
Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and PTO Director David Kappos will be holding a press conference later today. I expect that they will announce plans to open the first USPTO satellite office in Detroit, Michigan.

152 thoughts on “PTO-Detroit

  1. 151

    Ive nicknamed these frauding inventors and there business partners that sell businesses without paying their actual inventors bart men and bert men thats beligerant aragant retartive thieves and egotistical for the berts.They have caused trillions in damages and counting by there unregulared spending of money thats not theres

  2. 148

    Ianie; Ive herd rumors that the thieves even engaged my relatives in their conspericies exiting president bush may have reissued the patents to this mob of thieves instead of honering my request to the uspto to have them reissued to the true inventor obviously he had no right to approve this without congressional action and debate period so they are retractable and void he does ent have the right either to deny my cival rights in this matter I an very ashaimed of his large scale illegal conduct If this is true.

  3. 147

    Ianie; You should realize that I complained to roberto gonzales office before they lifted the requirement of congressional approveal for M ergers and acusitions this vital time period for objuctions was destroyed intentionally to allow these frauds to occur rampant unregulated acrivities soom followed as greedy thieves tried to maximize there financial gains wile ungratfully ignoring there conceivers and should be business partners legal rights and intrests.

  4. 146

    Ianie; as far as your issue of the accuracy of time date and place of one particulal invention this case plays out differently in the proofs going with invention clusters to prove the case in the region of beyoud reasonable doubt to quickley exceeding astronomical ods as more inventions are added.

  5. 145

    Ianie; you need to remember ive already produced 30 new inventions filed them and have run out of money to file remenber the conspirace to exclude ive been telling you about no investors no clintel.Producing any new patents would also produce nothing because of the 40 diferent methods of stealing them in the present system how many times do I have to tell you

  6. 144

    Ianei; Yes they would because of the groosely defective mehtods of inventorship determination in our system everything significant is in the wrong name how many times do I have to tell you.and due to greed and corruption in all levels of business legal and legislature almost all of the moral majoritys potential support is being supressed or they are unaware of the true story.Ianie you need to realize that with these defective methods that no justice has been possible until now there for the courts are liable and obligated to restore the legal rights in the intrest of justice Its called the rules of new evidence that reverses the previous injustice in order to preserve the promise of justice for all you now have a situation where you have two victums with rights to an equitable settlement. You also have wealthy individules who profited from the intellectual property as litigants. Statutes of limitationm were not created to deny justice they were created to establish a limit on lack of action for disconcern not imtimidations or threats of violence. Due to the time factor the present circumstances have to be considered with reguards to compensations neglegence has to be found in rapid fire transactions that leave no mehthod of reconstructing deals and the allowance of rampant suspicious frivalious spending with no concern for tomorrow restoring these fraudulent spendings to there original this time court supervised accounts will bounce checks to the reciepients of the original moneys and require repayments from them.and Or lisencing rights can be retracted and reissued or simpley reissued over a period of years so as to not shock the economy.another method is to force stock issuances as compensations. This may be repaid from new products created by myself with a high % going to myself. Someone said when corperations form 50% stays in the corperate reserve. This concept may have been created myself to compensate myself this would have been at an eatly age also so I am not sure.

  7. 143

    Nop one should believe or believe anything you say pertaining to what you say in reply to my posts.

    So, for example, if I were to point out that Life cereal was introduced in 1961, people would do well to disbelieve me? Or maybe you’d rather have another go at remembering the exact date?

    Have you ever considered focusing on new inventions rather than trying to cobble together the memories of past inventions that are off-patent and well outside the statute of limitations by now?

  8. 142

    Thanks sarah;mikey dont like it. I also invented life cerial at coral ridge market in Ft. Lauderdale fla. That invention is vivid now although it took quite along time to pull back in.!963 I was about 10 years old.

  9. 140

    Ianie;Ide say since I invented 10000 major items or more that the immediate perfecting of my memory is not the way distant memory recall works especially when it may have occured at around 2 years old when you wouldent even have known witch end was up let alone invented great things. what I would probably say first is this could easily and quickly be proven a fraudulant deframation in this instance because there is sufficient persons who weere adults at the time and have the memory vivid in their minds. The question is who introduced the concept to congress and when in this case because its governmental there is no money involved only promotion potential from the good to the society then there may be little argument as to inventorship as no significant chunk of change is involved.What I would say to that person is if your not saying my decieced grandfather delbert invented it and I said I am trying to hone that one and some times it takes a year to pullit back in then your a liar. No Ianie I said I may have invented it once and in another post said I am trying to pull that one back in and some times it may take a year. Remenber ianie your a snakey deframatory individual bent on entrapments throuth lies and deciptions.Nop one should believe or believe anything you say pertaining to what you say in reply to my posts.

  10. 137

    What would you say to a hypothetical person who could remember the House of Representatives existing as early as 20 years before you were born? Say, because his dad worked there or something.

    You’re forgetting Mr. Thomas’s three grandfathers. And their three grandfathers. Aren’t you paying attention?

  11. 136

    I invent there jobs and they just stiff you on justice.

