Tag Archives: Federal Circuit En Banc

Questioning the Federal Circuit’s Reduced Flow of Information

by Dennis Crouch

In a letter mailed on April 7, 2015, I joined with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in calling on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit to re-institute free public access to orders issued by the court.

Following former Chief Judge Rader’s resignation in 2014, the Federal Circuit stopped providing free public access the the vast majority of court orders.  These orders are still accessible through PACER, but that system is difficult and costly to use.

Although the court’s most substantive work is usually found in published opinions. Court orders can be substantive and important and the letter provides a few examples:

For example, an order involving ongoing royalties in cases involving Apple and VirnetX was not chosen for publication on the site, despite the high interest in the proceedings the case has generated, and the impact the order could have on the publicly traded companies. Another order barred Facebook from asserting invalidity defenses on appeal for procedural reasons – a matter of public interest because it could educate litigants about how to preserve issues on appeal, and because Facebook is a public company. Even in cases where the Court seeks public participation, it has not chosen to put relevant orders up on its website for public access. On December 30, the Court granted a petition for en banc rehearing of SCA Hygiene Products v. First Quality Baby Products, No. 2013-1564, announcing on its website that it invited amicus curiae briefs in the case. Rather than posting the order on its website, the Court instead directed interested parties to view the order on PACER. Because the case is sufficiently important to merit an announcement on the Court’s website, it was dismaying that the order was not selected for public access on the website.

The change that we propose is simple and fully within the Court’s power — we know this because the court was previously providing free public access to these documents as standard operating procedure.  My hope is that the Court will hear our respectful requests and make this appropriate change.

Michael Barclay and Vera Ranieri from EFF have also written on the topic in the EFF Deep Links Blog.

Federal Circuit Cases to Watch on Software Patentability – Planet Blue

 Guest Commentary by Robert Stoll

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice Corp v. CLS Bank (2014), there have been dozens of decisions in federal district courts and at the Federal Circuit that have applied Alice and Section 101 to a wide variety of business method and software related patents. And in the vast majority of these cases, the courts have invalidated the patents.

This trend line has led to rampant speculation about the end of software patents. But a review of the patents in those cases indicates that the claims at issue in most of the district court cases (and arguably all the Federal Circuit decisions) were directed to business methods that would have likely been held invalid under Bilski and other pre-Alice decisions. What we have seen far less is how courts will apply Alice to patent claims directed to software technology (as opposed to business methods).

Arguably the first of those cases is on its way through the Federal Circuit. The McRO (Planet Blue) v. Activision Blizzard, et al. (C.D. Cal. 2014) (“Planet Blue”) appeal pending at the Federal Circuit may be an important indicator of how software patents will be evaluated by the courts going forward.

Unlike many of the other Section 101 cases that have largely involved simple financial/business practices or similar non-technical “inventions,” the patents in Planet Blue are directed to what appear to be actual technological challenges. The patents utilize complex and seemingly specific computer-implemented techniques.

And yet the Planet Blue patents were found invalid under Section 101 in the district court. In deciding the case, Judge Wu did a thorough analysis of the patent claims, starting with the observation that “[f]acially, these claims do not seem directed to an abstract idea” and appear to be directed to a “specific technological process.”  However, interpreting Mayo to require him to disregard any aspect of the claims found in the prior art, he conducted a further analysis to determine what feature of the claims were novel. Wu found that the only aspect of the claims that added to the prior art was an abstract idea:  “the use of rules, rather than artists, to set the morph weights and transitions between phonemes.”

Planet Blue has now appealed to the Federal Circuit, and opening merits briefs were recently filed. These and the subsequent briefs, arguments and decision in this case will be important for practitioners and patent holders for several reasons:

The Federal Circuit will evaluate a patent claim that is technology-based.

An initial read of the claims in the Planet Blue patents seem to be a far cry from basic method claims. The Planet Blue patents are used in animation; the technology helps automate the process of adapting an animated image to mouth words without having to draw or manually program the animated character’s movements. Its’ claims are drawn to the use of three-dimensional synchronization for certain applications in animation.

The district court initially acknowledged that the claims, in isolation, appeared tangible and specific and did not seem directed to an abstract idea: “considered standing alone, the asserted claims do not seem to cover any and all use of rules for three-dimensional synchronization.” In deciding this case, the Federal Circuit will be making an important decision on how to evaluate technology and software claims in a post-Alice environment.

The decision should provide additional guidance on how to apply the ‘significantly more’ test.

In the Alice decision, the Court recognized that patents – even those that are directed to an abstract idea or other ineligible concept – can be made patent eligible if the patent ‘transforms’ the abstract idea, or  does ‘something’ or ‘significantly more’ than a patent on the concept itself. This is the second step of the Alice/Mayo test, which the Court refers to as the search for an inventive concept.  Unfortunately, both the Supreme Court and Federal Circuit have provided scant guidance on what is necessary to satisfy this “significantly more” test.

In this case, the district court found that the claims covered a well-known concept of lip synchronization and weren’t sufficient to meet the ‘significantly more’ test. The Federal Circuit will review the claims, and assess whether the district court’s analysis and conclusion were correct.  The Federal Circuit’s decision should provide some insight as to how ‘significantly more’ test should be performed and how claims should be read moving forward.

Lower courts will be paying close attention to the Federal Circuit’s ruling in this case in their 101 assessments.

Just six weeks after the Planet Blue decision, another Section 101 decision came out from the Central District of California, this one authored by Judge Pfaelzer, in California Institute of Technology v. Hughes Communications, Inc. (C.D. Cal. 2014).  In that case, the court denied Hughes’ motion for summary judgment on Section 101 ineligibility. Judge Pfaelzer also undertook a lengthy analysis of Section 101 case law.  In applying the Mayo/Alice framework, the court found that the Caltech claims were directed to abstract ideas, but that the claims were patentable since they contain inventive concepts.

Interestingly, Judge Pfaelzer also made a point of discussing the Planet Blue decision.  While respectfully acknowledging that Planet Blue offers valuable contributions to the Section 101 discussion, Judge Pfaelzer noted that Planet Blue ultimately reached the wrong conclusion since courts should not, in her view, apply the point-of-novelty approach in the Section 101 inquiry, citing the Supreme Court’s Diamond v. Diehr decision.

This is the first step in the journey, not the destination. Planet Blue may turn out to be a bellwether case on software patentability, as these patents seem quite similar to so many of the software patents held by companies across the IT industry and beyond.  But the outcome is likely to be highly panel dependent, and it would not be surprising to see a request for en banc consideration at some point down the line. The case is sure to be closely watched, and it will be fascinating to see whether the Federal Circuit follows the lead of Ultramercial (and upholds the lower court decision on patent ineligibility), or whether the reasoning of DDR Holdings will prevail (and the Section 101 decision reversed).

Bob Stoll is a partner at Drinker Biddle and Reath and Co-Chair of the IP Group and a previous Commissioner for Patents at the USPTO.  The views expressed above are his own and do not necessarily represent the views of his firm or its clients.


