New Abstract Ideas?

In the recent spate of abstract idea cases, the identified abstract ideas have been concepts that are old and well known such that the court can easily take judicial notice of their antiquity.  The courts particularly point to the long heritage of an idea as evidence of its abstractness.  However, that antiquity-limitation does not appear to be a requirement. Rather, it seems correct to say that a “newly discovered” abstract idea is also an ineligible abstract idea.  My question here then is what importance or relevance should be given in the abstract-idea analysis as to whether or not the central idea is old or new?  Or, is my assumption wrong and abstract ideas (in this context) are only those that are old?

217 thoughts on “New Abstract Ideas?

  1. 19

    To answer your question: The inability of the courts to think straight and write well results in the conflation of obviousness and ineligibility. If it is an abstract idea, a court should state that it is not subject-matter-eligible because it is an abstract idea. If it is also obvious, like implementing an old business method with the improvement of doing it on a computer, the courts should say that it is also obvious. Instead, the courts say something like “all they did was implement an old idea on a computer” so it is subject matter ineligible. From this, in our system where rule evolve from prior case law, we could see case law in which ineligibility requires lack of novelty, in addition to abstraction. That is a rule you might distill from the case law, and would make your assumption wrong.

    1. 19.1

      DC, just a small point, but I do not believe that the Supreme Court is using the term “abstract” the way that term was developed in the case law, particularly in Morse and Rubber Tip Pencil – an idea without more, a disembodied concept. Many of these claims are quite detailed in the method and means for carrying them out. Virtually no one would consider them abstract in the sense announced in the original Supreme Court cases.

      What I think the Supreme Court is doing is using the term abstract almost as a nonce word to describe what they really mean – that the subject matter of the claim that is new, the real invention being claimed, is not statutory. Thus a claim could include statutory subject matter such as machines like computers, articles a manufacture like index cards, or compositions of matter, but that subject matter is entirely old and conventional and rather serves to dress up the claim in order to nominally bring it within the statutory classes.

      Thus I would tell you that you can reliably predict that if the novel subject matter in the claim is merely using things like computers or manufacturers or compositions of matter rather than making them, or improving them (new or improved within the meaning of section 101), then the claim effectively is claiming nonstatutory subject matter and the Supreme Court will never permit patents to extend so far.

      Thus when we are talking about nonstatutory subject matter, the issue of whether it is new or old is completely irrelevant. In contrast, the issue always will be whether the statutory subject matter is new or improved – exactly what the statute requires.

      1. 19.1.1

        Thus I would tell you that you can reliably predict that if the novel subject matter in the claim is merely using things like computers or manufacturers or compositions of matter rather than making them, or improving them (new or improved within the meaning of section 101), then the claim effectively is claiming nonstatutory subject matter and the Supreme Court will never permit patents to extend so far.

        You just said that “merely using” something isn’t patent eligible, but 35 USC 101 includes “process” as one of the four statutory classes. Does the distinction between an “abstract” process and a 101-eligible one stem from whether the process produces something that is itself statutory? If not, can you address what a statutory process looks like?

    1. 18.1

      It depends on the nature of the invention.

      By analogy:

      is a patent directed to:

      “A contraption which generates 10 kWh energy per ton of substance X”

      The mere statement of Software (here contraption), and the mere statement of the context or desired result parents seeing what kids look like (here 10 kWh energy per ton…) reveals nothing about what invention may or may not be present in the actual Software (or contraption) which actually achieves the result.

      If a claim merely stated “A contraption … to achieve X” or “Software to let parents…x” would be invalid, that has nothing to do with whether or not something has been invented and could be claimed (and properly described).

    2. 18.2

      People have been imagining what other people would look like if they were older for hundreds of years.

      It’s called “theatrical make up”.

      You use your brain and the persons face to figure out the solution.

      What does your magical computer do differently?

    3. 18.3

      Fish, the so-called software actually requires inputs and outputs and more accurately what is described in the link is a method involving images.

  2. 17

    The claims define an invention. It serves as a definition whose referents include the total sum of concretes (apparatus, acts, etc.) which fall within its metes and bounds. In essence the claims are “directed to” an invention that is a tangible thing or set of acts.

    This is to be distinguished from the purpose or result, i.e. the object of the invention in use, the transformation of the information for achievement of a purpose, i.e. what the invention is “directed to”.

    Does anyone else here believe there is a recurring logical error occurring, namely, of conflation between the fact that claims are directed to inventions with the fact that inventions are directed to certain ends? i.e. a conflation between the invention (what the claims are directed to) and what the invention is directed to?

    1. 17.1

      The conflation you speak if is occurring at the claim drafting stage. If these new machines were described in objective structural terms that distinguish them from prior art machines, we would not be having this discussion.

      1. 17.1.1

        MPEP 2173.05(g) Functional Limitations “There is nothing inherently wrong with defining some part of an invention in functional terms.”

    2. 17.2

      “The claims define an invention.”

      But the claims are not themselves the invention. Once you accept that your perspective will be freshened up.

      1. 17.2.1

        That IS my “perspective”… claims “define” the invention.

        It would be irrational to equate a claim with an invention… a claim is a string of words… not the invention itself.


          “It would be irrational to equate a claim with an invention”

          And yet the rest of your OP rests entirely on the claims being the invention. Gl internalizing that which you purport is already your perspective, as well as its effects on what you then want to talk about in your OP.


            Useful chat about terminology here. Thanks both.

            For me (and most everybody else in Europe, I suspect) the claim “defines” an “invention”. What the claim contains though is not an “invention” but rather “subject matter”. It is that “subject matter” which can exhibit the property of patentable eligibility, novelty or non-obviousness.

            Drawing this distinction between “invention” and “claimed subject matter” helps focus on the claim. I never thought about it before, but now I suspect that this distinction can damp down emotion, when arguing about whether I can have a patent for my “invention”.

            Question: is Europe’s “subject matter” terminology used in the same way, in the USA?

    3. 17.3

      Anon2, I do believe the Supreme Court at times uses confusing language. But if you read cases like Hotel Security that helps explain the issues quite well, what they are doing is determining what in the claim is new and what in the claim is old, and whether that which is new is statutory, and if not, give it no weight from a patentability point of view.

      Now they can do this at the 101 stage if and only if it is patently clear that the statutory subject matter, such as machines, manufactures or compositions of matter, or processes as in Prometheus, either are notoriously old or admitted to be old. Otherwise I can see no other choice but to analyze the claims under 102/103 to determine whether the statutory subject matter is in fact new or nonobvious. This is exactly where the problem begins if the nonstatutory subject matter is given weight in this analysis if that nonstatutory subject matter is not integrated with the statutory to produce a functional modification. Fortunately, even the Federal Circuit recognizes that nonstatutory subject matter is not be given weight in the 102/103 analysis. There are plethora recent cases on that point. (If you would like, I can cite you a some point.)

  3. 16

    “My question here then is what importance or relevance should be given in the abstract-idea analysis as to whether or not the central idea is old or new? ”

    None according to the law.

  4. 15

    Dennis, I’ll add this one other comment. If I can write a claim in terminology that allows software engineers to understand what it covers … that allows them to know whether they would or would not be infringing it, and if it is directed to a statutory class, then there should be no problem with eligibility. If there is a question as to whether the claim is too “abstract” (a term so ill-defined it’s of no use in any principled legal analysis and is better reserved for philosophers), then leave that to a jury. Let the jury hear from experts in the field what they think the claim covers. Let proofs be offered as to the meaning of the claim. If those of ordinary skill in the art can understand what it means, then the spaghetti mess of 101 jurisprudence only complicates the issues and adds to the costs. Courts should get out of the way and apply technology-agnostic patent law as needed.

    1. 15.3

      Hierarchy, I agree with your post to the extent, but only to the extent, that the Supreme Court use of the word abstract not only is indefinite, and it is quite misleading.

      What they are doing is applying Hotel Security without saying they are doing so.

    2. 15.4

      What you describe is real patent law. The new Alice test is a “I know when I see it test.”

  5. 14

    Well, actually, the court says as clearly as it can be said, “no.” The Alice test, for “long prevalent,” is entirely distinct from what we used to call “abstract.” The Alice court says several times that the characteristics we used to rely are are “beside the point” and “attached no importance to the fact.” All that matters now is that the idea is long in use.

    Diehr and Alice are two distinct tests. The facts that are dispositive to one are irrelevant to the other.

    1. 14.1

      David – it makes sense to me that it should be more difficult to patent the application of a long-prevalent-abstract-idea and to patent the application of a newly-imagined-abstract-idea. I also agree that we have multiple tests for eligiblity stemming from the various cases. However, I don’t read the Alice court as being so explicit about the difference.

      1. 14.1.1

        it should be more difficult to patent the application of a long-prevalent-abstract-idea
        Why should that matter under 35 USC 101? If it is an obvious implementation, then it is kicked out under 35 USC 103.


          It’s impossible to evaluate the obviousness of abstract labels applied to data in information processing claims.

          The gambit of “do it with obviousness” is just a return to the status quo where the folks who depended on that status quo will go the wall with arguments that “available real estate is totally different from available X” or “identifying what was viewed from a list is totally different from identifying what was not viewed.”

          But maybe you have some workable, practical ideas for making these evaluations. If so, let’s hear them.

