Patent Term Adjustment: Overlapping Delays

The USPTO has published a further explanation of the patent term adjustment rules in the Federal Register. (69 FR 34283). The purpose of the explanation is to clear up confusion regarding "overlapping" delays under 35 U.S.C. 154(b)(2)(A).

Patent Maintenance Fee Statements

The USPTO has announced that maintenance fee statements are no longer being mailed for maintenance fees paid over the Internet.

International Trademark Classification Schedule

The USPTO, the European Office of Harmonization, and the JPO have agreed on a list of identifications and classifications for goods and services for trademark applications filed in the three offices. The initial list includes over 7,000 entries. More are expected to be added as they are agreed to by the offices.

Post Card Postage

Hopefully none of you have had this problem.

Petition to withdraw holding of abandonment

The USPTO has issued a memo to clarify its position on untimely filed petitions to withdraw holdings of abandonment. The clarifications have been developed to prevent delays from inapropriately extending the patent term.

Patent Office Address

After the 9/11 attacks, the USPTO established a Post Office Box in Arlington, Virginia (P.O. Box 2327, Arlington, VA 22202) for use on an emergency basis. Effective immediately, the Office will no longer accept patent-related correspondence at that address.

Revision of Power of Attorney and Assignment Practice

The USPTO has revised its power of attorney and assignment practice effective June 25, 2004. The changes include:

New USPTO Address

There is a new address for the USPTO's customer window that receives hand deliveries and non US Post Office (USPS) deliveries. (Effective June 5, 2004)

2005 Patent Fees

The USPTO has announced new patent fees for fiscal year 2005. From a cursory review, the adjustments appear to follow the usual pattern of annual increases.

Online Assignment Filing

The USPTO is advertising on its main page ( that online filing for Patent and Trademark Assignments is now available.

Director Ordered Reexaminations

The USPTO announced in the OG that it would reexamine four patents owned by Ronald Katz. The patents relate to call center technology and a statistical analysis system. Katz is litigating with several companies including Verizon.

New Version of PAIR

The Patent Office has announced a new version of PAIR, the online docketing tool. PAIR 4.11 promises to be more user friendly and to exhibit better searching functionality. Apparently, the new version is up and running online here.

Express Abandonment, New Procedures

A client may want to expressly abandon a patent application in order to avoid publication (and retain the invention as a trade secret). Applicants who wish to expressly abandon an application may now mail a 37 CFR 1.138 petition via Mail Stop Express Abandonment. (Fax and hand delivery to the pre-grant office are also available) (Announcement)

Petitions filed under MPEP 1002.02(b)

It appears that the USPTO had (or is having) some office trouble handling petitions filed under MPEP 1002.02(b). If you submitted a 1002.02(b) petition after June 20,2003 that has not been answered, the Office invites you to send them an "email alert."

PTO Address

The USPTO has announced that revisions have been made to the list of mail stops.

Cited References in Office Actions

The USPTO has announced that it will no longer send cited references with the office actions. (U.S. Applications and U.S. Patents). They will be accessible through PAIR.