    What would you say to a hypothetical person who could remember the House of Representatives existing as early as 20 years before you were born? Say, because his dad worked there or something.

  12. 135

    anonymous; youv got a point there unless I get investors and or cliants there is not going to be any reason to hire them or any rehiring them in there original jobs. I think I am getting a lump of coal this year from congress. At lest when tesla starved to death he wasent the worlds greatest inventor or an inventor at all.

  13. 134

    This is great; now the PTO can finally recruit all those potential employees who said “I would love to be an examiner, but Alexandria just doesn’t have enough crime, snow, or pollution for my tastes.”

    All those unemployed automotive engineers will be great for examining our massive backlog of EE, Comp Sci, and chemical patents, I’m sure. Or did the nature of our backlog change since last I heard?

  14. 133

    Ianie;I may have done that with other family menbers like bushes, regans or nancy paloziei I think nancy is a great aunt to.Its amazing I invent there jobs and they just stiff you on justice.

  15. 132

    While I understand at least some of the reasons for the choice of locale, I had hoped that the USPTO would open its first satellite patent law office in a location that I might actually want to visit or live — Southern California, for instance. However, hopefully the USPTO’s selection of Detroit will help improve that city’s economy, in addition to increasing efficiency at the USPTO and taking a bite out of its infamous backlog.

  16. 131

    Im trying to hone that one some one whispered it in my ear the other day what year did it hapen some times it takes a year to pull it back in exactly probably late 1950s. I did the star spangled banner and the pledge of allegfiance and america america also my great uncle John F. Kennedys stuff and meranda rights with louisells in dertoit and maybe bill of rights any idea when they were discovered 1958 strikes a possibility also that that lovely new consyitution that was discovered in 1958.

  17. 130

    I wonder if he invented the “be otch on a mere comment section of a blog”

    Sunshine Malcolm – woe to you if Mikey ever pursues enforcement.

  18. 129

    Michael R. Thomas: I also invented The house of representatives and the two senator per state senate and the term liberty and justice for all.

    You raise the concept of “a problem of one’s own making” to a whole new level.

    Incidentally, when was it exactly that you invented the House and Senate? I couldn’t find that information on your website.

  19. 128

    Ping; so far no all except a few on this blog could care less not an attorney in the country cares to tackle it so far Im giving out cases by caragory individually or by the hundred if youm know someone interested you can represent even if your only a paralegal.I spend my time here because its a public form and i can attract attention to my and our country plight. I got more brains in my little finger than all of congress put together but they look like a disconcerned social club on this vital issue.I also invented The house of representatives and the two senator per state senate and the term liberty and justice for all.

  20. 127


    Still wondering how such a great inventor can’t invent himself a way out of your constant be otchin. Why are ya spending your time here rather than solving this problem? Surely a man of your talents can find a resolution, cantcha?

  21. 126

    Heres another ip progressive idea you hire the unemployed engineeres in detroit and huston and pair them with top inventors who have filed initial disclosure documents then have the engineers draw the final plan only problem is they usually want to end up owning the patent but maybe not in all cases they may take a percentage.

  22. 125

    Mr. bob not a thug; If your apto employee youve don a great thing today with your reply you should deserve a fair promotion although hopefully your not just looking for a sawsuit. Youve inspited me to create a new method for efficiant government instead of the oboma money squandereing mehtods of job creation.The money that pto would spend to create new offices can be used for startout inventor security inter pto hiring then with the rest of the extra money they can invest in select top inventions for development and business startups I think they should put you in charge bob because your not a thug.

  23. 124

    Mr bob not a thug; Your claim somewhat relieves my basic suspicians of potential government corruption permiating all levels. However your choice of locations is definately groosely scarey considering the multitude of potential violence from roberys that being a walking bank of intellectual property such as myself breeds. Also Combining this with a patent system that that provides no inventor security and the corporate ability to hire there own security with wads of money and you begin to understand a legal playing field thats upside down.I have invented a solution though with my previosu invention of the web cam and holding hearings via the internet in wich case you can leave the office in washington and not add to the division of the centralness of the office.

  24. 123

    This is from a speech from the then-retiring Chief Judge of the Federal Circuit, Paul Michel in April of this year:

    Let the PTO open satellite offices, in places like Detroit, and Houston, and hire unemployed engineers who are already experienced IP professionals.

  25. 121

    Who on earth would want to go to a pto office in that crime ridden neighborhood clearly There going to have to hire inventor secutity just to get applicants to file with the prospect of going into this war zone.Why on earth cant they locate in the suburbs where the crime is low and the applicants live.Sounds like the plan of a bunch of thugs.

  26. 120

    How long after these satellite offices get established that examiner’s pay become dependent on the region he’s located in?

  27. 119

    dave; sorry Id have been outahere long ago if ide cracked that one.Im looking for investors for R+D though if thats your choice wont include my famious replacement guarantee though although I will guarantee profits of 20%

  28. 118

    MRT –

    I know for a fact that there is government investment money for any inventions that can be demonstrated to allow time travel. Do you have anything like that yet?