      2. 14.1.2


        Why qualify the concept “idea” with the term “abstract”. Can there be “non-abstract ideas”? i.e. what difference is there between “abstract ideas” and “non-abstract ideas”?

        If there is no distinction in reality then we have just ideas… your question would reduce to “long prevalent ideas” and “new ideas”.

  6. 13

    Again, just chipping in without reading the entire thread but on the issue of novelty of Abstract ideas, how about this.

    The EPO is interested in that which is “new” or “not obvious” within the rubric of the useful arts. So an inventive step elsewhere (the plot of a thriller, how to pay less tax) doesn’t “count” towards patentability.

    So too with novelty. On an old coffee mug, some new design etched on its cylindical face fails to make the mug patentably “novel”.

    In the moment you discover a Law of Nature, is it any more patentably “novel” than the one Isaac Newton discovered? In the moment you have a “new” idea, does it have patentable “novelty”.

    If so, is it simply an oxymoron to talk about novelty in abstract ideas?

    1. 13.1

      Max, “If so, is it simply an oxymoron to talk about novelty in abstract ideas?”

      Absolutely. It was a red herring argument introduced by Rader in Bilski who was then trying to derail the MOT, and Hotel Security (Dyk).

      Max, if you haven’t done so already, you may actually want to read Hotel Security. Basically its “holding” is that in mixed subject matter claims, the nonstatutory part has to be ignored and invention must lie in the statutory part. If that is old the claim is unpatentable.

      I put holding in quotes because the case was actually resolved because the claim subject matter actually was known. However it’s dicta was followed in Guthrie v. Curlett, and was followed in many CCPA cases including In re Russell. The gist of the holding is still followed by the Federal Circuit which in a recent case gave no weight the statutory subject matter in deciding novelty.

      While there are some here who refuse to acknowledge any cases decided outside of the Federal Circuit, Hotel Security actually is prevailing law even in the Federal Circuit, but famously, or infamously, Judge Rich and State Street Bank refuse to follow that case. Judge Dyk in Bilski wanted to overrule State Street Bank. Just Stevens and three others in Bilski also want to overturn State Street Bank directly and restore Hotel Security.

      There is no doubt that sense Prometheus, the Supreme Court is following the analysis of Hotel Security.

  7. 12

    I haven’t read every word of all the thread, so please forgive if I now write something that has been already said.

    Anybody who knows anything about EPO jurisprudence knows the “per se” cabining of the prohibition on patents for methods of doing business and programs for computers. Just as some subject matter that can fairly be summarised as a “business method” might still be fit to patent under the EPC, so might subject matter which can fairly be described as an abstract idea.

    Mindful of this, SCOTUS is perhaps trying to do its own cabining, up to now by taking judicial notice of the antiquity of the underlying idea.

    At the EPO, subject matter fit for patenting is presented in a claim as a combination of features. The justification for granting a patent is not that the claimed subject matter poses a problem to be solved. Rather, that it specifies the solution through a combination of technical features. Scope of protection must be no wider than commensurate with the enabled solution.

    But every so often, patentability can be recognised in the mere appreciation of the problem to be solved, with a patent being fit, even if solving the stated problem is trivial and not inventive. Perhaps SCOTUS wants to keep the way free, in the USA , for patents on such “Problem Inventions”?

  8. 11

    You people keep using the term “algorithm” as if it were something holy…

    “In mathematics and computer science, an algorithm (Listeni/ˈælɡərɪðəm/ AL-gə-ri-dhəm) is a step-by-step procedure for calculations. Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning.”

    Hence it is just math, and ineligible.


            Oh no, there is no doubt that software when applied to improve a computer, the computer art, a larger machine, or conventional process is eligible.

            But the problem is that people want the claim the computer program itself sans application.


              But the problem is that people want the claim the computer program itself sans application.
              What’s the problem? A computer program is a tool to solve a problem.

              Can I claim a screwdriver without an application? Can I claim a hammer without an application? Can a claim a 5-axis CNC milling machine without an application? Of course we can.

              Of course if you, can show me where “sans application” is within 35 USC, I’ll concede the point.


                Oh No,

                A computer is a tool to solve a problem. A program is data provided to the tool in preparation of solving a problem.

                Can you claim gripping a screwdriver? Lifting a hammer? Loading a .3dm file into a CNC mill?

                1. Wrong. A program is an instruction set or method provided to the tool so that it CAN solve the problem.

                  The difference is that methods are patentable, and data is not.

                  Nice try though.

                2. Bad Joke Ahead,

                  It depends on what “level of abstraction” from which you are viewing the computer. At the hardware level, there is no difference in retrieving an instruction operator or an instruction operand from a memory cell or file location. It is all data to the processor.

                  If you’re going to claim the pre-existing hardware as the structure of your invention, I think it’s a bit deceitful to claim the abstracted instructions and meanings (i.e., “method”) from the programmer’s “virtual machine” view of the computer as your “innovation”. (Not considering actual improvements to computer’s data processing capabilities, or computers as elements of a larger invention or process, etc.)

                  Just sharing my views as a legal lay-person.

                3. Can you claim gripping a screwdriver? Lifting a hammer? Loading a .3dm file into a CNC mill?
                  As part of method claims? Sure.

                  A program is data provided to the tool in preparation of solving a problem
                  As BJA put it aptly, a program is a set of instructions (i.e., steps of a process). Moreover, not only does the program use the computer as a tool, the program when combined with the computer creates another tool.

                4. As part of method claims? Sure.

                  *Sigh* Fine. We’ll do it your way.

                  Can you claim a well-gripped screwdriver as an improvement to the screwdriver? Or a raised hammer as an improvement to the hammer? Or a .3dm-file-loaded CNC mill as an improvement to the CNC mill?

                  As BJA put it aptly, a program is a set of instructions (i.e., steps of a process).

                  As mentioned in my response to Bad Joke Ahead, instructions and data are the same thing at the hardware level.

                  Moreover, not only does the program use the computer as a tool,

                  This sounds like some of NWPA’s Skynet-like machine intelligence prognostication.

                  the program when combined with the computer creates another tool.

                  As you’re undoubtedly aware, there is a lot of disagreement on that point.

                5. Can you claim a …
                  Why don’t you use more realistic examples?

                  instructions and data are the same thing at the hardware level
                  One skilled in the art identifies instructions and data as being different animals. Instructions are the steps by which the computer operates. Data is what is being operated on. Instructions are a process, and a process is protectable under 35 USC 101.

                  As you’re undoubtedly aware, there is a lot of disagreement on that point.
                  Really? Let me come to your house and delete ALL the software on your computer. After that, tell me what that computer in that particular state is good for aside from being a paperweight?

                6. Actually, to the CPU, there is no difference between instructions and data.

                  That is why buffer overflow errors are such a problem…. The CPU starts executing data…

                7. Oh no,

                  Why don’t you use more realistic examples?

                  Yeah, you’re right, they’re really bad examples. Maybe I shouldn’t have copied them from that guy in post I’ll try to pick better sources in the future.

                  One skilled in the art identifies instructions and data as being different animals.

                  But the “configured” computer does not, and that’s what’s being claimed.

                  Instructions are a process, and a process is protectable under 35 USC 101.

                  Only if you’re willing to stretch the meaning of “process” beyond what was contemplated by the drafters of 35 USC 101. Are we going to start patenting thought processes, legal processes, the grieving process, the trochanter major process, . . .

                  Let me come to your house and delete ALL the software on your computer. After that, tell me what that computer in that particular state is good for aside from being a paperweight?

                  If you delete all the saved channels and input assignments off of your TV, you’ve got a pretty nice paperweight, too. Putting the channels back in there doesn’t make it a new machine, though.

                  If you delete ALL of a computer’s software (OS, BIOS, init vector code, CPU microcode, etc.), I would support the argument that you no longer have a general purpose computer. Does that help?

                8. Actually, that is only true of a PC, or any system that include more than the CPU+MEMORY.

                  General purpose computers don’t HAVE to have software to be general purpose.

                  They do have to have some form of input and output devices.

                  General purpose computers existed far longer than BIOS and writable microcode…

                  Even the PDP-8, PDP-11, IBM-360… and a host of others did not come with extra software (though the 360 did have an option for writable control store).

                  They could be started from the console switches…

                9. But the “configured” computer does not, and that’s what’s being claimed.
                  Claims are interpreted by those skilled in the art — not a computer. A computer sees everything as data objects. Does that mean nothing is patentable since data objects are not patentable?

                  Only if you’re willing to stretch the meaning of “process” beyond what was contemplated by the drafters of 35 USC 101
                  You have insight as to what they contemplated? Please share your sources.

                  Putting the channels back in there doesn’t make it a new machine, though.
                  It is a different machine, which is the same as “new” is patent parlance. What is different than the past is patentable. You’ve changed its state, it is different.


                Oh no, after your last series of posts where it has become apparent that you do not wish to engage in any serious conversation, I am putting you on ignore.

                1. I am putting you on ignore.
                  My prayers have been answered. Thank you.

                  I guess it was my taking apart your citation to the Rubber-Tip Pencil Co. case that put you over the edge — so sorry.


            A machine is one of the four classes; but only a new or improved, and useful machine is statutory.


              And the improvement must be defined in distinct objective structural terms. Otherwise you’re just claiming your dream about a nice functionality flowing from an improvement that you haven’t described in your claim.


