Recent Developments in Patent Law – 2015

By Jason Rantanen

On October 24, 2015, I’ll be giving the “Patent Law Year in Review” talk at the American Intellectual Property Law Association’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C.  I hope to see many of you there!

In connection with that talk, I’ve put together an essay with my perspectives on developments in patent law over the past year.  Even if you’re not planning on attending the conference, you can read the essay here:

3 thoughts on “Recent Developments in Patent Law – 2015

  1. 3

    I look forward to reading this.

    Supreme Court watchers might be interested in this interesting statistical analysis showing how the petition process (or at least some measurable aspects of the results of the Court’s process) have changed dramatically in recent years:

    link to

    It is now nearly a prerequisite for a grant of plenary review for a petition to be relisted (except for petitions granted at the Long Conference), a divergence from the historical practice of granting many petitions without a relist.

    Also this recent announcement may cause nightmares for some folks:

    link to

    “We are trying to take more cases,” Justice Stephen Breyer announced last night, and he gave reason to believe that the Justices will soon do just that …

  2. 1

    This is an excellent and highly detailed summary of recent Sup. Ct. and Fed. Cir. changes in patent law, legal issues still to be decided, and current statistics. Thank you for sharing it.

    One minor question: your chart of “patents in force” seems to indicate that the relatively high rate of elimination of older patents in force by non-payment of their year 11.5 maintenance fee seems to be continuing? If that is the case, you might want to note it, since as you note earlier, some folks don’t seem to know that when looking for “patents in force” numbers?

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