  29. 117

    Dave; The first thing to do is find a funding source you will have to be a proponent for investors to become interested in my invention creation company Your position in charge of pto with a posative refrence will form a credible basic for public intrest.This may only work for newly formed companies as existing ones think I.P. grows on trees and will likley be unwilling to invest because of this and the fact that there filthy rich already.The other method is to force coperation through tax disincentives for non coperative nonvolvment.The other method is to have government invest directly in top invention conception companies this will involve the nessity of decision making wich must be hesavily publicly scrutinized to insure non coruption.I think we can get arround blyth dole because its an invention company not an individual invention although Idone feel blayth dole was ever intended to be applied in non gift statiuses.

  30. 115

    To David Kappos the idea sounds like a major shift for the good of human advancement and U.S.economic stimimulious.Of course initally I would have my doubts of actually sucessfully piercing the buerocratic gridlock that seams to permiate government and industry. Its potentially putting the cart before the hourse since I have no established clientel or investors that will pay me for any of the work and no changes in the patent system yet to insure any genuine payments.

  31. 114

    Thanks for the whole smuttiness offer, but I already have another project in the works – transvestite siamese twins that sleep with underaged boys.



  32. 113

    What about the documentary mike I can lead you away from your reputation of disgusting smuttiness into credible work and fame.The dock involves the bush family though your old hack victum.

  33. 112
    David Kappos, Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the U.S Patent and Trademark Office says:

    MRT –

    We were actually thinking about setting up a regional branch in Florida just to handle your prolific inventorship. Watcha think?


    Dave Kappos

  34. 110

    So now we have job creation tax cuts for wealthy corperations by oboma. Will any of this trickle down to inventors no. We still dont have patent reform significant enough to change any corperate attitudes about inventors.Oboma wants new branch pto offices to reduce backlogs of the 275000yearly trash patents issued by the office. Wile ignoring the fact that the inventors I.P. is being stolen in the handful of good patents. Does this sound like the way to create new jobs.Da I think not obona

  35. 109

    Mike moore; Im did french lick indiana but Im not sure on climax offhand got any conception date.Did you make any significant money off that last intellectual property I created for you.I am looking for some one to do the whole story of the correct history of invention. 15%me 85% you.

  36. 108

    So, that’s how Flint, Michigan got its name. I always wondered about that growing up. I wonder how Climax, Pennsylvania got its name.


    Michael Moore
    Documentary film maker

  37. 107

    Sam and gronk;sorry sam youv got your wires crossed and gronk no you lived in caves in tropical regions only going way back. My grandfather george dug the first northern latude winter survival attempt cave in 1803 in port huron michigan along the saint claire river after inventing the first dependable method of creating fire using flint striking stones fron the flint river in flint michigan.

  38. 105

    Michael –

    I invented the single wire telegraph in 1832, not 1831, and I was nowhere near Port Huron when I did it.


    Samuel F.B. Morse

    P.S. ..-…–.!

  39. 104

    My problem is not the speed of pto issuance but finding investors and customers for inventions They all want to steal and not pay so until this problem is fixed quick issuances only mean another method of being cheated of your patent rights by lack of fees or inability to do diligence what part of crookedest system on the face of the earth dont they understand.

  40. 101

    Sorry andrew; your not for real the first railway station was in port huron michigan at the end of gristwold st. in 1831 the worlds first railroad service started in 1810 in front of the house I used to live in this was actually an informal station conbined with the worlds first housing constructed 1807.The murders hapened in 1869. this building was also the site of the invention of the telegraph in 1831 and telephone 1872?

  41. 100

    Michael –

    The first railway stations, opened in 1830, were on the Liverpool and Manchester line, a part of the world I never visited in my lifetime. So, as you can see, I could not have committed murder there, with or without Mr. Edison’s company.

    Yours faithfully,

    Andrew Carnegie

  42. 98

    All –

    As I understand it, the plan is to open a number of regional offices around the United States in order to increase the available pool of patent examiners, thereby handling the backlog at the PTO. Without getting into a debate about the particular cities in which these offices should be located, the notion is that there are qualified candidates for examiner positions around the country, the vast majority of which do not wish to relocate to Northern Virginia.

    At least the PTO is doing something to rectify the problem. Hopefully, efforts will continue so that lapsed time to first office actions will be substatially less than a year, and reexaminations (supposedly expited proceedings) will no longer take years to complete.

  43. 97

    Joan; I believe your age and number of plastic surgeries are physically impossible. My own menory of the experience of inventing starting at 1 month old leads to believe that delbert did it in the same manor as myself witch is through hand signals and eye contacts.In 1869 the invention concieved with delberts father Isiah was clorine bleach and chemical synsathis at the worlds first rail station where isiah and his wife from the royal nicholis family was murdered by according to many witnesses andrew carneggie in an intellectual property dispute. Aparently edison and carnegie were on the run from murder charges in milan ohio involving theft. He established an alliby of his parents moving to port huron in 1851 to avoid prosecution. He then claimed to be a relative of the victun and collected large sums from the estate of isiah. e

  44. 95

    Michael –

    Allow me to introduce myself. I am Joan Rivers of TV Guide Channel fame. For the last many decades, I have kept my true age a secret. 427 separate plastic surgery operations have helped in that regard.