                MM – I don’t quite understand what you are saying here. All of the elements must be distinctly claimed under 35 U.S.C. 112. However, I would expect that the Means-Plus-Function language could be used for the inventive eligible elements (the “something more”) of a claim that would otherwise be ineligible.

                1. Dennis, However, I would expect that the Means-Plus-Function language could be used for the inventive eligible elements (the “something more”) of a claim that would otherwise be ineligible.

                  Frederico did not agree.


                improvement to a method claim needs to be “defined in distinct objective structural terms” too???


          “Fish, is information statutory?”

          Information is statutory if the information is a process.

          Now there is information that is not a process such as a poem, or novel, or lyrics to a song, and this type of information is not a patent eligible subject matter.

    1. 11.2

      On the contrary, I find that many people regard other technologies as “holy,” such as semiconductor fabrication, chemical processes, and nuclear physics. These fields are perceived with such reverence that nearly any adjustment, no matter how small or routine, is perceived as sacrosanct and worthy of patenting – if only the applicant can prove that it is different.

      This reverence stands in stark contrast with computing technologies, where people can look at even impressive leaps over preceding technology and say, “it’s just software.”

      I believe that familiarity with computing technology, and the stunning pace of innovation, has numbed people to remarkable advances. Self-driving cars? Cameras that see around corners, and can analyze our body movements in precise detail? Transmitting live video halfway across the globe on demand? Meh. We’ve been seeing that stuff in sci-fi for decades; now that it’s here, it already seems passe.

      I believe that this difference in attitude, between utmost respect for other sciences and complete disrespect for computers and specifically software, is a reflection of Parkinson’s Law of Triviality, or the “bike shed” principle:

      Parkinson dramatises his Law of Triviality with a committee’s deliberations on a nuclear power plant, compared to deliberation on a bicycle shed. While discussing the bikeshed, debate emerges over whether the best choice of roofing is aluminium, asbestos or galvanised iron, then over whether the shed is a good idea or not.

      A nuclear reactor is so vastly expensive and complicated that people cannot understand it, so they assume that those working on it understand it. Even those with strong opinions might withhold them for fear of being shown to be insufficiently informed. On the other hand, everyone understands a bicycle shed (or thinks he does), so building one can result in endless discussions: everyone involved wants to add his touch and show that he is there.

      When computation thought impossible a year ago becomes achievable today, it should be even more astounding that it is achievable by the extraordinary computational powers of a phone in our pocket. Instead, this accessibility makes such advances seem mundane. It crushes our perspective and our ability to be amazed: the most exquisite leap into the impossible holds our wonder for only a brief moment before becoming totally conventional.

      1. 11.2.1

        I believe that familiarity with computing technology, and the stunning pace of innovation, has numbed people to remarkable advances. Self-driving cars? Cameras that see around corners, and can analyze our body movements in precise detail? Transmitting live video halfway across the globe on demand? Meh. We’ve been seeing that stuff in sci-fi for decades; now that it’s here, it already seems passe.

        The concepts themselves — those you recited in particular — are beyond passe. They were passe twenty years ago, if not fifty years ago. That’s one of the reasons it’s so bizarre that certain people still believe they are entitled to claim such concepts provided they recite some shiny words like “on a computer.”


          That’s one of the reasons it’s so bizarre that certain people still believe they are entitled to claim such concepts provided they recite some shiny words like “on a computer.”
          Except that they don’t. Nice straw man — do you have a monthly quota of those to fill?


            So you agree that merely adding “on a computer” to otherwise ineligible subject matter does not rescue the claim from ineligibity?


            too bad.

            It has been mathematically proven than any algorithm may be the input to another algorithm.

            It has even been demonstrated by simulating one computer on a totally different computer.

            Even the earliest analysis had shown that – in the definition of the Universal Turing Machine. A “machine” that can emulate any other Turing Machine – including the Universal Turing Machine.

            It had already been shown that any computable function could be computed by a Turing machine…

            Thus any computer can emulate any other computer. The only thing that affects the result is the physics of the electronics that are themselves emulating the math functions of Boolean algebra.

            The piece there is that math doesn’t take account of time (physics does though). Math does, however, have the concept of sequence.

      2. 11.2.2

        Again great comments David. I see in my practice exactly what you are saying. In fact I just interviewed an examiner who said, oh year isn’t this like what I saw in the Sci Fi movie?

        And in other areas like as you say silicon manufacturing it is easy to get a patent.

        I think that what we have to realize is that big corp doesn’t want software patents and that buys a lot of what we deal with. They have people that just fabricate all these arguments and it is hard to fight this. They have people paid to blog too.

        Specious argument after specious argument crashed and burned for 20 years and then they came up with the abstract argument and it stuck. Not sure why.

      3. 11.2.3

        David, did you know that once in ancient history that the United States sent a number of manned missions to the moon, drove cars all over the place there, planted flags, did experiments, and the like; and all this before the invention of the integrated circuit?


          Interesting trivia: Noyce, Semiconductor device-and-lead structure, U. S. Patent 2981877, filed in July 30, 1959. There may be others. Neil Armstrong did not make it to the moon until 1969.

      4. 11.2.4

        So what? Star Wars was a brilliant movie in it’s day, showing astounding novelty and expensive technical virtuosity.


        Brilliant, clever, expensive software should not be patent eligible either, because reasonable minds can differ about the expressions of ideas using languages, which is what software is.


          Shouldn’t be patentable, because you would like to steal the ideas incorporated within it without having to pay the person(s) who invested their time and capital and creativity to bring it about.


            How much “capital” does it take to write out a new computer functionality?

            As far as I can tell, the answer is “none”.

            That’s part of the reason why we need to put some serious restrictions down.


            “to steal the ideas”

            The ideas disclosed (or claimed) are free to all. Only the inventions may be legitimately restricted.

      5. 11.2.5

        “These fields are perceived with such reverence that nearly any adjustment, no matter how small or routine, is perceived as sacrosanct and worthy of patenting – if only the applicant can prove that it is different.”

        There is a very good reason for that. They’re all squarely in the useful arts, and very little is truly obvious given the state of one, two, three etc. references of record to anyone who knows their arse from their elbow about the relevant art. Thus if it ain’t anticipated, that sht is often sailing on through.

      6. 11.2.6

        “I believe that familiarity with computing technology, and the stunning pace of innovation, has numbed people to remarkable advances. Self-driving cars? Cameras that see around corners, and can analyze our body movements in precise detail? Transmitting live video halfway across the globe on demand? Meh. We’ve been seeing that stuff in sci-fi for decades; now that it’s here, it already seems passe.”

        I somewhat agree. Though that’s the nature of arts where the ordinary level of skill is that of a 16 yr old.

        “A nuclear reactor is so vastly expensive and complicated that people cannot understand it, so they assume that those working on it understand it.”

        I should add to this, once you get a good handle on the art yourself you will know that this is in fact false in the vast majority of cases. Even the people working on it usually are not supermen themselves though there are undoubtedly some bad ar ses in every such field. This fact makes it even more impressive that the small advances in the more complicated fields that do occur ever manage to take place themselves.

      7. 11.2.7

        “When computation thought impossible a year ago becomes achievable today, it should be even more astounding that it is achievable by the extraordinary computational powers of a phone in our pocket.”

        Hum… you chose your example strangely given your position on the matter: the computational power leap you mentioned are mainly hardware-driven by progress in semiconductor fabrication.

    2. 11.3

      Jesse, I agree. In common parlance, and algorithm is a multistep process for processing information. Information being nonstatutory, an algorithm for processing information is nonstatutory.

      No if’s and’s or but’s.

      1. 11.3.1

        So, a novel and non-obvious process for processing information is nonstatutory. but a novel and non-obvious machine for processing information is statutory? Why should this be? Both the process and the machine are statutory classes. Can you explain, from a policy perspective, why the process should be treated differently from the machine?


          A “machine” incorporates a lot more than abstract information…

          Lets use a “computer” for the example.

          All computers are composed of transistors – these transistors are fairly simple… They are designed to change from a high voltage level to low, and back.

          Yet that change is not instantaneous. There is ALWAYS a finite amount of time involved, and if you have a fast enough scope attached you can actually see the voltage as it changes from low to high, and back.

          In addition, when it reaches either high OR low, it actually overshoots. This is partly due to inertia of the electrons, and partly due to the time it takes to neutralize the electric force that pushes the electrons from one side of the device to the other side. When it overshoots the charges actually reverse… causing an undershoot… and it repeats until it dampens out due to the rest of the electronic devices attached. This feature is called ringing.

          Guess what. The ringing can be as large as the low to high level – thus the device is switching levels… but billions of times for each actual change.

          To make the device emulate the math function requires the designer to take account of this ringing – as making the measurement at the wrong time will give the wrong result. Usually, the account taken is to specify a lower limit to the time before the circuit becomes stable – Thus computer circuits also come with a “clock rate”. Sample faster than the designed clock rate and you might not get a functioning math emulation.

          Yes, some clocks CAN be overdriven… but that has some nasty side effects – over heating for one. The designer has to ALSO handle, because any change in the circuit will also raise its temperature…

          None of this has anything at all to do with the math function being emulated. It is just the physics of the situation.

          THAT is what gets patented.

          Not the boolean algebra that is being emulated.