Willfulness: Federal Circuit Denies En Banc Review in Halo v. Pulse

By Jason Rantanen

Halo Electronics, Inc. v. Pulse Electronics, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2015) (denial of rehearing en banc) Halo Order

The Federal Circuit denied Halo’s petition for rehearing en banc today over the dissent of Judges O’Malley and Hughes.  (For background, Dennis and I previously wrote about the opinion and the petition for rehearing).  The concurrence and dissent focused solely on the issue of willfulness, which Halo had framed as:

Willfulness: Whether an infringer who subjectively knew pre-suit that it was infringing a valid patent (after being given notice of the patent, and failing to design around, seek a license, or stop infringing) can use an unsuccessful defense developed post-suit as a per se bar to liability for pre-suit willful infringement, despite the flexible text of 35 U.S.C. § 284.

This is not the right case: Concurring in the denial of the rehearing en banc, Judge Taranto, joined by Judge Reyna, wrote separately to explain that the denial was appropriate because “Halo raises only one question about the enhanced-damages provision of the Patent Act, 35 U.S.C. § 274, and I do not think that further review of that question is warranted.”  Concurrence at 4.  In the concurrence’s view, “[t]he only enhancement-related question that Halo presents for en banc review is whether the objective reasonableness of Pulse’s invalidity position must be judged only on the basis of Pulse’s beliefs before the infringement took place.” Id. at 5.  In Judge Taranto’s view, “Halo has not demonstrated the general importance of that question or that the panel’s assessment of objective reasonableness is inconsistent with any applicable precedents or produces confusion calling for en banc review.”  Id.  Nor is the requirement of objective recklessness affected by Octane Fitness.

Nevertheless, the concurrence observed, there are many aspects of the court’s § 284 jurisprudence that could bear revisiting en banc, including “whether willfulness should remain a necessary condition for enhancement under § 284’s “may” language,”” the proper standards for finding willfulness,” “who makes which decisions and what standards of proof and review should govern those decisions,” whether “a judge or jury decide willfulness, in full or in part,” whether “willfulness (or, rather, its factual predicates) have to be proved by clear and convincing evidence,” and “what standards govern appellate review”?  In Judge Taranto’s words, “Whether such questions warrant en banc review will have to be determined in other cases.”  Id. at 1.

The Willfulness Jurisprudence Should be Reevaluated: Judge O’Malley, joined by Judge Hughes, disagreed for the same reasons provided in her dissent to the original opinion (discussed here).  The court’s “jurisprudence governing the award of enhanced damages under § 284 has closely mirrored our jurisprudence governing the award of attorneys’ fees under § 285.” Dissent at 2. But “[w]e now know that the artificial and awkward construct we had established for § 285 claims is not appropriate. We should assess whether the same is true with respect to the structure we continue to employ under § 284.”  Id. at 4.  Both the court’s framework for assessing willfulness and the framework for attorneys’ fees were predicted on its interpretation of Professional Real Estate Investors, Inc. v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., 508 U.S. 49 (1993).  But in Octane Fitness, the Supreme Court held that the Federal Circuit had misunderstood PRE for its attorneys’ fees inquiry.  Consequently “[w]e should now assess whether a flexible test similar to what we have been told to apply in the § 285 context is also appropriate for an award of enhanced damages.”  Id. at 5.

Beyond the effect of Octane Fitness, Judge O’Malley identifies additional issues with the current willfulness framework: its requirement of clear and convincing evidence, the court’s imposition of de novo review, which was rejected for fee awards by the Court in Highmark, and who should be making the decision to enhance damages: the judge or the jury?

The Unsettled Standard of Review: Shortly after releasing its denial of rehearing en banc in Halo, the court issued a revised opinion in Stryker v. Zimmer, in which it added a new footnote:

6   This court has not yet addressed whether Octane Fitness, LLC v. ICON Health & Fitness, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 1749 (2014), or Highmark Inc. v. Allcare Health Mgmt. Sys., Inc., 134 S. Ct. 1744, 1746 (2014), altered the standard of review under which this court analyzes the objective prong of willfulness. However, as the district court failed to undertake any objective assessment of Zimmer’s specific defenses, the district court erred under any standard of review and thus this court need not now address what standard of review is proper regarding the objective prong of willfulness.

Combined with the additional language in Stryker v. Zimmer, the court may be gearing up to take on a compromise issue in willfulness: namely, whether a modified standard of review is appropriate.  That said, it is entirely possible that the Supreme Court will take on the bigger question that Judge O’Malley raises in dissent.  Halo remains an appeal to watch.

Fenner v. Cellco: Judge Newman Speaks on Claim Construction

By Jason Rantanen

Fenner Investments, Ltd. v. Cellco Partnership (Fed. Cir. 2015) Download Fenner v Cellco
Panel: Newman (author), Schall, Hughes

In Fenner v. Cellco Partnership, Judge Newman adds another voice to the chorus of Federal Circuit judges reading Teva v. Sandoz as having little effect on the court’s routine review of district court claim constructions.  Here, the panel affirms the district court’s construction of the term “personal identification number” under what appears to be a de novo standard of review   Frustratingly, the opinion never states which standard of review it is applying either generally or to any given issue, but I read all of the issues it addresses as either consisting of intrinsic evidence or going to the “ultimate question” of claim construction.

Judge Newman’s Articulation of the Post-Teva standard of review.  The appellate analysis begins with the established reading of Teva as reinforcing a largely de novo standard of review for claim construction:

 We review de novo the ultimate question of the proper construction of patent claims and the evidence intrinsic to the patent. Teva Pharm. USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc., 135 S. Ct. 831, 841 (2015); id. (“[W]hen the district court reviews only evidence intrinsic to the patent (the patent claims and specifications, along with the patent’s prosecution history), the judge’s determination will amount solely to a determination of law, and the Court of Appeals will review that construction de novo.”). The district court’s determination of subsidiary facts based on extrinsic evidence is reviewed for clear error. Id. at 835, 841.

After noting that the appellant’s argument rested on a plain meaning versus the specification & prosecution history tension, the opinion summarizes the claim construction process:

The terms used in patent claims are not construed in the abstract, but in the context in which the term was presented and used by the patentee, as it would have been understood by a person of ordinary skill in the field of the invention on reading the patent documents. See Biogen Idec, Inc. v. GlaxoSmithKline LLC, 713 F.3d 1090, 1095 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (“[A] term’s ordinary meaning must be considered in the context of all the intrinsic evidence, including the claims, specification, and prosecution history.”). Thus, a claim receives the meaning it would have to persons in the field of the invention, when read and understood in light of the entire specification and prosecution history. Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1312– 1317 (Fed. Cir. 2005) (en banc). Any explanation, elaboration, or qualification presented by the inventor during patent examination is relevant, for the role of claim construction is to “capture the scope of the actual invention” that is disclosed, described, and patented. Retractable Techs., Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson & Co., 653 F.3d 1296, 1305 (Fed. Cir. 2011).