    Having reviewed your website, and its plea for historical memory, I was touched enough to reach out to you. My actual age is 179 years old, so I was indeed around when your grandfather Delbert first had contact with Thomas Edison. Your grandfather, although only an infant, invented a way to convert a baby’s senseless babbling into intelligible speech. Thus, Delbert was able to communicate to Mr. Edison, as early as 1869, his inventive ideas, which he already had begun having from the crib!

    This would explain how the commencement of Mr. Edison’s “ivnentive” activities were commensurate with the year of your grandfather’s birth.

    Hope this helps!


  45. 94

    Ianae;One of the basic misconceptions by judges and citizens is that anyone can invent. By stating the purality of inventors I am eliminating the conflict of the controversy of the claim of sole inventorship ability basically saying if we had improved inventorship determination methods then go ahead and try to invent it should be your right but you will quickly see that you cant produce anything significant as if you dident know that.The government through grants and investors in the private sector have invested in these individules extensively and research and development persones are very important to the completed project with previous are and technical dnowledge however they are cutting the original conciever without witch the product would not exist out of the deal by filing as the inventor.

  46. 93

    Michael R. Thomas: Instead of investing in top inventors producing markerable inventions

    Wait, are there or are there not inventors (plural) who produce marketable inventions? I thought it was just you and your ascendants.

    Why do you sometimes appear to support the PTO investing in these people who are stealing the credit for your work?

  47. 92

    Michael –

    I don’t speak English as my native language, but I think the correct expression is “right from rong.”



  48. 91

    Nicolae ceaucescu; Sorry my basic theory supported by my memory doesent allow the concept that any other inventors were responsible for significant original invention conception other than myself and 3 grandfathers.The lifestyle in that country would be to foreign and there is no law infrastructure that as least promises justice and liberty for all al so invented by myself and grandfathers.Besides my powerbase as the high federal and worlds high royal under the 1830 articles of confederation has for 55years established wright from wrong as the historic high federal of the U.S. It a republican based oligarky thing.

  49. 90

    I’m optimistic about this, as long as the USPTO-Detroit doesn’t hire Matt Millen.

    Posted by: anonymous | Dec 16, 2010 at 01:35 PM


    You mean Uncle Leo. lol

  50. 87

    Michael –

    I agree with Comrade Kim. Until my wife and I were executed by the hooligans that overthrew the people’s government in Romania in 1989, we were responsible for inventing some of the world’s most useful things, including:

    canned beer
    sliced bread
    radial tires
    individually wrapped popsicles
    gas pedals shaped like feet
    pet rocks
    leisure suits

    Did we get credit for any of that stuff? No! I feel your pain, and encourage you to take up Kim’s offer to go to North Korea to exploit your inventive genius. I would join you, but I’m deceased.

    Yours in innovation.

    Nicolae Ceaucescu

  51. 86

    Starting branch pto offices around the country is not going to solve the base problem they have 275000 trash patents granted yearly with only a handful of good ones. Instead of investing in top inventors producing markerable inventions there investing in the buerocracy of unnessary aditional offices.

  52. 85

    Ping; sorry I cant find any investors they all bought stolen I.P. and now theres no money left for good patents funding and filing.Ianae Thats why I am trying to change the patent system to recieve justice instead of injustice its more like definately since 1805 and the invention of fire and metal although many say it goes back to nebacanizer of egypt and babalon.Your the one that is saying china is my ally not me I say they are using my stolen I.P. just like all the other countries and snakey attorneys such as yourself maybe are putting it in the wrong name.No Ive never been to china.China has I. p. because of defective U.S. patent system.Yes I am the worlds only inventor of significance.

  53. 84

    Hmmm, lots of sour grapes in wine country this year.

    They did announce plans for two more branch offices in the coming year, you know. They can’t all be in Detroit.

    Incidentally, when was the last time that attitude got you improved customer service from anybody?

  54. 83

    Corrupt decision. CA files more apps than anywhere else. We could use a branch here. This is a perfect example of the need for continuing reform of the DC culture.

  55. 79

    PTO thinks it has trouble with retention now? Just wait til the first winter (or first mugging) hits those new hires in Detroit.

  56. 78

    Michael R. Thomas: I would like gratitude and payment for what we have done and potentially could do in the future.

    2500 years of selective breeding and innovation, and you still expect that doing the same thing again will yield a different result.

    You may have smart genes, but I think you’re missing a chromosome somewhere.

    Michael R. Thomas: China your ally is certantly not doing well with inventor compensations after siezing and nationalizing i.p.

    Why does China even have IP? You’re the world’s only inventor, aren’t you? Ever been to China?

    Stickler: “The personal attendance of applicants or their attorneys or agents at the Patent and Trademark Office is unnecessary”

    Well, sure it is. Filing a patent application is also unnecessary. But it is an available option, and we do it when we think it would be a good idea.

    You wouldn’t want applicants responding to every rejection in person, now would you? That would be pretty silly. Look at the thousands of applicants already queuing up for an oral hearing on appeal who will still be waiting when their patents expire.

  57. 77

    All I have to say is this:

    the choice of Detroit was obviously politically-motivated.

