Tag Archives: prior art

Policy Considerations: The On-Sale Bar for Secret Processes

by Dennis Crouch

In light of the Federal Circuit's recent decision in Celanese v. ITC, it's worth examining the policy implications of maintaining a strong on-sale bar that extends even to invalidate patents on secret processes when the resulting products have been commercialized. This rule is rooted in pre-AIA jurisprudence and is now affirmed under the AIA.

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No Sugar-Coating: Post-AIA Patent on Secret Process Barred by Pre-Filing Sale of Product

by Dennis Crouch

Although the result could have been guessed, the Federal Circuit has issued an important decision interpreting the scope of post-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102 -- and the meaning of the "claimed invention." Celanese Intl. Corp. v. Intl. Trade Comm'n,  22-01827 (Fed. Cir. August 12, 2024).   In particular, the court affirmed the precedent of D.L. Auld -- i.e., the on-sale bar continues to block patenting of an otherwise secret process when the patentee makes pre-filing sales of product made using that process. The ITC had invalidated Celanese' artificial sweetener manufacturing process patent based upon these pre-filing sales. That judgment was thus affirmed on appeal.

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Federal Circuit Narrows AIA Grace Period: Public Disclosure Must Make Invention ‘Reasonably Available’

by Dennis Crouch

The Federal Circuit's new decision in Sanho v. Kaijet highlights the narrowness of the pre-filing grace period (safe harbor) provision under the America Invents Act (AIA) and serves as a reminder that there are a number of patents that would have been valid under the pre-AIA patent system may no longer be valid under the current law. Sanho Corp. v. Kaijet Technology International Limited, Inc., No. 2023-1336 (Fed. Cir. July 31, 2024).

The basic holding is that the 102(a)(2)/(b)(2) safe harbor triggered by an inventor's pre-filing "public disclosure" of the invention requires that the invention be made "reasonably available to the public." Neither public uses nor private sales satisfy this requirement. This is a long post, because the issues are both important and interesting. In the end, I suggest a panel rehearing in the case because I believe that the Federal Circuit unfairly found forfeiture of key arguments whose resolution would help clarify the law.

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Federal Circuit Slices the Bologna Thin with IPR Rehearing Waiver Decision

by Dennis Crouch

Voice Tech Corp. v. Unified Patents, LLC, No. 2022-2163 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 1, 2024)

Unified Patents is paid by its members to fight against non-practicing entity (NPE) patent assertions -- often by challenge patent validity via inter partes review.  In this case, Unified challenged Voice Tech's U.S. Patent No. 10,491,679 which covers technology for controlling a computer via a mobile device using voice commands. At the conclusion of the IPR, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) sided with Unified - finding all challenged claims (1-8) of the '679 patent unpatentable as obvious over the combination of two prior art references, Wong and Beauregard.  The PTAB also denied Voice Tech's request for rehearing. On appeal, the patentee won a minor battle on waiver, but ultimately lost on the merits.

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Federal Circuit Affirms Patent Rejection for Lack of Enablement in In re Pen

by Dennis Crouch

The Federal Circuit (CAFC) recently affirmed a USPTO enablement rejection -- holding that the patentee did not enable the "full scope" of the claimed invention.  In re Pen, 23-2282 (Fed. Cir. 2024) (non-precedential).  As an aside, the listed inventor's legal name is "The Pen;" first and last name respectively, with no middle initial.  Based upon Pen's address, he is related to "The People's Email Network."  In the case, Pen represented himself pro se.

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Navigating the USPTO’s Regulatory Wave: Key Comment Deadlines for Summer 2024

by Dennis Crouch

Over the past two months, the USPTO has issued an unusually large number of public comment requests related to various proposed rules and procedure changes. This wave of RFCs includes significant proposals aimed at adjusting patent fees for fiscal year 2025, refining terminal disclaimer practices, and addressing the impact of artificial intelligence on prior art and patentability. The agency is also seeking feedback on formalizing the Director Review process following Arthrex and various changes to IPR proceedings, including discretionary review. And there's more...

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Discerning Signal from Noise: Navigating the Flood of AI-Generated Prior Art

by Dennis Crouch

This article explores the impact of Generative AI on prior art and potential revisions to patent examination standards to address the rising tidal wave of AI-generated, often speculative, disclosures that could undermine the patent system's integrity.

The core task of patent examination is identifying quality prior art.  References must be sufficiently accessible, clear, and enabling to serve as legitimate evidence of what was previously known.  Although documents are widely available today via our vast network of digital communications, there is also increasing junk in the system -- documents making unsubstantiated claims that are effectively science fiction.  Patent offices prefer patent documents as prior art because they are drafted to meet the strict enablement standards and filed with sworn veracity statements. Issued patents take this a step further with their imprimatur of issuance via successful examination.  Many of us learned a mantra that "a prior art reference is only good for what it discloses" -- but in our expanding world of deep fakes, intentional and otherwise, is face value still worth much?

In a new request for comments (RFC), the USPTO has asked the public to weigh in on these issues -- particularly focusing on the impact of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) on prior art.

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The Use of Mandated Public Disclosures of Clinical Trials as Prior Art Against Study Sponsors

By Chris Holman

Salix Pharms., Ltd. v. Norwich Pharms. Inc., 2024 WL 1561195 (Fed. Cir. Apr. 11, 2024)

Human clinical trials play an essential role in the discovery, development, and regulatory approval of innovative drugs, and federal law mandates the public disclosure of these trials. Pharmaceutical innovators are voicing concern that these disclosures are increasingly being used as prior art to invalidate patents arising out of, or otherwise relating to, these trials, in a manner that threatens to disincentivize investment in pharmaceutical innovation. A recent Federal Circuit decision, Salix Pharms., Ltd. v. Norwich Pharms. Inc., illustrates the concern.  In Salix, a divided panel upheld a district court decision to invalidate pharmaceutical method of treatment claims for obviousness based on a clinical study protocol published on the ClinicalTrials.gov. website. The case garnered amicus curiae briefs filed by several innovative pharmaceutical companies in support of the patent owner, Salix Pharmaceuticals.

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