      2. 11.3.2

        Say what? A naturally occurring chemical that kills cancer is a non-statutory law of nature, therefore a cure for cancer is non-statutory?

        You can’t be serious.


          Easily serious.

          How you GET that chemical, extract it, or manufacture it in quantity could easily be patent worthy.

          That naturally occurring chemical itself, however, no. It shouldn’t be.

          The same is true of penicillin. The chemical is quite common – occurs on nearly every loaf of bread left out…

          But getting enough of the chemical to be usable is quite a process…


          It’s unclear why you believe that this analysis is analogous or relevant to the question you were asked about information processing.

  9. 10

    If you go by the statute then the answer is yes. The invention is statutory under 101 because it is an integrated technological process. However if you go by the interpretation of the statute by the Supreme Court in Mayo and Alice, the answer is no. What the court has established,( without explicitly so holding ) is that a process that can be performed with pencil and paper, or with human thinking/decision making and or communication is non statutory subject matter even or especially, if the process is integrated in software and/or a computer. However, a process integrated with technology such as a mortar and pestle, or hammer and anvil is patent eligible subject matter. Apparently, in the mind of the Supreme Court technology from the 18th Century is more useful and valuable for progress than technology of the 21st century.

      1. 10.1.1

        Fish Sticks,

        I agree it is easier to see and understand “things” like hammers, nails, motar and pestle, and blocks of cement. ( Certainly easier than “things” called particles.) But if the founding fathers wanted to strictly limit patents for inventions based on science and technology of their time they would have made provisions for such limitations in the Constitution. Further more if congress wanted to “reverse” rather than “promote” the” progress” they would have limited patents to technology of the 18th century in the 1952 Patent Act and again in the American Invents Act.

    1. 10.2

      Patent King What the court has established,( without explicitly so holding ) is that a process that can be performed with pencil and paper, or with human thinking/decision making and or communication is non statutory subject matter even or especially, if the process is integrated in software and/or a computer.

      We’re talking about patent claims. When is otherwise ineligible subject matter (e.g., data) considered “integrated” into an general purpose computer such that you can protect the data “on the computer”? What needs to appear in the claim? Anything more than “[non-obvious data] on a computer”?

      Apparently, in the mind of the Supreme Court technology from the 18th Century is more useful and valuable for progress than technology of the 21st century.

      Programmable electronic computers were invented in the mid 20th century, before most people on earth were born.

      1. 10.2.1

        Perhaps when you use an analog computer…

        You should be able to paten how the machine works – whether it is by gears and levers, or by using amplifiers, resistors, voltage dividers…

        But the math that these emulate is still not patentable.

      2. 10.2.2

        “We’re talking about patent claims. When is otherwise ineligible subject matter (e.g., data) considered “integrated” into an general purpose computer such that you can protect the data “on the computer”?


        Actually what we are talking about is “process” being eligible subject matter. The fact is a “process” can be “integrated” into another “process”. It is also fact that a process can be “integrated” into hard technology such as circuits, microprocessors, and computers. This is all perfectly statutory as congress intended. However since the Supreme Court has legislated from the bench, in Alice that the latter is non statutory subjected matter your question is largely irrelevant. Now, if you have a mortar and pestle, anvil and hammer, or even a hammer and nail your process will pass 101 without question. But start using modern information processing technology and the Court will not value or support your process as patent eligible subject matter. It would indeed take an act of congress now to correct the harmful and illegal precedent being set by this Court.

    2. 10.3

      Peter, close but not exactly there yet. The integration has to produce a an improvement to a conventional process, machine, manufacture or composition. Diehr.

      Alternatively from Mayo, the statutory must be independently inventive.

      Simply using old technology is not enough, especially when a law of nature is involved as here.

      1. 10.3.1

        ” The integration has to produce a an improvement to a conventional process, machine, manufacture or composition. Diehr.”

        “Alternatively from Mayo, the statutory must be independently inventive.”

        Ned Heller:

        There is no such holding in Diehr or Mayo, thus you are “wrong” on both counts. A point made obvious by your lack of proper pin cites.


          “There is no such holding in Diehr or Mayo, thus you are “wrong” on both counts.”

          This has to be right. Diehr was patent eligible because the claims were “integrated”. In that case the “integration” was the new combination of old and non statutory elements. If Ned Hellers proposition were adopted in Diehr the claims would have been dissected and held ineligible. Instead, in the concluding analysis the claims were considered as a whole , ( integrated ) and though individual elements were non statutory (e.g. Arrhenious), the claims as a whole were indeed statutory. This is controlling precedent.

    3. 10.4

      How do you communicate with a computer with pencil and paper? I’ve tried moving data in a database with a set of tongs, but it always screws up the hard drive. What’s your trick?



          The Supreme Court would label and rule OCR processes as non statutory because you are using modern technology of computers and software to do something a human being could do. Unfortunately, this logic is only applied when using software or computers. For example, a faster and more efficient process for hand pumping water out of a well would not be given a second thought as anything but 101 statutory subject matter. But add software and computers to further improve the process and the resulting progress somehow becomes a detriment to society.


            It really shouldn’t be patentable.

            The pumps are still there. Math/software (even a computer) can’t pump water.

            All the computer can do is the same as using pencil and paper, just faster.

            That is why it is called a “computer controlled water pump”. Nothing special about the computer at all.



              Well, let us not confuse patent eligible subject matter, with what’s patentable. Now if a process for pumping water is patent eligible when a human being is pumping the water, then why should the process suddenly become ineligible when a computer is pumping the water?

              Did the water or the pumping of said water become no longer “useful” when a computer was added to the process?

              Is “automating” the pumping of water so that it is a faster, easier, and more efficient process not considered progress?


                Just “progress” shouldn’t make it eligible for patenting.

                As to “Now if a process for pumping water is patent eligible when a human being is pumping the water”…

                Now an explanation is that the “process” has to be described in a mathematical expressions. The original “process” was a physical activity, the math description is not.

                And the math used in that description should not be patented.

                This should also be true of the original “process” as (presumably) written down for the human to process. The writing is not what is patented, and neither is the human that carries out the directions for the process as written.

                Can the human read what is written? yes.
                Can he read other writings using the same language? yes.
                Can he process what is written? yes.
                Can he perform the directed process? probably not legally.

                I think I got that right.. 🙂

      1. 10.4.2

        bad joke ahead,

        The issue at point here is “process”. Today I can invent or discover a “process” for making aspirin using the technology of a mortar and pestle. Likewise I could also invent or discover a “process” for shaping a horse shoe using an anvil and a hammer. And both processes would pass the 101 statutory subject matter gate without any doubt, hesitations, or questions. However if I invent or discover a “process” that could be performed with pencil and paper, and/or involved human communication and decision making, and then “automated” that process with modern day 21st century technology of software and computers that process would be immediately suspect as 101 statutory subject matter, and if going by the current case law of the Supreme Court, ruled as non statutory subject matter. This is especially interesting because we know for a “fact” congress has never expressed such intent, yet this is the way the Supreme Court has legislated from the bench. Thus, my conclusion the Court must value the technology of hammers, anvils, mortars, and pestles over computers, microprocessors, and software.


          Peter King, at some point you were not well educated on patent law.

          Let me make these points:

          1. Information is non statutory.

          2. Information processing is non statutory.

          3. Adding the nonstatutory to the statutory without improving the statutory is, as a whole, not patentable.

          You fundamentally do not seem to get it.


            “Peter King, at some point you were not well educated on patent law.”

            Ned Heller,

            The above ad hominen attack and statement of yours is exactly what Dennis has asked commenters to refrain from. It adds no value to the conversation. It perhaps might deflect from the fact that you have made no legal citations, or quoted any holding rom any Supreme Case Court case law on 101 statutory subject matter, which at best makes you so called points, pointless.

  10. 8

    Dennis: it seems correct to say that a “newly discovered” abstract idea is also an ineligible abstract idea. My question here then is what importance or relevance should be given in the abstract-idea analysis as to whether or not the central idea is old or new? Or, is my assumption wrong and abstract ideas (in this context) are only those that are old?

    Your assumption is correct.

    The simplest way to demonstrate this is is with the prime example of an abstraction: a process carried out mentally.

    I claim: 1. a process, wherein said process comprises thinking about buying an ice cream cone.

    That’s ineligible.

    2. A process, wherein said process comprises thinking about buying an ice cream cone with 249 jimmies, wherein each jimmy is peach flavored and between 5 and 6 millimeters in length, and wherein said ice cream cone includes ovoid chunks of compressed cricket meat, wherein each of said chunks weighs at least 1 gram.

    That’s a new abstraction. It’s no less eligible than the first one, in spite of its newness and narrowness. There is precisely zero need for anyone to ever search for prior art on that “innovation” and it would be unconscionable to force anyone to do so given that the claim is protecting quintessentially ineligible subject matter.

    Now take an additional baby step with me.

    3. A device, wherein said device comprises a processor configured to automatically locate the nearest commercial sources of ingredients for the manufacture of an ice cream cone with 249 jimmies, wherein each jimmy is peach flavored and between 5 and 6 millimeters in length, and wherein said ice cream cone includes ovoid chunks of compressed cricket meat, wherein each of said chunks weighs at least 1 gram.