In this articulation of the process, both the specification and the prosecution history play an important role.  But Judge Newman does not stop with this summary; she digs into the meaning of claim construction itself:

Words are symbols, linguistic embodiments of information sought to be communicated, and, as such, can be imperfect at representing their subject. The Supreme Court recently observed this challenge to patent claim interpretation, stating in Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., 134 S. Ct. 2120, 2128-29 (2014), that “the definiteness requirement must take into account the inherent limitations of language,” and that clarity is required although “recognizing that absolute precision is unattainable.” When the disputed words describe technology, the terse usage of patent claims often requires “construction” in order to define and establish the legal right. Judicial “construction” of patent claims aims to state the boundaries of the patented subject matter, not to change that which was invented.

Beginning with the written description issue, the opinion concludes that the district court used that portion of the patent properly:

The foundation of judicial claim construction is the “written description” in the specification. The patent statute requires that the claims “particularly point[] out
and distinctly claim[] the subject matter” that the applicant regards as the invention. 35 U.S.C. §112(b). The district court appropriately consulted the description in the ’706 specification “for the purpose of better understanding the meaning of the claim.” White v. Dunbar, 119 U.S. 47, 51 (1886).

The prosecution history further bolstered the district court’s construction even though the examiner did not appear to have relied upon the relevant statements by the applicant in granting the patent:

Fenner argues that these purportedly limiting statements he made during prosecution do not limit the claims, arguing that the statements and the limitations discussed were not the basis for grant of the patent. However, the interested public has the right to rely on the inventor’s statements made during prosecution, without attempting to decipher whether the examiner relied on them, or how much weight they were given. See Microsoft Corp. v. Multi-Tech Sys., Inc., 357 F.3d 1340, 1350 (Fed. Cir. 2004) (“[A] patentee’s statements during prosecution, whether relied on by the examiner or not, are relevant to claim interpretation.”); Laitram Corp. v. Morehouse Indus., Inc., 143 F.3d 1456, 1462 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (“The fact that an examiner placed no reliance on an applicant’s statement distinguishing prior art does not mean that the statement is inconsequential for purposes of claim construction.”)

The court also rejected the appellant’s arguments based on interoperability (concluding that the district court’s construction did not render the claim inoperable) and claim differentiation:

Although claim differentiation is a useful analytic tool, it cannot enlarge the meaning of a claim beyond that which is supported by the patent documents, or relieve any claim of limitations imposed by the prosecution history. See, e.g., Retractable Techs., 653 F.3d at 1305 (“[A]ny presumption created by the doctrine of claim differentiation ‘will be overcome by a contrary construction dictated by the written description or prosecution history.’” (quoting Seachange Int’l, Inc. v. C-COR, Inc.,413 F.3d 1361, 1369 (Fed. Cir. 2005))); Toro Co. v. White Consol. Indus., Inc., 199 F.3d 1295, 1302 (Fed. Cir. 1999) (“[T]he doctrine of claim differentiation does not serve to broaden claims beyond their meaning in light of the specification, and does not override clear statements of scope in the specification and the prosecution history.” (citation omitted)).




In re Papst Licensing: Federal Circuit Speaks on Claim Construction

By Jason Rantanen

In re Papst Licensing Digital Camera Patent Litigation (Fed. Cir. 2015) (Download In re Papst)
Panel: Taranto (author), Schall, Chen

In its first precedential opinion addressing claim construction after Teva v. Sandoz, a panel of Judges Taranto, Schall and Chen take the approach that it is business at usual for the court—at least, as long as only intrinsic evidence is involved.

The most significant aspect of this opinion is the relationship between this appeal and Teva.  Here, the district court heard from the parties’ experts on the technical background, but “declined to admit expert testimony or to rely on an expert declaration from Papst, stating that ‘the intrinsic evidence—the claims, the specification, and the prosecution history—provide the full record necessary for claims construction.”  Slip Op. at 7.  Given this posture, the Federal Circuit comfortably applied a de novo standard of review.  From the opinion:

We review the grant of summary judgment of noninfringement de novo, applying the same standard used by the district court. See Bender v. Dudas, 490 F.3d 1361, 1366 (Fed. Cir. 2007). The infringement inquiry, which asks if an accused device contains every claim limitation or its equivalent, Warner-Jenkinson Co. v. Hilton Davis Chem. Co., 520 U.S. 17, 29 (1997), depends on the proper construction of the claims. See Cybor Corp. v. FAS Techs., Inc., 138 F.3d 1448, 1454 (Fed. Cir. 1998) (en banc). In this case, we review the district court’s claim constructions de novo, because intrinsic evidence fully determines the proper constructions. See Teva Pharm. U.S.A. Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc., 135 S. Ct. 831, 840–42 (2015). As we have noted, the district court relied only on the intrinsic record, not on any testimony about skilled artisans’ understandings of claim terms in the relevant field, and neither party challenges that approach.

Slip Op. at 8.  Operating within this framework, the court drew upon its “familiar approach to claim construction”:

“We generally give words of a claim their ordinary meaning in the context of the claim and the whole patent document; the specification particularly, but also the prosecution history, informs the determination of claim meaning in context, including by resolving ambiguities; and even if the meaning is plain on the face of the claim language, the patentee can, by acting with sufficient clarity, disclaim such a plain meaning or prescribe a special definition.”…We apply, in particular, the principle that “[t]he construction that stays true to the claim language and most naturally aligns with the patent’s description of the invention will be, in the end, the correct construction.”

Slip Op. at 9-10 (internal citations omitted).  Using that approach, the Federal Circuit reversed all of the district court’s claim constructions at issue.

While this appeal appears to involve Teva‘s paradigmatic scenario in which de novo review is appropriate, future appeals are less likely to offer such a relatively simple posture.   Rather, the expectation is that district judges will seek to insulate themselves from review by relying upon evidence that the Supreme Court said is due deferential review.  This increasing reliance on extrinsic evidence by district courts will result in appeals that intertwine the intrinsic with the extrinic.  That said, the above sections of the opinion suggest to me that the court is probably going to focus its review on the intrinsic evidence first and, if that is clear, will decide the appeal on that ground alone.

There’s another layer of complexity going on here that relates to the starting meaning* of words.  In Teva, the Court observed that:

Construction of written instruments often presents a “question solely of law,” at least when the words in those instruments are “used in their ordinary meaning.”…But sometimes, say when a written instrument uses “technical words or phrases not commonly understood,” id., at 292, those words may give rise to a factual dispute. If so, extrinsic evidence may help to “establish a usage of trade or locality.” []. And in that circumstance, the “determination of the matter of fact” will “preced[e]” the “function of construction.”…This factual determination, like all other factual determinations, must be reviewed for clear error.

Teva v. Sandoz at 5-6 (internal citations omitted).  A tension that emerges from this passage is the tension between “ordinary meaning” and “technical words or phrases not commonly understood.”  The latter, the Court’s opinion states, may be due deference; but when “ordinary meaning” is involved, it is a “question solely of law.”

