Patent Paralegal – Law Firm – Germany

vieringThe German firm Viering, Jentschura & Partner is seeking candidates with interest in and/or experience in intellectual property law for a position as Patent Paralegal in our offices in Dresden, Germany.

The candidate will be asked to support multiple patent attorneys/agents, manage US and foreign dockets, assist with US and foreign patent filing and prosecution, to assist in the preparation, filing and prosecution of US patent applications including: preparation and submission of Office Action responses, Information Disclosure Statements, Amendments, formal document preparation and execution (Declarations, Assignments, Powers of Attorney) and to draft correspondence to attorneys/agents/clients.

Administrative/paralegal experience in intellectual property law and/or Paralegal certificate preferred. Basic knowledge of US and foreign patent procedures is required. Excellent docket review skills and proofreading skills are essential. Experience with IP Management software; IP Digital Document Management software; and PTA calculation, review and analysis is a plus.

To apply, please emailĀ

Additional Info
Employer Type: Law Firm
Job Location: Germany