By Jason Rantanen
I’m thrilled to announce that this fall’s Iowa Law Review symposium will focus on one of the most significant issues of patent law today: the intersection of patents and administrative law. The symposium, Administering Patent Law, is co-sponsored by the Iowa Law Review and the center I direct, the Iowa Innovation, Business and Law Center. I’m looking forward to both serious debates about the impact of this term’s Supreme Court decisions (especially Oil States v. Greene’s Energy) and more wide-ranging discussions about the place of patents, the patent office and patent law itself within the broader context of administrative law.
We have a phenomenal lineup of scholars, including both Professor Chris Walker of The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law and Professor Melissa Wasserman of the University of Texas School of Law, whose post on their recent article Situating PTAB Adjudication Within the New World of Agency Adjudication, I’ll be running shortly. You can read more about the October 5 symposium on the symposium website. I’ll post about public registration as we get closer to the date.