Here, the claim construction did require some discussion of the ordinary meaning of words.  At issue was the meaning of the claim term “virtual files,” which the district court construed as meaning “files that appear to be but are not physically stored; rather, they are constructed or derived from existing data when their contents are requested by an application program so that they appear to exist as files from the point of view of the host device.”  Slip Op. at 21.  This construction, in the district court’s eyes, limited “the “virtual files” of the “virtual file system” to files “not physically stored on the interface device,” whose content is data “originating from the data transmit/receive device.”  Id.

In reversing the district court’s construction, the Federal Circuit began with its —not the district court’s—ordinary meaning.   “‘Virtual’ conveys some kind of as if action, one thing emulating another; the term was prominently used that way in the computer field at the time of the inventions here.  See CardSoft v. Verifone, Inc., 769 F.3d 1114, 1117–18 (Fed. Cir. 2014) (discussing Java Virtual Machine in patent dating to 1998).”  Slip Op. at 22.  With this meaning as the starting point, the CAFC concluded that the patent identifies this emulation as not turning “on whether data in a ‘virtual file’ is physically located in the interface device or a data device when the host seeks it.”  Id.

The district court, however, relied on a different source for its starting meaning:

The 1993 New IEEE Dictionary defined the term similarly to the construction proposed by the Camera Manufacturers. In the context of a “virtual record,” “virtual” was defined as: “a record that appears to be but is not physically stored; rather, it is constructed or derived from existing data when its contents are requested by an application program….The Court adopts the definition from the New IEEE Dictionary as the most clear and pertinent….”

In re Papst Licensing GmbH & Co. KG Litig., 670 F. Supp. 2d 16, 60 (D.D.C. 2009).  It’s unclear why the Federal Circuit didn’t address the district judge’s choice of starting meaning, substituting its own with no explanation of why.  It’s also not clear to me that the different starting point really matters for the ultimate issue of whether the claim term excludes files stored on the interface device.  But this kind of dispute, where a district judge relied on an extrinsic source for its starting point when construing a claim term, seems to be one that parties will try to make hay with in future appeals on claim construction.

*I’m using “starting meaning” to refer to the meaning that the party construing the claim term begins with; it may or may not be the “ordinary meaning.”  For some words, that may be our individual “mental lexicons,” as Kristen Osenga has described ; for other words, those meanings may come about when we look up the word in a dictionary.  For court opinions on claim constructions, the court will sometimes, but not always, state what it’s using as the starting meaning for a term.  Here, the Federal Circuit started with its meaning from the cited case, while the district court began from the point of the IEEE dictionary and the OED.

Teva v. Sandoz: Partial Deference in Claim Construction

by Dennis Crouch

As President Clinton taught, the meaning of words is always up for debate.  In the patent realm, actual claim scope often depends upon the particular meaning given to the individual words and terms.  We have seen that claim construction can vary widely – easily flipping the outcome of cases.  Litigators know the construction is only ‘probabilistic’ until decided by the court.  And, district courts know that their decisions are likely to be overturned – at least partially because claim construction is a question of law reviewed de novo and without deference on appeal

In Teva v. Sandoz, the US Supreme Court has changed the litigation game – holding that factual conclusions that underpin claim construction rulings must be reviewed for “clear error” – i.e., given substantial deference on appeal.

Up-to-now, many litigants have not worried much about the fact/law divide because all aspects of a claim construction decision were to be reviewed de novo in the eventual appeal.  More-so, district court litigants have likely shaded toward arguments asking for legal conclusion because those conclusions do not require the same level of evidentiary support as factual conclusions.  I expect for (some) litigants and district courts to shift their behavior and focus much more on evidentiary aspects of the case — such as the understanding of a person having ordinary skill in the art at the time of the patent.  The traditional approach is for plaintiffs to focus more on facts so that the case will end if they win at the district court level and for defendants to focus more on legal issues that – in case of a loss – are more easily appealable. Thus, on balance, the outcome here likely favors patentees as compared to the prior full de novo review system.

Under the new rule, determinations regarding evidence “intrinsic to the patent” will continue to be reviewed de novo on appeal. This intrinsic evidence includes both the patent document and the prosecution history of record.  The change, is that conclusions regarding other evidence considered – so called “extrinsic evidence” – are subject to the ordinary fact-finding rules of court and will be reviewed with deference on appeal.  Finally, the Supreme Court was also clear that application of the extrinsic evidence to the patent-in-question will also be seen as an issue of law reviewed de novo.

A major open question is the extent that the decision here modifies the standard approach to claim construction that has been explained by the Federal Circuit in Phillips v. AWH Corp – namely the rule that extrinsic evidence is of secondary importance and perhaps should not be considered absent ambiguity in the intrinsic evidence.  In my view, that approach is contrary to the rule that the interpretation should be based upon the contemporary understanding of a person having ordinary skill in the art.

At the prosecution level there is a bit of a logical conundrum – parties that present factual evidence during prosecution may get the USPTO to make factual conclusions and agree with that construction. However, if the case later goes into litigation that evidence and those conclusions will be seen as purely intrinsic evidence and thus given no deference in a Federal Circuit appeal.  It will be interesting to see how this works on a contemporary basis for the administrative post-issuance review proceedings where any testimony or extrinsic evidence presented instantly becomes part of the prosecution history record.

The 7-2 majority opinion was penned by Justice Breyer and joined by Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Kennedy, Ginsburg, Sotomayor, and Kagen. Justice Thomas wrote in dissent an was joined by Justice Alito.

Statute vs Contract: In his dissenting opinion, Justice Thomas drew an analogy between claim construction and statutory construction and found that neither involve “finding of facts” even when conclusions are drawn from extrinsic evidence.  At least at a rhetoric level, this argument makes tremendous sense – the word “patent” itself references a publicly documented grant by a sovereign – something that seems awfully close to a statute.  Replying to the dissent, Justice Breyer argues for stare decisis — pointing to the fact that the Court already ruled in Markman that claim construction can have “evidentiary underpinnings.”  Rather, the majority links claim construction to that of a deed or contract where factual conclusions are sometimes needed.

Federal Circuit Exceptionalism: A theme running through most recent Supreme Court patent cases is that, when applicable, common-law patent doctrines should follow the common law approach rather than some specialized patent rule. Here, one aspect of the majority opinion is that the process of patent claim construction should look like the process of construing a deed or contract.  As Professor Ouellette wrote this morning: “Today’s opinion joins a long line of Supreme Court decisions rebuking the Federal Circuit for patent law exceptionalism.”  Of course, the link to deeds and contracts only goes so-far because with claim construction we’re not really looking to figure out what the patentee intended by the words but rather what is the proper public understanding of the words (as J. Scalia noted). Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see how district courts fare with that analogy and the extent to which the Federal Circuit is accepting.

Cybor No Longer Subject to Challenge: The Federal Circuit’s decision in Cybor has long been subject to renewed efforts for en-banc review. This happened most recently in Lighting Ballast Control LLC v. Philips Electronics N.A. Corp. (Fed. Cir. 2014) (En banc).  Although the Supreme Court here modified Cybor and Lighting Ballast, it also foreclosed future challenges to increase the level of deference. Rather, the Court is clear in Teva that – apart from factual conclusions regarding extrinsic evidence – that no deference should be given on appeal.