    Given the computing technology that has existed for many years now, why on earth should the analysis be substantially different for claim 3 than for claim 2? Because “investors”? That’s absurd. Just as with claims 1 and 2, there’s nothing new there except words. The old device for processing information is being used to process information, exactly as it was designed. You can’t turn an unpatentable old generic device into a claim to a “new machine” merely be re-labeling what that device has always done. That’s just protecting the abstraction, whether the abstraction is old or new.

    Want to see what an eligible claim looks like?

    4. An ice cream cone with 249 jimmies, wherein each jimmy is peach-flavored and between 5 and 6 millimeters in length, and wherein said ice cream cone comprises ovoid chunks of compressed cricket meat, wherein each of said chunks weighs at least 1 gram.

    I don’t think this analysis is terribly difficult. Yes, a lot of computer-implemented claims that should never have been granted are going to die a quick painless death. That’s a feature, not a bug.

    I’ll get on my knees here and beg any of the folks out there who insist that “some” patent protection is needed to protect software (or any hardware that is currently being claimed functionally in terms of the information it is processing): please, please, please articulate workable, practical tests for evaluating both the eligibility and the patentability (obviousness, written description and enablement) of computer-facilitated logical pathways for processing information. If you are unhappy with providing the actual distinct structures of your “new” machines, then tell everyone what you will provide because what you’ve been providing to date ain’t working for everybody else.


    1. 8.1

      MM, you and I both know that given an algorithm, implementation in software is obvious. Thus, the invention is not and cannot be in the code. Talking about code is simply a red herring, and we all know it.

      Also, the novelty or not of ineligible subject matter is irrelevant. The nominalists like to set up strawmen and reverse the question as to whether the eligible part of the claim is new or old. Well certainly, if eligible subject matter is new (and non obvious), the presence of ineligible subject matter in the claim does not present a 101 problem. But if the eligible subject matter is old, the claim does pose a 101 problem if it includes (directed to) nonstatutory subject matter.

      1. 8.1.1

        What gets lost in the debate is that the law is a human tool. Jurisprudence works the way it does because, among other things, language is imperfect and human language and activity is constantly changing. That’s why claims are supposed to be interpreted the way a skilled artisan in the relevant field would interpret the claims. If the average artisan can read and understand a claim and know what it means, that’s what should count. Patent law not only can, but must, be able to accommodate new areas of human industry. That will require that courts begin to trust that attorneys and agents, who are also engineers, can get this stuff right.


          Unfortunately information processing is a very, very old technology. And so is the computer.

          You’re looking at the “adjustment” taking place. There’s much more to come.


            Technology is old. Therefore, nothing should be patentable. Reductio ad absurdum.


                “I think that there are a few ways to interpret the cases here that bypass a conclusion that all patents are invalid.”

                Dennis the conclusion is not all patents are invalid. The conclusion is ALL process patents automated with the aid of a computer are invalid. That is the practical effect of Alice, and could be the law of the land if SCOTUS invalidates Ultramercial under 101.

                But even if this happens we will still be able to get patents on “Integrated Technological Processes”, as long as the technology consist of hammers, anvils, nails, motars, pestles and the like.

                Only question is how useful is this for promoting progress?



              You are easily fooled. Whoever Anon2 is, he isn’t Anon. Anon would have been blasting away at you.

      1. 8.2.2

        Your plea here makes sense and hopefully folks can move forward with ideas and present them here.
        To borrow a phrase from John McEnroe, you CANNOT be serious. Why would any reasonable person want to come on this blog to present their ideas? There is little civility on this blog — thanks in no small part to your coddling.

        Why would anybody want to present serious ideas here when most of what we read is a paid info-commercial from the anti-patent league?

    2. 8.3

      OK, I’ll bite. For the record, I support Dandy Randy’s views on things, but that’s neither here nor there at this point. I’m not selling out to the anti-software pundits but it’s clear that we who support software need to do damage control and find a happy medium to settle this debate. Examiners are currently rejecting everything in certain art units because that is “what they are told to do” until further notice.That’s just unfair to applicants since that is not what Alice mandates. Hopefully the USPTO can adopt a middle of the road position that balances both sides’ interests.

      So here’s my proposed framework. I probably need to think about this some more and refine it, but here goes:

      1) Does the claim pass the machine (any computer satisfies) or transformation test? If not, then stop here (nonstatutory). Otherwise, proceed to step 2. (this weeds out disembodied concepts)

      2) Strip out all conventional physical elements. Is what remains a manifestly abstract idea? Manifestly abstract ideas are frivolous things like chess openings, mental thoughts, movie plots, football plays, legal relationships (such as A agrees to represent B in a lawsuit while B agrees to treat A medically), fundamental economic principles (frivolous because they are already known a la Alice). This step weeds out all frivolous claims that are couched with computer hardware. Formulas, algorithms, computing steps and the like are NOT manifestly abstract ideas. If what remains is such a manifestly abstract idea, then stop here (nonstatutory) otherwise proceed to step 3. Things like preemption don’t matter here because we aren’t going to allow frivolous claims no matter how narrow they are.

      3) strip away all non-algorithmic, non-formulaic, non-informational elements. Is what is left patentable? (this is prong II of Alice). If yes, then statutory and stop here. Otherwise, go to step 4

      4) I personally would stop here and say the claim is statutory. But I doubt this will satisfy the USPTO. So: Is the claim as a whole directed to an abstract idea? Whether the claim is directed to an AI or not is a balancing test and numerous factors need to be considered such as: pre-emption (very important as per the supreme court precedent), does the claim merely recite an algorithm or does it apply one to a practical result, is there a real world result, is the claim limited to merely processing information, and other related factors. The pre-emption factor is the most important (Alice: “We have described the concern that drives this exclusionary principle as one of pre-emption…concern that patent law not inhibit further discovery by improperly tying up the future use of these building blocks of human ingenuity”)

      Ultramercial clearly falls under prong 4 (not #2) and the balancing test needs to be applied. I personally would say Ultramercial as a whole is not directed to an abstract idea (because it is practically applied), but of course many others say it is. Whether it is or is not does not affect this framework, as reasonable people can differ. The claims in Cote may have failed prong 4 because they didn’t include a real world application (which could likely be fixed). Planet Bingo should have passed this framework (really, what is the pre-emptive harm in allowing PB their patent?) Note that the mental steps doctrine is intentionally left out of the prong 4 factors (this was not mentioned in Alice and is no longer be needed as a 101 weapon). Loyalty Conversion fails prong 4 due to preemption but perhaps would fail prong 2 as well (since currency conversion is a fundamentally known process).

      Most claims in arts like computer graphics, video games, signal processing, etc. would not be directed to an abstract idea (but overbroad claims or unapplied concepts could raise 101).

      To categorically deny eligibility of certain categories of subject matter without fairly providing the applicants an objective chance to argue their case in prong 4 may be considered arbitrary and capricious under the APA (I doubt the USPTO wants to go down that road again).

      Along with 103 exchanges, applicants for 101 rejected applications will now have to argue prong #4 with the examiners as well and get into a substantive debate. Examiners may end up reversing some 101 rejections but not all.

    3. 8.4

      So, where I am from, “jimmies” refers to fecal matter that has escaped the wrath of toilet paper (and often mingled with it) that remains near the bunghole. Now imagine my horror when reading about putting 249 of them on an ice cream cone.

    4. 8.5

      Why isn’t claim 4 any more or less abstract than the others? It seems to me that all claims are abstract. After all, a claim is made of words, each of which is an abstraction of some idea. So why isn’t the union of a set of abstractions also abstract?

      1. 8.5.1

        Yeah… I think we’re all pretty much in agreement that a claim is assessed against its referent. Wittgenstein was not a patent lawyer!

        When I say “I am going to hit you over the head with a brick”, you are unlikely to assume that I mean “I am going to contemplate the idea of conceptually hitting you over the concept of your head with the idea of a brick”.

        It matters, because one will put you in the hospital, while the other will not!

    5. 8.6

      MM >> Because “investors”? That’s absurd.

      That has never been an argument for the interpretation of a statute.

      Again you are mixing “thinking” vs. a machine that processes information. Sad. Not even worth the time to respond to.

    6. 8.7

      Want to see what an eligible claim looks like?
      4. An ice cream cone with 249 jimmies, wherein each jimmy is peach-flavored and between 5 and 6 millimeters in length, and wherein said ice cream cone comprises ovoid chunks of compressed cricket meat, wherein each of said chunks weighs at least 1 gram.

      MM, why is this an eligible claim? Everything listed therein is old. Cricket meat is known, the process of compressing things into ovoid chunks is known, ice cream cones are known, peach-flavored jimmies are known, and the numerical limits you have imposed are arbitrary. Also, with the plethora of cooking shows on the Food Network, taken in view of anyone who’s ever been a child and made disgusting food combinations (i.e., everyone), the combination may be viewed by one of ordinary skill as obvious.

      If that’s an eligible claim because the composition of matter itself is new and non-obvious, despite the utter lack of novel components within, then why isn’t the following also an eligible claim?

      5. A method of operating an ice-cream cone creation system, said method comprising:
      a) causing an ice-cream dispenser to dispense ice-cream into a cone, where said ice-cream contains ovoid chunks of compressed cricket meat, wherein each of said chunks weighs at least 1 gram; and
      b) causing a jimmy-dispensing machine loaded with peach-flavored jimmies to dispense 249 peach-flavored jimmies onto said cone.

