Book Review: Anonymous Lawyer

AnonymouslawyerAnonymous Lawyer
By Jeremy Blachman
Released July 25, 2006.

$15.75 from Amazon (37% off).

I e-mailed back-and-forth with the author Jeremy Blachman back in early 2004 — before I started Patently-O.  He was at Harvard Law School and gave me lots of great tips and helped me get my feet wet in the blog world.  I finally met Jeremy in person in 2005, several months after the New York Times revealed that the prototypical BigLaw partner embodied by the Anonymous Lawyer Blog is, in fact, Mr. Blachman. Rather than joining Reed Smith as a new associate after graduation, Jeremy got a book deal to transform his blog persona into a full length novel.  He has done an excellent job!

The book is a breeze to read (advance copy) and it is always fun to trash corporate attorneys.  It’s cheap too — $15. Hopefully most of you will chuckle to yourself as you read the book — happy that your firm is not this bad. . .

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