Masking the Problem of Claim Ambiguity: My problem with the decision is that giving deference on appellate review only masks the major problem that claim scope is not well understood until decided by a court. Claim scope should be clearly understood at the time of issuance rather than years later following an expensive litigation effort.

Willfulness Interplays Between Patent and Copyright

by Dennis Crouch

As with patent law, willful copyright infringement also leads to enhanced damages. In Seagate (Fed. Cir. 2007), the en banc Federal Circuit drew an analogy to copyright doctrine in determining that willfulness in the patent context should also include reckless indifference.  Truthfully though, copyright law was not as uniform in its approach as suggested by the panel decision.

In Olem Shoe Corp. v. Washington Shoe Corp. (11th Cir. 2015), the Eleventh Circuit goes the other way and relies on the Federal Circuit doctrine on willfulness to help it further refine the test for copyright.  In a issue of first impression for the Atlanta-based Court of Appeals, affirmed that willfulness in copyright law also requires proof that the infringer acted “despite an objective high likelihood that the actions taken” constituted infringement and that the risk of infringement was known or should have been known by the infringer.

The district court had found infringement but no willfulness. (See comparisons above). On appeal, the panel affirmed — finding that the copyright holder presented no evidence “with regard to actual knowledge that Olem’s boots infringed Washington Shoe’s copyrights. That is, there is no evidence that Olem knew of Washington Shoe’s copyrights and chose to violate them.”  The panel also found insufficient evidence to raise a genuine issue of material fact of reckless disregard.

In particular, Washington Shoe argued that its cease-and-desist letters should have created sufficient notice.  However, that suggestion was rejected because the letters “did not include reference to copyright registration numbers or deposit copies. . . [and thus] provided nothing from which Olem could have determined that the claim was legitimate.”  Washington Shoe also noted the similarity of the boots  – including evidence that the boots are identical – as a clear signpost of infringement.   However, the appellate panel also found that similarity to provide no basis for a willfulness finding.  Finally, for willfulness, the panel refused to place any burden on the infringer to prove that it had an alternative design source.

* * * * *

A few interesting aspects of the case:

  • First, I should note that, although expounding upon new law, the panel determined that the decision was non-precedential.  This is likely because two of the three panel members were sitting by designation (one from a district court and the other from the USCIT).
  • As part of its deliberative process, the district court requested insight from the register of copyrights regarding whether certain alleged inaccurate information regarding the copyright registration would have caused the register to deny registration. Such a request is permitted under 17 U.S.C. 411(b).  This approach is wildly different from the patent law approach where there is essentially no communication between the patent office and the court of enforcement.
  • The copyright statute only particularly provides for enhanced willfulness damages if the copyright holder first chooses statutory damages (rather than proving actual damages).

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

By Jason Rantanen
Three upcoming conferences that may be of interest to readers:
This Friday and Saturday, January 16 and 17, the University of San Diego School of Law’s Center for Intellectual Property Law & Markets is holding its 5th Annual Patent Law Conference.  This year’s topic is “Patent Invalidity after the America Invents Act.”  Speakers include Judges Bencivengo, Bartick & Chen.  I attended last year as part of PatCon and thought it was a great event.  More details here: http://www.sandiego.edu/law/centers/ciplm/detail.php?_focus=49377#overview
Hal Wegner’s 3rd Annual Naples Patent Law Experts Conference will be held February 9 and 10.   This beachfront Conference in Naples, Florida, will involve  an interactive discussion by more than thirty faculty members.  Topics to be covered include recent and pending Supreme Court patent law decisions, potential legislative activity, issues of international law, and more. Further information from the sponsoring organization, the University of Akron, is available here: http://www.uakron.edu/law/ip/naples-midwinter.dot
On March 5-6, Don Chisum and Janice Mueller will conduct a two-day patent roundtable seminar.  The program is limited to a total of ten participants to maximize opportunities for interactive discussion and debate.  All sessions are led by treatise authors and educators Don Chisum and Janice Mueller. Coverage focuses on recent significant patent decisions of the Federal Circuit and U.S. Supreme Court. Topics currently planned for discussion include:
  • The Supreme Court’s Alice Corp. decision on patent-eligible subject matter and subsequent Federal Circuit decisions applying Alice
  • The Supreme Court’s grant of certiorari in Commil USA concerning the intent requirement for inducing infringement;
  • The Supreme Court’s grant of certiorari in Kimble v. Marvel concerning the propriety of post-patent expiration royalties;
  • The Supreme Court’s pending decision in Teva v. Sandoz on review of patent claim construction;
  • The Federal Circuit’s grant of en banc review in SCA Hygiene to determine whether the Supreme Court’s Petrella decision changed the law of laches as a defense to patent infringement;
  • Patent Practice Gone Wrong: Lessons from Patent Malpractice, Exceptional Case and Rule 11 Sanctions, and Inequitable Conduct Cases;
  • Patent Claim Construction and Definiteness in the Wake of Nautilus (and Anticipating Teva); and
  • Inter Partes Review: Two-Year Snapshot and Lessons from Case Studies.
No advance preparation is expected or required. The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education has approved the seminar for 12.0 hours of CLE instruction. For additional details on the venue, topics, and registration form, see http://chisum-patent-academy.com/upcoming-patent-law-seminars/advanced-patent-law-seminars-cincinnati-oh/ or e-mail info@chisum.com.


Bard v. W.L. Gore: Revisiting Willful Infringement (Again)

By Jason Rantanen

Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc. v. W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2015) 14-1114.Opinion.1-7-2015.1
Panel: Prost (author), Hughes (concurring), Newman (dissenting)

Professor Tom Cotter has an excellent write-up of this opinion over on his blog, Comparative Patent Remedies.   The main issue involves willful infringement: applying the de novo standard of review to the objective prong of the willfulness inquiry, as per Seagate and the earlier Bard decision, the majority affirmed the district court’s conclusion that Bard willfully infringed because its noninfringement defense is not “susceptible to a reasonable conclusion of no infringement. ” Judge Hughes wrote separately to reiterate his “belief that the full court should review our willfulness jurisprudence in light of the Supreme Court’s recent decisions” in Highmark  and Octane Fitness.  Judge Newman dissented; in her view, the majority failed to apply the de novo standard of review required by Seagate; applying that standard, the district court erred.   Judge Newman also questioned the imposition of double damages.

Judge Hughes’ concurrence, like Judge O’Malley’s concurrence in Halo v. Pulse last fall, suggests that the Federal Circuit remains divided on the appropriate legal standard for willful infringement post-Highmark and Octane Fitness.  Panels remain bound by the de novo standard set out in Seagate, but Judges Hughes and O’Malley strongly believe that the court should reconsider that precedent.  It may be only a matter of time before the Federal Circuit either addresses this divide en banc or the Supreme Court grants cert.  It’s also possible that the Court will provide some guidance on the issue in Commil v. Cisco; we’ll know later this year.


