Liveblogging PatCon 3: A Conversation with Industry

By Jason Rantanen

Today I'll be liveblogging from PatCon 3.  For those who are interested, the substance will be after the break.  I'm told that video recordings will be available for the plenary presentations.

A conversation with industry

Jim Trusell - Chief IP counsel at BP
Karen Nelson - attorney at AbbVie 
Jon Wood - Chief IP Counsel at Bridgestone
Paul Rodriguez - Chief IP Counsel at RR Donnelly
Stephen Auten - Cozen O'Conner (moderator)

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Loyola Law Journal – Chief Judge Holderman on innovations in jury trials

By Jason Rantanen

Chief Judge Holderman: Innovations to Improve Juror Understanding in Patent Jury Trials.  (My notes from the first panel are too much of a mess to be worth posting).

Talking about how can we get rights enforced in a way that will work effectively for both the owner of the rights and the people who believe that there are other rights that the owners don't own.

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Liveblogging from the Loyola Law Journal Conference on Patents, Innovation & Freedom to Use Ideas

By Jason Rantanen

Today I'll be liveblogging from the Loyola Law Journal Conference on Patents, Innovation & Freedom to Use Ideas. I'll be posting the full text of my entries below the break for those who are interested. Note that I don't necessarily agree with the views of all the speakers (some of whom are close to diametrically opposite).  Also, keep in mind that this is very rough blogging.  Don't expect elegant writing.

Keynote speaker: Dr. Richard Stallman.  Speaking about patents and software. 

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