    Decisions of this type always are; they are opportunities too valuable to squander, politically.

  58. 76

    Litigation does not have a rule like 37 CFR § 1.2 “Business to be transacted in writing”

    And that matters because …. ?

  59. 75

    except they dont quite have the right stuff for major original conceptions.

    C’mon Mikey, invent some better ones then.

  60. 74

    Michael R. Thomas,

    Please come and visit. We have much to discuss. I will show why the nucular club must be overcome because they use that nucular threat to steal my ip which is everything.

    Michael, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy.

  61. 73

    You could say the same for litigation

    Except you cannot.

    Litigation does not have a rule like 37 CFR § 1.2 “Business to be transacted in writing“:

    The personal attendance of applicants or their attorneys or agents at the Patent and Trademark Office is unnecessary

  62. 72

    Kim Jong-il; Thank you for your offer its the best one ive recieved in 57years concerning inventing. My family has been the most severe example of the evils of capitalism immaginable.Until the government breaks the back of this evil mob the black hole on human advancement grows and by obonas actions and disconcerns that will be the rest of his term.How ever what I like about america is my right to critize and attempt to bring about change through being in the right or at least having the illusion of the ability to do so.China your ally is certantly not doing well with inventor compensations after siezing and nationalizing i.p. clearly this will extend the black hole considerably and make inventors think twice about dealing with communist countries.Your countries asperations to become nucular are not in line with my establisment of U.S. policy of discouraging new members into the nucular club Your efforts would be better spent trying to formulate less agressively negative foreign policies twords the U.S. You should seize the opertunity to slowly transition from dictatorship to a peace loving democratic society.

  63. 71

    Detroit has a surplus of highly experienced engineers with strong work ethic, practical technical experience, and native english language skills, who have been displaced during the shrinkage of domestic automakers and auto suppliers. This is a smart strategic move by the patent office to upgrade it’s skill set. Only challenge will be for the PTO recruiters to sort the tall pile of job applicants they will get.

  64. 70

    and find another city in “battleground” state that has a lot of electoral votes and is essential…


    Nah – they always buy the schlock and get screwed with empty promises (from both parties). Plus that would be too close to Detroit.

    Look for somewhere in California.

  65. 69

    Obama and his Marxist minions are disassembling the USPTO and distributing its operations around the country as political payback. Want to know where the next “satellite office” is going to be? Look at the 2008 red state/blue state map and find another city in “battleground” state that has a lot of electoral votes and is essential to Obama’s re-election in 2012. This makes me want to vomit.

  66. 68

    Mr. Michael R. Thomas,

    Like yourself I am also an inventor of many things. My father the Great Leader was also known as the Great Inventor in my country.

    I too have invented many inventions which help promote our excellent way of life in my great nation and develop our large nuclear program. I am the greatest inventor is Asia if not the world.

    That the imperialist swine of the United States have stolen your families inventions for all these many years is a tragedy not unlike the occupation of South Korea by the US with their dogs the Japanese.
    It is only the fact of my genetically engineered intellect that enabled us to survive.

    Please come to North Korea. I believe that if we can combine our inventive spirits through the power of the principles of Juche we shall conceive many a great inventions for humanity and bring great honor to our names. All their base are belong to us.

    Kim Jong-il

  67. 67

    Well; there’s actually at least one great reason for locating in Detroit.

    O.K., fine; I’m lying.

    And see what happens when we “encourage” foil-hat wearing folks like MRT and Sarah by responding to their otherworldly comments?

    Maybe they should have been Larry King’s last interviews …

  68. 66

    I’m sure eventually they’ll also have PTO: Miami. Starring Primary Examiner David Caruso, of course.

    “I guess you could say he…” (dons sunglasses) “…got rejected.”


  69. 65

    You want to open a satellite office and get examiners to move there it will have to be a nicer place than that!

    political motivations – common sense = doomed to fail.

  70. 63

    Instead of progressive patent reform to inspire inventors there opening a office where there are no inventors. engineers and scientists dont invent anything only inventors do.

  71. 61

    Detroit could use a boost and at least used to have a lot of talented engineers and scientists. Not sure it would have been my first pick but need to start somewhere. So long as politics didn’t play a role, should help some un- or underemployed people in the area.

  72. 60

    John richards; This is what hapens when you have non inventative politicians attempting to look good without any real plan to improve anything this plan sprang from my original plan to establish an pto office in Ft.Myers. They figure do anything except what the worlds top inventor wants oboma is the most inovation retartive president in history.

  73. 58

    Tinla Ianyl;No my intention is to tell ungrateful people such as potentially yourself and definately thousands of others that my familys inventions are responsible for the ability of the planet to sustain the population that it does and that ingrates would not exist therefor you owe your existance to those inventions.I would like gratitude and payment for what we have done and potentially could do in the future.Your a real twister tinyl you create deframations without the least refrence in my post. Nasty!

  74. 57

    “According to your theory, I guess bringning a hot blonde to an in-person interview helps your chances for getting a patent.”

    If she happens to be available after I get off work I can assure you that you can help your chances for getting a patent.

