayo and ostensibly under 35 U.S.C. § 101. The petition presents three key questions:

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SCT: False Claims Act Actions Based Upon Fraudulently Obtained Patent Rights

by Dennis Crouch

This post walks through a new petition for writ of certiorari involving claims that Valeant Pharma defrauded the U.S. government by using fraudulently obtained patent rights prop up its drug prices. [Read the Petition]

The False Claims Act (FCA), originally enacted in 1863 to combat contractor fraud during the Civil War, imposes civil liability on anyone who "knowingly presents" a "fraudulent claim for payment" to the federal government. 31 U.S.C. § 3729(a)(1)(A). The Act allows private citizens, known as "relators," to bring qui tam actions on the government's behalf against those who have defrauded the government. If successful, relators can recover up to 30 percent of the damages. 31 U.S.C. §§ 3730(b)(4), (d)(2).

To prevent opportunistic lawsuits, however, Congress has sought to strike a "balance between encouraging private persons to root out fraud and stifling parasitic lawsuits"

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Supreme Court Declines to Hear Vanda’s Patent Obviousness Appeal

by Dennis Crouch

The Supreme Court has denied Vanda Pharmaceuticals' petition for certiorari, leaving in place a Federal Circuit decision that invalidated Vanda's patents on methods of using the sleep disorder drug Hetlioz (tasimelteon) as obvious.

Vanda had argued in its cert petition that

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Seeking Clarity on Comparison Prior Art: Seirus Petitions Supreme Court in Heat Wave Design Patent Dispute

by Dennis Crouch

Seirus has petitioned for writ of certiorari in its long-running design patent dispute with Columbia Sportswear.  The petition asks two questions related to the comparison process for design patent infringement -- in particular, the questions focus on what can qualify as "comparison prior art" used to provide context for the infringement analysis.

Questions presented:

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