      I would argue, I think as you would, that dispensing ice cream and jimmies are known process steps at a generic level. I don’t believe anyone would suggest that what you load the ice-cream dispenser with, or what you load the jimmy-dispenser with, would change that. However, at the level of specificity claimed, this claim is precisely as new and non-obvious as your claim 4 above.

      I submit that either both claims are eligible or both are not. Do you disagree? If so, why should there be a different standard for “process” as opposed to “composition of matter,” given the equality with which those terms are recited in 35 USC 101?

  11. 7

    1. Per Rubber-Tip Pencil Co. v. Howard, 87 U.S. 498, 22 L. Ed. 410 (1874), cited by Benson and Alice, an abstract idea is a disembodiment concept.

    2. Patents are given for “applications.” Merely reciting the use of conventional technology is not enough to be a patentable application – unless the “idea” is integrated into an otherwise eligible process (or machine) to improve that process (or machine). Diehr (Alappat).

    Diehr made it clear that novelty of the ineligible subject matter (the Arrhenius equation there, known to be old in the molding art) was not relevant.

    The problem with this formulation is that the claims in Bilski, which were declared to be abstract, were clearly more than a disembodied concept. They were not abstract in any conventional sense of that word, particularly as used in cases such as the Rubber-tip Pencil case or Le Roy v. Tatham. The problem rather was that the novel subject matter was nonstatutory exactly as stated in cases such as Hotel Security and is progeny which includes in re Russell.

    By not accepting Steven’s attempt to restore Hotel Security in Bilski, the Supreme Court missed an opportunity to put its section 101 jurisprudence back on a comprehensible platform. Nevertheless, since Prometheus and since Alice, the basic method of analysis as announced in Hotel Security has been followed: if the nonstatutory subject matter is the only thing new in the claim, the claim as a whole is unpatentable. The exception to this rule is where the nonstatutory subject matter is applied in a manner such as in Alappat or in Diehr to create an improvement to a machine or to an otherwise statutory process.

      1. 7.1.1

        1. Rader’s dissent in Bilski attempt to throw a monkey wrench into the law by describing the hedging algorithm in that case as notoriously old.

        2. Rader was clearly trying to say that the problem with the Bilski claims was novelty.

        3. Bilski relied on the fact that the claimed hedging algorithm was notoriously old in its holding. That, in view of subsequent cases, must now be considered completely unnecessary dicta.

        4. Prometheus began to go in the right direction – restoring the analysis of Hotel Security that somewhat focuses on whether the statutory subject matter in the claim is old and notorious, as opposed to the other way around.

        5. Alice has now followed Prometheus.

        6. The Bilski holding has been stripped hollow of all dicta. Claims that include economic principles include ineligible subject matter. Prometheus/Alice and for that matter, Hotel Security, would still grant patents if the eligible subject matter were new and non obvious. However, if the eligible is not new, he claim as a whole is not patentable regardless of how new and non obvious the ineligible is.

      2. 7.1.2

        So my question, why are the courts going on about the fact that various ideas are old as if that is a relevant point?
        So my question, why are the courts even bothering to look at the language of 35 USC 101? It seems to me that following the language of the statute is more a hindrance than a help to these judges.

        The lower court judges want the case off their docket so lets cut and paste some generic statements, declare that the claims are directed to an abstract idea, and see if we can play 18 and still have time for drinks at happy hour.

        BTW — when was the last time we actually talked about what the statute says?


          Oh no, speaking of the statute, have you actually read Hotel Security and its progeny that includes In re Russell?


              Oh no, why bother? Unbelievable!

              You sit there, completely ignorant of the controversy, and absolutely refuse to try to understand what the issues are, and start telling everybody else that you are above conversation. Who the hell are you, oh no? Why do you even try to post on a site that is attempting to discuss patent law?

              It is your attitude more than anything else that is objectionable.


          Oh No –

          Regarding the statutory language. That is a nice argument but it has been expressly rejected by the Supreme Court when they recognized that the exceptions are non-statutory. The court would change its approach if Congress expressly altered the law, but that is not now on the agenda.

          Regarding your suggestion of judges applying 101 so that they don’t have to work hard. Do you have any evidence to that regard? The federal judges that I know work extremely hard, including Judge Bryson who recently dismissed a case on the pleadings for lack of eligibility.


            Do you have any evidence to that regard?
            LOL … name me where the following expression came from: “We judge best when we judge least.”

      3. 7.1.3

        Because the Supreme Court didn’t understand what they were talking about and screwed up the patent law.

    1. 7.2

      to create an improvement to a machine
      It would seem that you have a different idea as to what constitutes an “improvement” to a machine than those skilled in the art.

      A computer without software is nothing more than a paper weight.

      1. 7.2.1

        Oh no, and you think I am not one of ordinary skill in the art? You know what they say of people who make assumptions?

      2. 7.2.2

        Oh No: “A computer without software is nothing more than a paper weight.

        So is a lathe without a board. So is a kettle without water. So is a meat grinder with no meat. Doesn’t mean you get to patent boards, water, or meat, though.


          You get to patent different bits, different method of process meats, etc.

          What’s your point?


            Bits? With a lathe? I’ll just let that pass.

            My point (no pun intended) was rebuttal for Oh No’s comment about what “improves” a computer.

            To spell it out: adding data/software to a computer is as putting a board in a lathe; preparation for use of the machine as intended.

            It can also be likened unto putting meat into a grinder; again, preparing an existing machine to perform its intended function.

            Yes, you can patent new cutting tools for use with an existing lathe, as you can patent a new mouse to use with your existing computer. Neither is comparable to loading the existing lathe with a piece of lumber (assuming a wood lathe, of course) or loading an existing computer with new data/software.

            I will grant the possibility of working an engineered material in the lathe, which might be eligible by itself, independent of the lathe. Software/data, independent of the computer, doesn’t fit too well within the material/manufacture/process categories, though.


              Bits? With a lathe? I’ll just let that pass.
              LOL … you really needed to google “bit” + “lathe” before you made your comment. A bit for a lathe is the cutting tool portion of the lathe.


                “Bits” are for metal-working lathes. For wood-working, it’s chisels, gouges, cutting tools. Technically, I did not specify “wood lathe” in my first post, but I am disappointed that my loading it with a board was insufficiently informative in that regard. Mea culpa, I suppose.


          So is a lathe without a board. So is a kettle without water. So is a meat grinder with no meat. Doesn’t mean you get to patent boards, water, or meat, though.
          A board, water, and meat are consumables — more analogous to a computer and electricity than a computer and a program. Nice try.


            A lathe woodworking lathe is used to process wood into a different useful wooden form. (Or into sawdust. Practice makes perfect.) Kettle lets you transform water into hotter water. (Let’s narrow that to an electric kettle for this discussion.) Meat grinder lets you process meat into ground meat.

            Computer processes data, yielding processed data. You don’t use a computer to process electricity. I believe my analogy to be very much on-point.


            Fish Sticks, if your fuel is a novel, non-obvious, adequately-described composition of matter, then, enjoy your patent.

            Your point is, however, eluding me. My apologies.

  12. 6

    But abstract ideas are never new, they have just always been there but are just newly discovered. 🙂

    1. 6.1

      I think that is true of natural laws presumably. Abstractness should not have anything to do with age. If anything, some abstractions tend to appear less abstract with age as we become familiar with them. To avoid Mayo on my example, lets try something with supernatural laws. Dennis invents a ghost detector. The concept of ghost detecting is abstract IMO and claiming just a ghost detector should be a 101 problem. But providing any specifics of the hardware (and in my mind software) that did it are no longer abstract and should pass 101 muster.

      1. 6.1.1

        — “claiming just a ghost detector should be a 101 problem” — better yet, it presents 112 problems

        — “providing any specifics of the hardware (and in my mind software) that did it are no longer abstract and should pass 101 muster.” — better yet, they pass 103

        101 is not needed (sort of a Morse type situation)

      2. 6.1.2

        But providing any specifics of the hardware (and in my mind software) that did it are no longer abstract and should pass 101 muster.

        “Any specifics”? That’s your test for eligibility? “Any specifics”?

        Can you be, uh, a bit less abstract and a bit more specific about what these “specifics” are?


          I’m pretty close to “any specifics”, because the word “specifics” (c.f., species) should mean no longer generic. Mathematics is a generic concept, multiplication is a species of math. If I claim “finding the area of a room using mathematics” I should be 101’d for claiming a generic concept. If I claim “finding the area of a room by measuring at least two sides and performing a multiplication operation on the measured length of the at least two sides” I should be 102’d as not novel, but not 101’d.

    2. 6.2

      Fish, by definition, abstract ideas are disembodied concepts.

      Why in the world don’t people read Rubber-Tip Pencil Co. v. Howard, 87 U.S. 498, 22 L. Ed. 410 (1874), the case cited by Benson and Alice for what abstract is.

      1. 6.2.1

        Rubber-Tip — idea is not patentable; device (which made idea useful) was not new and therefore no patent


          But, Fish, the claim claimed nothing more than a rubber tip for attachment to the end of a pencil. To the extent the claim was to a physical device, the rubber tip, it was old. To the extent that the claim expressed the new idea of attaching it to the pencil, it was just that, an idea. No details.