    I just recently had my first few in-person interviews and I can assure you that they did nothing that a phone call wouldn’t have done just as well or better. But these attorneys work right beside the PTO so it isn’t that big of a bother for them.

  75. 56

    So your invention to solve the global warming problem is to eliminate people from the planet? And you expect gratitude for an invention like that?

  76. 55

    Tinla ianyl; No you said that my family is not to blame for global warming They make the mistake of sharing the inventions with others that also would not exist to pollute the earth if they had known of the ingratitude and lack of compensatiuon not to mention being murdered as a heinious reward for inventing go ahead and take yourself off the planit you shouldent exist anyways that will make a small contribution to solving the problem.So far ive invented everything that has been done and recieved nothing for it that doesent pay the rent.Saying theys be ever so grateful isent reality do you think any billionaire philantrapist have contributed a dime, not a chance.

  77. 54

    IP Watchdog has coverage of the conference call where the announcement was made.

    link to

    Executive Summary: location within Detroit not yet finalized, 100 examiners by the summer of 2011, mostly new examiners rather than relocations, perhaps one or two more satellite offices within a year after Detroit opens

  78. 53

    Has the PTO explained the rationale for Detroit?
    I agree that it’s important to have examiners and not inventors, but
    I don’t understand the choice. Of all the places to live in in the U.S.,
    there have to be a LOT better places to live than Detroit. Why does
    the government have to operate from crowded, cold, metropolitan
    areas with poor schools and lots of crime. Is it just what they are used to
    and it feels like home?

    Seriously, please explain the choice.

  79. 52

    Look, if you want to blow smoke up your client’s xss, then in-person is the way to go. If you want your client to pay for your (expensive) trip across the country, so you can have a grand old time, and oh yeah spend 1 hour with the examiner, then in-person is the way to go. If you want to piss off an examiner by forcing them to come into the office, or fly across the country to sit in close quarters with your ugly xss, then in-person is the way to go.

    However, if you want to be realistic, and live in the 21st century, then then in-person is not the way to go. If you want to embrace all forms of communication now and in the future, then in-person is not the way to go.

    Something tells me that you’re not a very personable guy; perhaps that’s why you prefer telephonic interviews. If that works for you, fine. However, for the rest of us practitioners that wish to obtain patents for our clients, we’ll use the in-person interviews when we can.

  80. 51

    So, MRT, you’re saying that your family is entirely to blame for global warming? Why don’t you go invent a solution to that? We’ll be ever so grateful.

  81. 50

    “Jules must be a lazy, unprofessional, ignorant, hoteling examiner.”

    There. Fixed it for ya.

    You’re welcome.

    “Maybe it’s just me…”

    No. It’s not just you. There are lots of lazy, unprofessional, ignorant types like you where you work. You’re not special.


  82. 49

    Ianie; Clearly if my grandfathers and myself had realized how ungrateful people are for these inventions then non of them would have occured. We would be back in the tropical zones only naked wet and hitting efach over the head for a handful of grubs or an esuculant raw snake.Grandfather delbert invented 1883 desoto worlds first automobile. Grandfather george invented cultivation 1819 cast iron drag cultivators. I invented consumer electronics with phillips the transistor radio 1958or 9

  83. 47

    Look, if you want to blow smoke up your client’s xss, then in-person is the way to go. If you want your client to pay for your (expensive) trip across the country, so you can have a grand old time, and oh yeah spend 1 hour with the examiner, then in-person is the way to go. If you want to piss off an examiner by forcing them to come into the office, or fly across the country to sit in close quarters with your ugly xss, then in-person is the way to go.

    However, if you want to be realistic, and live in the 21st century, then then in-person is not the way to go. If you want to embrace all forms of communication now and in the future, then in-person is not the way to go.

    “This is a real opportunity to make the PTO more accessible, and at the same time increase the PTO’s capacity to carry out its primary function.”

    Yeah, put it in the country’s biggest shxthole, and see how many people flock there. Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer a warm climate and a nice place to live, not Detroit. It’s like Siberia.

  84. 46

    Las Vegas, lulz! Examination roulette. I’ll allow dependent claim 23 if you rewrite it in independent form, OR we can spin the wheel again, but I’ll have to replace 3 New Grounds of Rejection slots on the wheel with Express Abandonments.

  85. 44

    I am not convinced that in-person interviews must be maintained for the USPTO.

    Surely they don’t happen as often as all that?

    There are some cases where an in-person interview can really help, and it’s nice to be able to have them in those cases. The rest of the time, the mere theoretical possibility that an in-person interview might someday be requested probably doesn’t have much effect on the examiners’ day-to-day.

    The USPTO has been in a single region for a long time now. And yet, people on the west coast have still managed to obtain patents all this time.

    If “people manage” were a valid argument against improving things, we (by which I mean Michael R. Thomas) wouldn’t even have bothered with agriculture, let alone motor vehicles and consumer electronics.

    This is a real opportunity to make the PTO more accessible, and at the same time increase the PTO’s capacity to carry out its primary function. Plus, we get to stick it to those foreigners who can never hope to have a local PTO branch office. Sorry Max.

