Judge Rader on Judging (An Interview with Gene Quinn)

In six weeks or so, Judge Randall R. Rader will take-over as Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Gene Quinn recently sat-down with Judge Rader to discuss the Federal Circuit and his new role as Chief Judge. Gene has published the entire interview here. The content of the interview is interesting as is the fact that Judge Rader was willing to sit-down to record an unscripted give and take with Gene (a blogger and avid critic).

I have posted a few excerpts below:

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Verizon v. Vonage

Vonage is the darling of network neutrality advocates.  Using Vonage, millions of people have canceled their telephone service in favor of an IP-phone that connects through the Internet.

Last month, a jury determined that Vonage infringed three Verizon patents. (6,282,574, 6,104,711, 6,359,880).  These patents all relate to various aspects of Internet telephony.

This is not a "troll" case -- By definition, patent trolls are only looking for a payment in exchange for a patent license. Here, it is fairly clear that Verizon hopes that its patents will cause Vonage to close its doors.  Thus, Verizon requested and was granted a permanent injunction.

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