            To the extent that the claim expressed the new idea of attaching it to the pencil, it was just that, an idea. No details.
            Huh? A claimed directed to a pencil with a rubber tip attached is not some “disembodied” concept.


              I agree. A rubber tip attached to a pencil is not a disembodied concept, and is not an abstract idea. And I don’t think the SupCt said it was.


                Fish, my reply is awaiting moderation.

                But the claim was not to the combination of a rubber tip and a pencil. Whoever said that did not read the case or if he did, did not understand it.

  13. 5

    The abstract idea exception finds its genesis at least in substantial part in O’Reilly v. Morse. That opinion has been discredited in Professor Adam Mossoff’s Working Paper — link to

    It is a very interesting read.

    1. 5.1

      Fish, origin in Morse, and explained in Rubber-Tip Pencil Co. v. Howard, 87 U.S. 498, 22 L. Ed. 410 (1874).

      Disembodied concepts.


          That’s easy. “Disembodied concepts” are simply what Louis XVI’s head was very briefly filled with.


          An idea without any details of implementation – no embodiments.

          You a note from the Rubber Tip Pencil case that the claim did not claim anything more than attaching a piece of rubber to the tip of a pencil. There was no structure identified to do so. There is no special shape that the rubber had to take. Nothing. Just the idea.

  14. 4

    The operations of each of the simple machines, e.g., lever, inclined plane, pulley and screw, must be abstract ideas, and the way they interact, must be abstract ideas, and thus any combinations of them are simply combinations of abstract ideas. Therefore, complex machines are not patent eligible.

    1. 4.1

      The principles of operation of simple machine can be abstracted into a disembodied idea. That does not make a new machine nonstatutory.

  15. 3

    You last sentence nails it. “Abstract idea” is whatever level of abstraction or phrasing you need to use to arrive at something that is clearly old under 103 standards. Then, since it’s old under 103, it’s not patent eligible, regardless of the claim language.

    Or, there is no abstract idea at all, and a proper 103 analysis may proceed.

    You know which applies when you see it.

    1. 3.1

      I couldn’t disagree more, BJ.

      Read Rubber-Tip Pencil Co. v. Howard, 87 U.S. 498, 22 L. Ed. 410 (1874).

      1. 3.1.1

        Read Rubber-Tip Pencil Co. v. Howard, 87 U.S. 498, 22 L. Ed. 410 (1874).
        What is your fascination with ancient cases?


          Oh no, regarding Rubber Tip Pencil, if you haven’t noticed, Supreme Court in Benson and in Alice both relied on the case as a illustration if not a definition of what an abstract idea was.

          Have you actually read the case?


            as a illustration if not a definition of what an abstract idea was
            The only thing Alice and Benson quoted was: “[a]n idea of itself is not patentable.”

            Actually, that language is interesting — particular the “of itself” part, which is another way of say “per se.” As such, both Benson and Alice didn’t follow Rubber Tip because the claims in both were directed to more than the idea “of itself.”

            BTW — it wasn’t “a definition of what an abstract idea was” — not even close. Thanks for trying though.


              Oh no, in another post you said the claim in Rubber Tip was to the combination of a pencil and a rubber tip.

              It was not.

              I think that is your problem in understanding the point of the case.


                Oh no, in another post you said the claim in Rubber Tip was to the combination of a pencil and a rubber tip.
                I was merely paraphrasing your characterization of the claim.

                BTW — this is what the court wrote: An idea of itself is not patentable, but a new device by which it may be made practically useful is. The idea of this patentee was a good one, but his device to give it effect, though useful, was not new
                Not new … chew on that for a moment. Reading the court’s analysis, it sounds much more an obviousness rejection than a non-statutory subject matter rejection. The court recognized that the claim was to the “device to give it effect.” Thus, this was not a statutory subject matter rejection. Instead, the court found that the device itself was not new.

                E.g., Everybody knew when the patent was applied for that if a solid substance was inserted into a cavity in a piece of rubber smaller than itself, the rubber would cling to it.

  16. 1

    Alice Corp is a horrible written opinion. The patent claim should have been knocked out under 103 if anything.

    However, to answer your question, in my opinion, if a “new abstract idea”, it should be eligible for patent protection if the claim is written clearly, enabled and grounded in technology (assuming a method claim).

    But, we’ll have to assume the Supreme Court would knock out under 101 whether “new” or “old”.

    Here’s an example: A software-implemented invention that turns your iphone into a glucose meter?

    Basically, a software app.

    Glucose testing is old.

    Despite the fact that such an app would be useful, etc. and grounded in technology, the Court would likely say ineligible.

    What we need is a Supreme Court decision finding a software claim (or Prometheus-type claim) eligible for patent protection.

    In the meantime, it’s just a guessing game.

    1. 1.1

      Here’s an example: A software-implemented invention that turns your iphone into a glucose meter?

      Basically, a software app.

      Glucose testing is old.

      Despite the fact that such an app would be useful, etc. and grounded in technology, the Court would likely say ineligible.

      Why should anyone care about that claim being shut down at the gate? Serious question.

      1. 1.1.1

        MM –

        The inventor(s) should care.

        If she invested her time and energy in researching, inventing, developing the software app, only to see others launching copycat apps or a large pharma company launching infringing app, she’d end up competing with those piggybacking on her efforts.

        Moreover, any investors involved would care as well.


          f she invested her time and energy in researching, inventing, developing the software app

          Precisely none of that time or energy is reflected in the claim you presented which would probably fail all of the patent statutes (if diligently applied) and surely at least one of them. That’s true of many computer-implemented claims, by the way, which is why we’re having this dicussion today.


          any investors involved would care as well.

          This obsession with “investors” just underscores the extent to which the computer-implementers had become addicted to the status quo, which is gone forever and good riddance.

          You guys really need to come up with some better ideas and arguments.

      2. 1.1.2

        “Why should anyone care about that claim being shut down at the gate? ” Because that is not a test for patent protection

    2. 1.2

      How will glucose be “measured” by software? By bleeding onto the screen?

      An “invention” made of information, expressed in a language as instructions to arrange other information, and producing nothing but processed information should not be patent eligible, no matter how exciting the “new economy” may be.

      1. 1.2.1

        I haven’t invented yet, but perhaps by taking photo of pupil or the like.

        The question is whether the inventive software that would allow your iphone to do that should be eligible for patent protection?

        I’m not referring to the information generated by the app, but the app itself.


          I’m not referring to the information generated by the app, but the app itself.

          What is that supposed to mean? The “app itself”? You mean the actual software that works reliably and accurately and in a bug-free manner on this particular device so that people actually want to pay for it?

          Protect your code with copyright. What’s the problem? You’ll make plenty of money. Will you make it $10 billion dollars? Probably not but that hardly seems like society’s problem. If you need that much money to be incentivized, I’m pretty sure the problem is your personal problem and not anybody elses.


          I haven’t invented yet, but perhaps by taking photo of pupil or the like…I’m not referring to the information generated by the app, but the app itself.

          Well that’s really a mouthful there isn’t it? This is kind of the point of why the abstract ideas doctrine exists. You’ve got an idea, you don’t know how it works, you might do it one way or another way, but that won’t matter cause your claim is sure going to cover them all.

          It’s really simple, if your description is of the ends, not the means (like yours was) you’ve got an abstract idea without anything substantially more, and that’s the way it should be, because there’s dozens of paths to make a glucose detector and you’re only going down one of them, so you don’t get an overbroad patent on all of them.

      2. 1.2.2

        Let’s suppose that glucose can be measured by analysing a colour image of the subject’s tongue. The smartphone camera could be used to capture the image, and a software app could do the processing.

        The knowledge that glucose levels can be revealed by features of colour and/or pattern on the tongue would be new, but of course the fact itself is not new, and would presumably fall foul of the ‘law of nature’ or ‘abstract ideas’ exclusion.

        Let’s also suppose that, once the fact is known, the image processing itself uses techniques that are also known, but were only developed in the relatively recent past.

        So our claim potentially comprises ‘standard hardware’ plus ‘law of nature’ plus ‘(relatively) new abstract idea’ implemented in software.

        Is this patentable under 101? Should it be?


          No. Yes.

          Your abstract idea or law of nature is “measuring blood glucose” which is old. The hardware you recite is old. Therefore, it’s not patentable subject matter.


            So the moral is, if you are fortunate enough to discover a law of nature, like tongue color=f(glucose) , just keep it to yourself. Do not share it with anybody. Let them figure it out on their own. Better yet, lead them astray if you can. This will promote progress in the useful arts and prop up your income possibly well past 20 years of term.


              You announce that it’s tied to tooth color or opacity, then use the tongue color discovery. See, you keep making people take pictures of their teeth until you get the tongue picture you need. Or, say it’s the lips and how full they are (comparatively) and just keep redoing pictures until you get a good tongue color.

              That’s the point of the new patent law recently passed by the Supreme Court and enacted by the PTO.


          Is this patentable under 101? Should it be?

          No, it shouldn’t be.

          Protect the code that you wrote that actually works in a reliable and bug-free fashion on a particular phone with copyright. Yes, other people will improve upon it as time passes. Yes, you will make money. No, you won’t be able to able to retire and live in a 40 room mansion.

          Why is any of that a “problem” that anybody should be concerned about?