  86. 43

    The field is *intellectual property*. It has nothing to do with making the examiner feel all cozy. According to your theory, I guess bringning a hot blonde to an in-person interview helps your chances for getting a patent. Each application should be treated on its merits, not on how good of a physical communicator you are with body language.

    Not to be pendantic, but have you ever been on a date? How about a job interview? Do you find that you learn more about the other person while you’re talking to the person face-to-face, as opposed to over the phone?

    Each application should be treated on its merits, but if you can put yourself in a situation where you can understand where the examiner is coming from and what the examiner is thinking with regard to your client’s invention, you can use that information to refine your prosecution strategy, amend the claims of your application accordingly, and be closer to getting allowable subject matter for your client. The foregoing is easier to do in-person than over the phone, especially if you want to do a demonstration of your client’s invention or the cited prior art during the interview. It’s why applicants are willing to pay their agents/attorneys the extra money to conduct in-person interviews as opposed to telephonic interviews. I suggest you try it.

  87. 42

    Well said IANAE, as usual. You are correct to an extent. I’m all for communication – it’s the best. But there are many forms of it, and I am not convinced that in-person interviews must be maintained for the USPTO.

    The USPTO has been in a single region for a long time now. And yet, people on the west coast have still managed to obtain patents all this time.

  88. 41

    Ianae; With reguards to what you precieve as complainting and my need to focus on reduction to practice. You need to realize that over 57 years these inventions have been stolen using every dirty trick in the book including severe physical violence.You say I am complainting yet I am again defending myself aginst your sarcasm and deframitory comments.As far as reduction to practice I cant start that until I get funding and cant get funding from anyone.This is where the lack of money allows another one of the patent systems forty diferent ways to steal an intellectual property

  89. 40

    Each application should be treated on its merits, not on how good of a physical communicator you are with body language.

    You could say the same for litigation, but in-person oral arguments can still win or lose a case because you need the decision-maker to understand the merits and be convinced by them.

    No matter what the merits of your case are, if you’re bad at communicating with the PTO you are doing your client a disservice.

  90. 39

    taking advantage of a depressed real estate market.

    That seems to assume that the real estate market in Reno and/or Vegas is going to bounce back.

    Dream on.

  91. 37

    “You should, as engaging in them would help your clients.”

    The field is *intellectual property*. It has nothing to do with making the examiner feel all cozy. According to your theory, I guess bringning a hot blonde to an in-person interview helps your chances for getting a patent. Each application should be treated on its merits, not on how good of a physical communicator you are with body language.

  92. 35

    What other economically run-down cities with (1) sufficient infrastructure, (2) sufficient inventive industry, and (3) advantageous geographical locations could/should the USPTO open satellite offices in? Oakland, CA is the first … and only place that comes to mind, at the moment.

    I was thinking either Las Vegas or Reno. I think it would be a great location for another satellite office, as it would service the Left Coast while taking advantage of a depressed real estate market. I’m not sure whether the presence of an inventive industry is a pertinent concern.

  93. 34

    Let me state the obvious:

    It seems like a really dumb idea considering the direction telework is going in.

    Frankly, who cares about in-person interviews?

    Get them get trained up in one area, then let them work anywhere.

  94. 31

    What other economically run-down cities with (1) sufficient infrastructure, (2) sufficient inventive industry, and (3) advantageous geographical locations could/should the USPTO open satellite offices in? Oakland, CA is the first … and only place that comes to mind, at the moment.

  95. 29

    Ianie; I dident say I was a gambler what I am saying is without capitol you cant start business and the individules who ripped you are going to be the last to reinvest from there first I.P. rip.Is there an attorney in the house.Peter;It should have been on all channels since the 1950s then there might have been justice except they steal everything from me also so they dont want the story.

  96. 27

    The reality is my cival rights have been violated with reguards to participating in a free market system of capitalism by a huge rich greedy mob who refuse to admit frauds and are conspiring to exclude me from monitary funding of my startups.

    That’s like saying that you were denied the right to participate in a game of roulette because you bet on red and it came up black.

    If you didn’t participate, where did your bet go?

  97. 26

    Chris hopefully your not refering to me as the troll or N.P.E. The reality is my cival rights have been violated with reguards to participating in a free market system of capitalism by a huge rich greedy mob who refuse to admit frauds and are conspiring to exclude me from monitary funding of my startups.Patrolling is nessary or the integrity of the system is destroyed only corruption and lack of incentive to create remain.

  98. 25

    SV atty said: “Both DC and MI are 3 hours off from Pacific Time. Real nice when some examiners are only available by phone from 6am until 2:30 EST (essentially, afternoons off to us in SV).”

    Maybe you can begin your day at 4 AM and work till 6 PM?

  99. 24

    Smart productive persons (No not you Ianae) make smart genetic code choices reguarding marriage and reproduction in order to create high intellegence offspring.

    Maybe if you spent a little less time making smart choices regarding conception and focused your intelligence more on constructive reduction to practice, you’d have a lot less to complain about.

  100. 23

    So we’re all having fun feeding the troll/participating in a thoughtful discussion, but does anyone have any further details… i.e. where/when the press conference is?