The Federal Circuit and Judicial Transparency

By Jason Rantanen

Last week, in writing about the Federal Circuit’s grant of en banc review in SCA Hygiene Products v. First Quality Baby Products, I observed that the order was not yet available on the court’s website.  Upon checking again this morning, I noted that it continues to be unavailable.

As a general matter, I tend to favor the existence of the Federal Circuit and believe that the judges who sit on that court are largely just folks who are trying to do the best they can in deciding very challenging cases.  I don’t always agree with the judges’ reasoning, but I appreciate the difficulty of what they are called upon to do (as well as how much easier it is to criticize an analysis than it is to assemble an analysis).

Where I tend to be most disappointed is with those aspects of the court that do not operate at this high level; or even at a “pretty good” level.  In particular, I am routinely unimpressed with the lack of public transparency when it comes to information about the court’s decisions.  One example is the court’s statistics page, which contains data that can be difficult to interpret because no methodology is provided.  Worse, the variety of statistics that the court has publicly released has shrunk over the years.  The court used to provide data on the dispositions of patent infringement cases, for example; that data is no longer provided by the court.

Much greater than problems with the court’s statistical data, however, is the lack of transparency in connection with the court’s decisions themselves.  This is not to say that there is no information: the court deserves credit for deciding, several years ago, to post its opinions on the Federal Circuit webpage.   These opinions are published at http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/opinions-orders/ throughout the day.  Since around the middle of 2007, the material released at this location has included summary affirmances under Rule 36, and for the past few years “selected” orders have been published there as well.

Unfortunately, no criteria for which orders are “selected” for publication on the website are provided, and extremely significant and important orders are sometimes not released there.  For example, even though the Federal Circuit’s announcements page contains an announcement about the grant of en banc review in SCA Hygiene and an invitation for amicus participation, the order itself (which contains the questions presented) is not available on the court’s website.  Instead, users are directed to download the order from PACER, a registration-required, fee-based system that is routinely criticized on access to justice grounds.  Surely, such an important order would be easily available to the interested public.  It is not.

In addition, as Hal Wegner recently pointed out in his email newsletter, the court’s public revelation of its decisions via PACER creates a second, possibly more significant, issue: those folks who do have PACER access will know about the court’s decisions before those who merely follow its public website.  This is because the decisions can appear on PACER up to two hours before they appear on the Federal Circuit’s website.  The result is that those who follow that particular docket on PACER will gain first knowledge about the outcome of the case, something that may have significant financial implications.

There are some actions that followers of the Federal Circuit can take if they want to stay on the cutting edge of the court’s dispositions.  First, the court has an RSS feed through which it announces releases of opinions on PACER.  You can subscribe to the RSS feed here: http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/rss-opinions.php (thanks to Hal Wegner for the tip!).  I’m told, but haven’t yet confirmed, that this feed updates at the same time that an opinion is released on PACER.  Second, if you have access to a document monitoring service, such as BNA, you can set it to alert you when individual dockets are updated.  Again, I haven’t yet confirmed how “real time” the alert is.  Both approaches have drawbacks, but they do provide partial solutions.

But the bigger problem remains: the challenge of gaining access to all of the court’s theoretically “public” decisions.  PACER is not like, say, the USPTO‘s trademark search system, which a model of transparency and ease of use.  Instead, it is the electronic equivalent of the warehouse at the end of Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark, with the addition of a fee to open each box.  And the court’s recent elimination of the “daily disposition sheet” has only made it more difficult to even know what’s kept in that warehouse.

With all the technological and political issues surrounding PACER, figuring out how to open up all the court’s judicial decisions to greater public access is, perhaps, not an easy problem to solve.  But given the court’s ability to address complex issues of fact and law in its decisions, it’s rather disappointing that it hasn’t applied that same ability to releasing those decisions in a more transparent way.

One possible start might be to ensure that court opinions and orders are released simultaneously on the court’s website and PACER.  Another would be to post all the court’s orders on the website, not just those that are “selected.”  And a third would be to create an electronic, publicly-available historic set of all the court’s decisions, not just the incomplete set that is currently provided.  All three would  would go a substantial way to ensuring greater judicial transparency and to avoid any more embarrassing lapses like the SCA Hygiene snafu.

By the way – if you are looking for that particular order, you can download it here: SCA Hygiene en banc order

My moderation policy is in effect for comments on this post.  Off-topic, excessive and abusive comments will be removed.

Edit to add a reference to the elimination of the daily disposition sheet after the comment from Pilgrim.  Some additional minor edits for clarification.

Halo v. Pulse: Escaping Willfulness with Ex Post Reasoning

by Dennis Crouch

Halo has petitioned the Federal Circuit to rehear its electronics patent case against Pulse with two questions presented:

  1. Willfulness: Whether an infringer who subjectively knew pre-suit that it was infringing a valid patent (after being given notice of the patent, and failing to design around, seek a license, or stop infringing) can use an unsuccessful defense developed post-suit as a per se bar to liability for pre-suit willful infringement, despite the flexible text of 35 U.S.C. § 284.
  2. Sale/Offer for Sale: Whether a requirements contract for a patented product that is negotiated and executed in the U.S., subject to California law, and includes binding pricing and quantity terms constitutes a “sale” and “offer for sale” under 35 U.S.C. § 271(a).

The petition is well designed and holds a strong possibility of review.  In the original panel decision, Judge O’Malley (joined by Judge Hughes) called for en banc review of the court’s willfulness jurisprudence. Jason Rantanen wrote more here.  The case also has interesting links with Commil v. Cisco that is now pending before the Supreme Court.

Regarding the Sale issue, I see less merit. As Lucas Osborne writes, although the contract was negotiated and signed within the US, the actual performance was to be done outside of the US.  In the litigation, the patentee was able to capture royalties for all of the products imported into the U.S., but here is seeking damages for worldwide sales.

Unreasonable Prejudicial Delay in Filing Patent Infringement Suits: Why the Federal Circuit Should Not Overrule Aukerman

Guest Post by Donald S. Chisum

On December 30, 2014, the Federal Circuit granted en banc review in a case (SCA Hyiene), to consider whether to overrule the 1992 A.C. Aukerman decision, which upheld the defense of laches (unreasonable, prejudicial delay) for patent infringement damage claims, in light of the Supreme Court’s 2014 Petrella decision, which held that laches did not apply to claims for damages for acts of copyright infringement occurring within the Copyright Act’s three year statute of limitations.

For a variety of reasons, it is absolutely clear (to me) that neither the Federal Circuit nor the Supreme Court should alter Aukerman.  Here are some of those reasons.