          So our claim potentially comprises ‘standard hardware’ plus ‘law of nature’ plus ‘(relatively) new abstract idea’ implemented in software.

          The algorithm that converts the color returns from camera into a determination of glucose level embodied on a CRM is eligible, but you’re making it sound obvious. It’s an natural law (relationship between the color and the glucose level) that has substantially more in the machine creating a standardized determining rule.

          The exceptions are means by which the court can knock out overbroad claims to fields rather than inventions. You have to differentiate the field of measurement and the field of relationship from the particular measuring/relating that you do.

      3. 1.2.3

        Martin, do you find it even remotely remarkable that there are so few patent attorneys who post here that “get it?”


          Well Ned, I assume they are a self-selecting bunch who would prefer software patents for plain commercial purposes, but even stipulating that all motives are pure, it takes some radicalization to become a patent law hobbyist and post here day after day, and those things happen randomly.

          Two years ago the notion that software patents would be constructively dead before the end of 2014 would have been laughable, so I don’t think my side is losing, exactly.

          I’m radicalized by IBM Kenexa immorally taking money from my kid’s college funds- having little recourse but to take my beating like a man I’m out there in the sticks like other cancer survivor types who want to make a positive effort toward the comfort of others…..


            Martin, you and I have the very same attitude about IBM. They are by far the largest and most cruel troll on this planet. It is a mockery of the patent system that their leader was honored with the post of director of the USPTO. It makes no difference to me whether or not he was a good administrator, a competent patent attorney, or at any redeeming virtues. All I cared about that man was that he was from IBM. I could not trust him. And I would not follow him even if he pointed a gun at my head. IBM, a company that shall live in infamy.

    3. 1.3

      OK – more detailed hypo.

      Mobile device app works by directing user to take photo of face; newly created digital processing algorithm identifies pupil of the eyes in the photos and examines those pupil elements to look for anomalies that are potential cancer precursors. And, the invention actually works based upon well done clinical trials.

      Patent eligible?

      1. 1.3.1

        Clearly should be patent eligible.

        Whether it’s held patent eligible under the Supreme Court is questionable.

        Assuming the software-implement patent claim is novel and non-obvious and satisfies 112, it should be patent eligible.

        Otherwise, we gut the incentives for those inventors.

      2. 1.3.2

        The basic idea behind patents is to create an incentive so that the invention and dissemination will take place.

        We have a plethora of phone apps and perhaps don’t really need more incentive there generally. However, unlike many apps, this diagnostic software would likely take substantial investment in order to be market-ready (clinical trials) but would also be easy for a competitor to replicate. This may be an area where some additional boost is necessary in order for the innovation to take place.


          Bigger apps with backend databases also require substantial investment, and in the B2B context, they require a LOT of marketing and float capital. They don’t get that capital without investment. And the investment doesn’t come without SOME kind of protection.

          Maybe we should just go back to the law as Congress wrote it instead of this new judicial law stuff; we could try applying 103 to some stuff to see if the CLAIMS are actually old.


            the investment doesn’t come without SOME kind of protection.

            If you have a big database, then you have some kind of protection. You have trade secret protection for the secret information in your database.

            And you’ll have copyright protection for your actual software that actually works in a reliable and safe manner.

            Why is that not enough?

            People invest in business ventures all the time, including businesses whose business models and products aren’t patented.

            What’s happened here is that very poorly drafted software patents became over-valued and investors and wanna-be millionaries got addicted to the status quo.

            That era is most definitely over, folks, and there’s no way we’re going to march backwards in time to State Street just because Johnny Strikeitrich’s dreams went up in smoke.


            we could try applying 103 to some stuff to see if the CLAIMS are actually old

            It is impossible to apply 103 to evaluate the non-obviousness of “new” machines that are structurally indistinct from old machines. It’s impossible from an analytical perspective (absent a completely new set of rules for evaluating the differences between differently labeled data) and it’s impossible from a practical perspective given the fact that it turns every new information processing event into an eligible patent claim and there will never be enough resources to deal with the patent claims that will be shoved at the PTO.

            That’s the swamp we’re looking at right now. That’s why we’re having this discussion. It’s not about your personal investment in this game. It’s about restoring some sanity to the patent system, or watching it turn into such a huge joke that the pubic demands reforms that make the reforms we’re seeing now look like chicken feed.


          We have a plethora of phone apps and perhaps don’t really need more incentive there generally.
          Ah yes … another version of “things just cannot get any better than they are today — we’ve invented everything we need to invent.” Sad.


          This may be an area where some additional boost is necessary in order for the innovation to take place.
          You ever wonder why Congress used the expansive language they did? Perhaps they didn’t want to pick and choose the winners. Perhaps they thought that ANYTHING under the sun that is made by man should be protected.

          Perhaps, Congress had a purpose when they included 102 and 103 under “conditions for patentability” and not 101. Perhaps they didn’t want SCOTUS monkeying around like they had in the past.


            Oh no, the full quote is more like any new “manufacture” under the sun made by man. In fact the statute says any new or improved machine, manufacture or composition.

            Didn’t we discuss in a previous post that we ought to read the statute?


              Didn’t we discuss in a previous post that we ought to read the statute?
              Haven’t we discussed that what Congress thinks is what matters. Congress creates policy — not the courts. Thus, what Congress writes — even in the legislative history — is more important than the whims of the judges.


                That was under the old system of government. Now, the lobbyists and executive branch writes the law and policy, and the judicial branch enacts it.

      3. 1.3.4

        Dennis, give us a draft claim just to be sure.

        1. The correlation between anomalies in eyes and cancer is a law of nature.

        2. Per Funk Bros. and Mayo, the method itself must include some new technology other than simply comparing photos of eyes to detect anomalies. Without a claim, and an identification of what is new and what is old, we can’t give a certain answer to your question.

      4. 1.3.5

        Patent eligible?

        You can’t give a description of an invention and then just say patent eligible. Morse invented the telegraph, patent eligible? Doesn’t work. You have to say what would the claims say.

        If the claim is structured such that you have “an algorithm” which does the work of “identifying pupil elements for anomalies” and determines cancer “based on the anomalies” then you are ineligible.

        If your claim is directed to the particular methodology of the algorithm, it’s eligible. That’s because you’re using the algorithm you’re using because it has certain advantages – it measures some X but doesn’t measure some Y, it assigns meaning to something that others might not assign it to, etc etc. Those advantages are the only thing that are eligible for judging. It leaves the concept of measuring and drawing a conclusion free (which the previous claim did not) but allows for disclosure competition between which algorithm is good and which isn’t, ultimately allowing for a conclusion of the “best” algorithm(s) and promoting the science.

        Allow the original claim I discussed, and he shuts down all other research. Remove it, and each algorithm discloses and competes with each other in the marketplace. The original claim is to concept of measurement and drawing an analysis itself, and if you call that your invention you have no invention.


          because you’re using the algorithm you’re using because it has certain advantages
          Meaningless to a 35 USC 101 analysis.

          This is called throwing the baby out with the bath water. When one actually applies 35 USC 101, as (mis)construed by the courts, to inventions that people actually like, these inventions are also swept aside as being directed to an abstract idea.


            Oh no, assume an algorithm is processing information. What is information? Is it a machine? Is it a manufacture? Is it a composition of matter?

            As you said earlier, let’s pay attention to the statute. We can’t by swagger and abusive language intended to intimidate simply kick aside the statute, now can we? That’s exactly how your posts read.


            I disagree Oh no. The argument (and most of the discussion here) is centering around what is an abstract idea. That’s the wrong argument, because the court basically tells you that an abstract idea could be anything. Some people take that as offensive on its face.

            But that’s a piecemeal response, because finding something to be an abstract idea on its own is harmless, as the test does not invalidate a claim until it also concludes that substantially more has not be added. The solution, then, is to make sure you’re adding substantially more to the idea. The way you do that is by describing the particular benefit of the particular means contemplated by the application.


              until it also concludes that substantially more has not be added
              Substantially more? Rejected under 35 USC 112, 2nd paragraph as being indefinite.

              The way you do that is by describing the particular benefit of the particular means contemplated by the application.
              Not in the statute. Not in the case law. Never required. There is, of course, a utility requirement but I don’t think you were driving at that.

    4. 1.4

      splinter, there is no doubt that since Biski, which of course relied on Rader’s dissent in Bilski, the Supreme Court has been off on a lark, confusing the law and making a mess, even while getting the result right.

      Hotel Security, which Rich did not follow in State Street Bank, which Dyk tried to restore his dissent in Bilski, and which Stevens tried to restore in his concurring opinion in Bilski, provides the only comprehensible analysis within the law. When a claim has mixed statutory and nonstatutory subject matter, and the statutory subject matter is old, the claim as a whole is not patentable – unless the nonstatutory is integrated with the statutory to produce an improvement in the statutory.

      The CCPA and the Federal Circuit have long followed this approach with printed matter that everyone recognizes as nonstatutory. They give it no weight in a 102/103 analysis.

      1. 1.4.1

        confusing the law and making a mess
        Yeah … 35 USC 101 is so hard to interpret. Only when SCOTUS tries to repeat its previous power grab does it muck things up.


          Oh no, the Supreme Court may be inarticulate, and may have confused to some degree 101 jurisprudence, but your accusing the Supreme Court of a power grab does not tell us much about the Supreme Court but tells us an awful lot about you.

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