  101. 22

    I can tell you how it works. Smart productive persons (No not you Ianae) make smart genetic code choices reguarding marriage and reproduction in order to create high intellegence offspring. I think royal families may have been created around 1830 during my greatgrandfathers invention of the articles of confederation.This appears to be the time of conception of law and order.

  102. 21

    Wilton; first you need to realize that for many inventions there are different claimers that dident recieve the credit or money. Al gore dident invent the mouse and 25mile movement experiment that doesent mean he dident develop it using this and my previous invention of fiberoptic cable with bill vermeer.I invented the internet concept with John lentz who was cheated as was myself You need to realize that Invented every single concept concerning the internet though to grasp the magnitude of the situation.

  103. 19

    Worlds greatest blog reader; I suspect it has to do with worlds top genetic codes for invention In myself and my three grandfathers other theroies are that mother nature only produces one at a time or as each royal family was added the level of ability increased in an increasingly rare genetic code read more on the site.

  104. 18

    Al Gore, is that you?

    No, Al Gore would never complain that he can’t afford to mail a letter to the PTO because it’s too far away.

  105. 17

    Worlds greatest blog reader; I invented the original concept of the website and it wouldent exist without me or the entire internet for that matter including the fancy stuff.

    Al Gore, is that you?

  106. 16

    What about silicon valley?

    Too expensive. Few, if any, examiners could live there on their salaries. DC is bad enough.

    Both DC and MI are 3 hours off from Pacific Time. Real nice when some examiners are only available by phone from 6am until 2:30 EST (essentially, afternoons off to us in SV). Forget face-to-face interviews.

    Have you tried asking nicely and well in advance of the three-month extension deadline? I have never seen any resistance to scheduling face-to-face or telephone interviews.

    We file lots of patents from here, but get no real customer service from the PTO or any acknowledgement that they are 3 hours off our time.

    I bet they’d be willing to take Official Notice that there is a 3-hour difference between the East and West coasts.

  107. 15

    Worlds greatest blog reader; I invented the original concept of the website and it wouldent exist without me or the entire internet for that matter including the fancy stuff. If some of the people who stole my inventions had paid me I could afford a professional site although the present one is quite functional.

  108. 14

    Ianae; I disagree with your rational the pto office has examiners already in it so they dont need to be moved out.

    That’s not the point. The USPTO has a ton of examiners in the hotelling program. However, examiners must be available for in-person interviews, which requires hotelling examiners to travel to and from the USPTO. They are also required by law to make periodic trips to the USPTO (for reasons that are not particularly clear). If these requirements are too onerous for examiners who would like to live well outside of the Beltway, then such examiners are less likely to keep working at the USPTO. Thus, it is more important to the USPTO to provide convenience to examiners and potential examiners, as doing so makes the job of being an examiner more attractive.

  109. 13

    SV atty: “…maybe making life easier for the PTO’s customers should also be a goal for a new office.”

    Why should it be a goal for a new office when it is not a goal for the current office? For example, how about working shifts in D.C., or flex-time to accommodate the west coast time difference?

    Don’t hold your breath.

  110. 12

    Ianae; I disagree with your rational the pto office has examiners already in it so they dont need to be moved out. Wile inventors are usually broke be cause big business wants only to steal and not pay actual inventor. Inventors need economical short distance hearings so they can get patents into the correct name.A better idea would be city rotating time of year offices for equal acess by all parties.

  111. 11

    “except they [my family] don’t quite have the right stuff for major original conceptions”

    What happened? From your website: “Buy with confidence from my company. My genetic historical chain of grandfathers has, for 2,500 years, produced all of the major inventions in this time frame, arguably.”

    wow, that’s great. You should put “invent a new website” on your invention to-do list

  112. 10

    What about silicon valley?

    Oh course I feel some need to support Detroit’s bad economy, but maybe making life easier for the PTO’s customers should also be a goal for a new office. Both DC and MI are 3 hours off from Pacific Time. Real nice when some examiners are only available by phone from 6am until 2:30 EST (essentially, afternoons off to us in SV). Forget face-to-face interviews. We file lots of patents from here, but get no real customer service from the PTO or any acknowledgement that they are 3 hours off our time.

  113. 9

    Michael R. Thomas: Theres been no significant invention comming from detroit since I moved out in 1960

    1) It’s more important for the PTO to be near examiners than to be near inventors. Inventors are free to communicate with them from anywhere by mail, fax, or internets.

    2) You should at least file a patent application or two before implying that the PTO should follow you around the country.

    anonymous: as the USPTO-Detroit doesn’t hire Matt Millen.

    That doesn’t worry me. I hear the government diverts Millens from the PTO every year.

  114. 7

    Theres been no significant invention comming from detroit since I moved out in 1960 I did allot from Mt.Clemons and port Huron areas until 1988.Clearly Ft. Myers would be the place to locate at as its my present residence.It is a great place for a skilled R+D personal although many of my family members live there except they dont quite have the right stuff for major original conceptions.

  115. 4

    I wonder if this heralds the beginning of a movement that has as its logo a hand facing rearward toward Washington, with a different finger raised.

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