At first blush, the argument for applying the holding and reasoning of Petrella to patent cases to overturn A.C. Aukerman is strong.   Petrella reasoned that Congress established three years as a reasonable period for recovering for pre-suit infringements and courts should not “second-guess” Congress in that respect. Similarly, for patents, Congress set a six-year period for recovering for pre-suit infringements.  In Petrella, the Supreme Court stated, in general terms, that it had never “approved the application of laches to bar a claim for damages brought within the time allowed by a federal statute of limitations.” It reiterated that it had “never applied laches to bar in their entirety claims for discrete wrongs occurring within a federally prescribed limitations period.”  The Section 286 six-year period is not, in technical terms, a “statute of limitations.” Nevertheless, it is a Congressionally prescribed period for recovering for patent infringement.

However, there are stronger arguments for distinguishing patent suits from copyright suits.

First, the history of the Section 286 six year limit for patent infringement damages is considerably different from that of the three year statute of limitations for copyright infringement.  Congress added the copyright limitation in 1957 and codified it without change in 1976. There was, apparently, no consistent interpretation of the statute by the lower courts as either permitting or precluding laches; a split arose among the circuits.  In contrast, Congress enacted the six-year limitation for patent infringement in 1897.  As discussed in Aukerman, the courts continued after 1897 to apply laches in patent suits.  In 1952, Congress codified the statute, presumably thereby approving the prior practice. The legislative history states as much, as noted in Aukerman.

Second, unlike the copyright statute as to which there was a split among the circuits, a split the Supreme Court was obliged to resolve, the Federal Circuit has consistently interpreted the patent statute as permitting laches to restrict damages under carefully defined circumstances. The Federal Circuit has virtually exclusive jurisdiction over appeals in patent infringements. Hence, there is no danger of a split arising.

In recent years, the Supreme Court has, with some regularity, repudiated Federal Circuit positions as unsound.  Often, the Court found that the Federal Circuit had not adequately considered prior, binding Supreme Court precedent on an issue.  Also, Federal Circuit panels decisions reached inconsistent results as to the issue.

None of these criticisms can be fairly directed to the Federal Circuit’s Aukerman decision on laches. Aukerman was an en banc decision, that is, one by the full complement of judges. Judge Helen Nies wrote a thorough, lengthy opinion exploring history, policy and precedent.  It was unanimous on the basic issue of the viability of  laches as a defense; Judge Plager dissented only in regard to the operation of a presumption.  And, the Federal Circuit has consistently followed Aukerman since 1992.

Federal Circuit to Review Defense of Laches in Patent Law

By Jason Rantanen

This morning, the Federal Circuit issued an Order granting en banc review in SCA Hygiene Prods. Aktiebolag v. First Quality Baby Prods., LLC.  (Dennis’s  commentary on SCA here: https://patentlyo.com/patent/2014/09/federal-supreme-holding.html.) The central issue involves the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision earlier this year in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (holding that laches does not apply to copyright infringement occurring within the window provided by the statute of limitations) on patent law.

The issues presented:

(a) In light of the Supreme Court’s decision in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 134 S. Ct. 1962 (2014) (and considering any relevant differences between copyright and patent law), should this court’s en banc decision in A.C. Aukerman Co. v. R.L. Chaides Constr. Co., 960 F.2d 1020 (Fed. Cir. 1992), be overruled so that the defense of laches is not applicable to bar a claim for damages based on patent infringement occurring within the six-year damages limitations period established by 35 U.S.C. § 286?

(b) In light of the fact that there is no statute of limitations for claims of patent infringement and in view of Supreme Court precedent, should the defense of laches be available under some circumstances to bar an entire infringement suit for either damages or injunctive relief? See, e.g., Lane & Bodley Co. v. Locke, 150 U.S. 193 (1893).

The order is not yet available on the Federal Circuit’s website, but can be read here: Download SCA en banc order. Thanks to Hal Wegner for bringing it to my attention.

Supreme Court: Problem of Divided Ownership

by Dennis Crouch

The general rule is that all co-owners of a patent must join together as plaintiffs less the case be dismissed.  In STC.UNM v. Intel, the Federal Circuit ruled that, while co-owners are necessary parties, they may not be involuntarily joined.  That decision is in some tension with Fed. R. Civ. Pro. Rule 19 that empowers a court to order the joinder of a necessary party.  In the case, STC and Sandia National Labs co-own U.S. Patent No. 6,042,998, but Sandia refused to participate in the case.

In a new filing, STC has petitioned the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari with the following question:

Rule 19 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure provides that where a necessary party to a lawsuit has not been joined, “the court must order that the person be made a party.” The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled below that Rule 19 is “trumped” by a purported “substantive rule” that a co-owner of a patent can “impede an infringement suit brought by another co-owner.” The majority opinion below stands in stark contrast to this Court’s precedents. For over seventy years, this Court has rejected every statutory challenge to a Federal Rule that has come before it.

The petition particularly argues that the Federal Circuit decision is in conflict with Sibbach v. Wilson, 312 U.S. 1 (1941) and its progeny.

The original decision was authored by Judge Rader (joined by Dyk) with Judge Newman in dissent.  In its 6-4 en banc denial, Judge Dyk authored an opinion concurring with the denial (joined by Moore and Taranto) while both Judges Newman (joined by Lourie, O’Malley, and Wallach) and O’Malley (joined by Newman, Lourie and Wallach) dissented from the en banc denial.

I give the case a better-than-average odds for certiorari and, if granted, the court would likely reverse.

= = = = =

The ownership-tale of the case is a seeming malpractice nightmare.  Briefly, the invention stems out a joint research project between employees at UNM and Sandia.  Three of the named inventors were UNM employees while the fourth (Draper) worked at Sandia.  In 1996, Draper signed an assignment of his rights in the first patent to UNM but then a few months later assigned his rights to Sandia and the new assignment was filed as correction being “made in error” since it had erroneously identified Draper as an employee of UNM.  UNM did not challenge this new filing, but at times in the subsequent decade made several statements regarding its sole ownership of the first patent.

The patent in suit is is based upon the first patent but excludes Draper as an inventor.  (UNM later filed a certificate of correction to formalize the relationship as a continuation in part).  Because of the difference in inventor-employer rights, it would seem that UNM would have full rights to the continuation.  However, in order to overcome an obviousness-type-double-patenting rejection, UNM filed a terminal disclaimer in the second case, linking its term and ownership to that of the first patent. Of course, at the time, the two patents seemingly did not have the same ownership structure and UNM indicated to the USPTO that it was “the owner of record of a 100 percent interest” in the second patent.  In the present lawsuit, however, STC eventually admitted that the corrected Draper assignment was effective to give Sandia ownership rights in both the first patent and the second.  And that admission appears to be treated as an assignment of rights to Sandia if such is necessary.

= = = = =

Wegner recognized the case in his final top-ten:

No Willful Infringement Since Infringer’s Litigation Arguments were “Not Without Reason”

by Dennis Crouch

Sryker v. Zimmer (Fed. Cir. 2014)

In 2010, Stryker sued its competitor Zimmer for infringing three patents covering pulsed lavage devices used for wound cleaning.  U.S. Patent Nos. 6,022,329, 6,179,807, and 7,144,383. A jury sided with the patentee awarded $70 million in lost profits and also found that the infringement willful.  Taking that verdict, the district court then awarded treble damages for willfulness, attorney fees based upon the exceptional case, and a permanent injunction against Zimmer.   On appeal, the Federal Circuit has affirmed the underlying damage award, but reversed the district court’s judgment that the infringement was willful — finding that the noninfringement and invalidity defenses raised by Zimmer were “not unreasonable.”

