12 thoughts on “Happy New Year

    1. 6.1

      Where’ve you been Paul? Busy, I imagine.

      Have missed your shrewd contributions.

      Happy New Year, Max

  1. 4

    Happy New Year Prof. Crouch, and family. I did check out the Mediation sponsor and wish it well too. In a rational world patent dispute mediation services ought to be a growth area. I’m hoping though, that the business it will likely attract won’t take you away entirely from this very important blog.

      1. 4.1.1

        That’s good. Meditating is one of those things that is beneficial in moderation, but not so good when you find it it starting to take up a large proportion of your time.

  2. 3

    I became interested in patent law rather not by choice, but I have found it to be a fascinating subject beyond the immediate aspects of our defensive war with IBM Kenexa.

    PatentlyO is a must-read blog and I really appreciate the time and effort it takes to curate it. Happy new year to you too!

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