AI Visualize and the Eligibility of Innovative AI Systems

by Dennis Crouch

The recent eligibility decision in AI Visualize v. Nuance, __ F.4th __ (Fed. Cir. 2024), gives me pause to consider more general eligibility issues of AI Inventions. When does the design or creation of AI system elements qualify as an eligible invention?  In his recent article, Prof. Nikola Datzov wrote what we have all been thinking: "Innovative applications of AI are everywhere we look [and are] revolutionizing our society."  Nikola L. Datzov, The Role of Patent (In)Eligibility in Promoting Artificial Intelligence Innovation, 92 UMKC L. REV. 1, 4 (2023).

In AI Visualize, the Federal Circuit

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Federal Circuit Affirms Invalidity of Blockchain Gemstone Tracking Patent Under Section 101

by Dennis Crouch

In Rady v. The Boston Consulting Group, Inc., No. 2022-2218 (Fed. Cir. Mar. 27, 2024), the Federal Circuit affirmed the dismissal of a patent infringement lawsuit, holding that the asserted claims of Rady's US10469250 were ineligible under 35 U.S.C. § 101.  The patent, owned by Max Rady, patent describes scanning a physical item, determining its unique pattern of imperfections (i.e., "signature"), and recording that signature to a blockchain if not previously registered.

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