Tag Archives: safe harbor

Federal Circuit Narrows AIA Grace Period: Public Disclosure Must Make Invention ‘Reasonably Available’

by Dennis Crouch

The Federal Circuit's new decision in Sanho v. Kaijet highlights the narrowness of the pre-filing grace period (safe harbor) provision under the America Invents Act (AIA) and serves as a reminder that there are a number of patents that would have been valid under the pre-AIA patent system may no longer be valid under the current law. Sanho Corp. v. Kaijet Technology International Limited, Inc., No. 2023-1336 (Fed. Cir. July 31, 2024).

The basic holding is that the 102(a)(2)/(b)(2) safe harbor triggered by an inventor's pre-filing "public disclosure" of the invention requires that the invention be made "reasonably available to the public." Neither public uses nor private sales satisfy this requirement. This is a long post, because the issues are both important and interesting. In the end, I suggest a panel rehearing in the case because I believe that the Federal Circuit unfairly found forfeiture of key arguments whose resolution would help clarify the law.

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NO FAKES Act: Unpacking the New Bipartisan Bill on Digital Replicas

Senators aim to rein in digital replicas with the “NO FAKES” Act which proposes a limited federal right to control one’s likeness using some DMCA-like notice-and-takedown elements.

Guest post by Professor Justin Hughes

This week, Senators Blackburn, Coons, Klobuchar, and Tillis introduced the bipartisan “NO FAKES” Act in Congress, a bill that has been under discussion for months and is intended to provide centerpiece legislation addressing the problem of digital replicas.  The recording industry (RIAA) and the actors’ union (SAGAFTRA) have been the leading proponents of such a law.  Senate Judiciary staff led a process with those groups–and with the Motion Picture Association (MPA)–that went through a long series of drafts.  AI companies were also part of the drafting process.

The bill is substantively complex and structurally complicated, partly the result of so many cooks in the kitchen.  What follows here are only the bill’s basics – as well as some concerns.

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