Bits and Bytes No. 114: PTO Director Redux

  • Andrew Noyes reported that Congressman Michael Honda is lobbying for Doug Luftman (IP chief at Palm) to become the next director of the USPTO. A photo of Luftman's daughter at President Obama's inauguration was printed in newspapers across the country.  200906010858.jpg
  • There is also some possibility that the current acting PTO Director - John Doll could keep the position for a while. An examiner recently e-mailed saying "John Doll is Fantastic. I really like him." In addition to being well versed in patent law, Doll understands the operation of every part of the Patent Office.

7 thoughts on “Bits and Bytes No. 114: PTO Director Redux

  1. 7

    An examiner who likes the upper management? I don’t buy it. Everyone I talk to is routing for change.

  2. 6

    Second pair of eyes is always credited as Doll’s baby. I seriously doubt many examiners have much love for him because of that. Plus he’s linked to the new rules fiasco. That’s like considering whoever was 2nd in command under Brownie during Katrina to take over the reins of FEMA.

  3. 4

    “”John Doll is Fantastic. I really like him.” In addition to being well versed in patent law, Doll understands the operation of every part of the Patent Office.”

    Someone is kissing up to Doll. From an independent inventor’s perspective the best thing which could happen is for Doll to be tossed out of the agency. He is a classic bureaucrat operating on the basis that what makes life good for the bureaucrats is best even if the underlying mission of the agency is destroyed.

    The USPTO exists to promote progress, not to make cushy jobs for people like Doll. Doll’s agenda would destroy America’s invention culture. It would make the patent system a sport of kings and exclude small entity inventors who represent over thirty percent of domestic patents and well over ninety percent of job creation.

    If we are going to overcome our current economic woes it will be small entity inventors who save the day. Anyone in the patent office who cozies up to disreputable patent pirating transnational corporations needs to be sent packing !!

    Ronald J. Riley,

    Speaking only on my own behalf.
    President – – RJR at
    Executive Director – – RJR at
    Senior Fellow –
    President – Alliance for American Innovation
    Caretaker of Intellectual Property Creators on behalf of deceased founder Paul Heckel
    Washington, DC
    Direct (810) 597-0194 – (202) 318-1595 – 9 am to 8 pm EST.

  4. 3

    As an examiner, I have to say, John Doll is in way over his head. While he’s a personable and likeable guy, he doesn’t have the credentials or understanding of the entire system, the way it works today and not 20 years ago when he was examining. Reform is needed, and John Doll is not the one to lead it.

  5. 2

    “There is also some possibility that the current acting PTO Director – John Doll could keep the position for a while.”

    Oh god, no. I have been practicing 10+ years and there has never been a more disliked Commissioner/Director among my colleagues/coworkers.

  6. 1

    Hal Wegner says cert was granted in Bilksi. If you’ve been getting Bilski-based rejections, keep filing those RCE’s!

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