Treble Clef

Treble Damages: The Patent Act sets up a two-step process for determining patent infringement damages.  First, the court must award “damages adequate to compensate for the infringement” that are at least “a reasonable royalty.” 35 U.S.C. 284.  Next, “the court may increase the damages up to three times the amount found or assessed.”  Id.  To add some mystique to the system, we term this ‘treble damages’ rather than ‘triple damages’ or – as the statute suggests – ‘three times.’

The statute itself offers no further limitations or guidance as to when triple damages are appropriate, only that a court “may increase the damages.”

Seagate vs the Statute: Despite the broad discretion seemingly offered by the statute, the Federal Circuit has held that increased damages are only available when a defendant is guilty of its complex willful infringement schema that requires clear and convincing evidence that (1) an adjudged infringer took its wrongful actions “despite an objectively high likelihood that its actions constituted infringement of a valid patent” and (2) that the objectively-defined risk was subjectively known (or should have been known) to the infringer.  In re Seagate Tech., LLC, 497 F.3d 1360 (Fed. Cir. 2007) (en banc).

Ex Post Reasonableness: Because willfuness includes the objective inquiry, it turns out that an infringer who made the intentional decision to infringe, believing fully that the act was infringement, and that was that later judged to be infringing can still avoid being stuck with enhanced damages with a later-concocted (but ultimately incorrect) argument that the patent is invalid or not infringed – so long as that argument is “susceptible to a reasonable conclusion.”   Uniloc USA, Inc. v. Microsoft Corp., 632 F.3d 1292 (Fed. Cir. 2011).

Although the jury decided the willfulness question in the Federal Circuit has held that insufficient under the Seagate test. Rather, a judge must determine at least the objective portion of the test (objectively reckless) and that determination is reviewed de novo on appeal. Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc. v. W.L. Gore & Assocs., Inc., 682 F.3d 1003, 1007 (Fed. Cir. 2012).

Here, reviewing the lower court’s decision de novo, the Federal Circuit found that the defendant had offered a construction that was “not unreasonable” or at least “not without reason.”


Federal Circuit: Next Round of Myriad Patent Claims Are Also Invalid

by Dennis Crouch

In an important decision, the Federal Circuit has affirmed the invalidity of a number of additional genetic testing claims.  Based upon this decision, the USPTO may need to again reevaluate its subject matter eligibility procedures. 

In AMP v. Myriad (2013), the Supreme Court found that some of Myriad’s BRCA gene patent claims were valid – or at least that they did not violate the prohibition against patenting products of nature.  Following the decision, several companies – including Ambry – began marketing BRCA genetic testing, and Myriad sued.

The new lawsuit – captioned In re BRCA1- and BRCA2-Based Heredity Cancer Test Patent Litigation (Fed. Cir. 2014) – was brought by Myriad (the exclusive patent licensee) along with patent owners University of Utah and University of Pennsylvania. The plaintiffs here assert a set of patent claims that were not previously a part of the Supreme Court or lower court analysis.  Now asserted are U.S. Patent Nos. 5,753,441 (claims 7 & 8); 5,747,282 (claims 16 & 17); and 5,837,492 (claims 29 & 30).

The appeal here stems from the Utah District Court’s denial of Myriad’s motion for a preliminary injunction based upon its conclusion that the asserted claims are “likely drawn to ineligible subject matter.”  On appeal the Federal Circuit has now affirmed and taken a step further by holding on de novo review that none of the asserted claims are patent eligible.

DNA Primers: The asserted claims from the ‘282 and ‘492 patents are all directed to DNA primers used to bind the chromosomal section of the BRCA1 gene during PCR (the DNA-amplification process).  In reviewing these claims, the Federal Circuit found that the “primers before us are not distinguishable from the isolated DNA found patent-ineligible in Myriad and are not similar to the cDNA found to be patent-eligible.”

Now, although not particularly claimed, it appears that the primers are synthetically created through a lab process. In the appeal, the Federal Circuit rejected the importance of that distinction – holding that “it makes no difference that the identified gene sequences are synthetically replicated.”  Rather, the rule of law is that:

[N]either naturally occurring compositions of matter, nor synthetically created compositions that are structurally identical to the naturally occurring compositions, are patent eligible. . . .  A DNA structure with a function similar to that found in nature can only be patent eligible as a composition of matter if it has a unique structure, different from anything found in nature. . . . Primers do not have such a different structure and are patent ineligible.

The difference here from the cDNA patents that were allowed in Myriad is that(a) the cDNA is structurally different from naturally occurring DNA because the introns had been removed leaving exons only and (2) the cDNA is structurally different from naturally occurring exon-only mRNA because cDNA is a different substance. “To the extent that the exon-only sequence does not exist in nature, the lab technician “unquestionably creates something new when cDNA is made.”

Method of Screening: The asserted ‘441 patent claims are directed to a particular method of screening for BRCA1 mutation by comparing a patient’s gene sequence with a germline BRCA sequence. Both claims 7 and 8 depend from claim 1 that the Federal Circuit found invalid in its 2012 decision as “a patent-ineligible abstract idea of comparing BRCA sequences and determining the existence of alterations.”

Following the two-step analysis from Mayo and Alice, the Federal Circuit first determined that the asserted claims embody an abstract idea through the comparison steps.

Here, under our earlier decision, the comparisons described in the first paragraphs of claims 7 and 8 are directed to the patent-ineligible abstract idea of comparing BRCA sequences and determining the existence of alterations. The methods, directed to identification of alterations of the gene, require merely comparing the patient’s gene with the wild-type and identifying any differences that arise.

Going to the second part of the Alice/Mayo test, the court looked to the claims to find any “non-patent-ineligible elements” sufficient to “transform the nature of the claim into a patent-eligible application.”  Here, the claims require various physical transformations, including hybridizing the gene probe; amplification of the gene; and sequencing the gene.   However, according to the appellate panel, those transformations are insufficient – primarily because those steps “set forth well-understood, routine and conventional activity engaged in by scientists at the time of Myriad’s patent applications” and are the activities that a scientist would have relied upon to achieve the goals of the invention.

The second paragraphs of claims 7 and 8 do nothing more than spell out what practitioners already knew—how to compare gene sequences using routine, ordinary techniques. Nothing is added by identifying the techniques to be used in making the comparison because those comparison techniques were the well-understood, routine, and conventional techniques that a scientist would have thought of when instructed to compare two gene sequences.

With the claims invalid, Myriad has now lost the case.  In my view, an en banc reversal is highly unlikely.

Slicing the Bologna: Judge Chen Distinguishes this Business Method from those Found Ineligible in Alice, Bilski, and Ultramercial

By Dennis Crouch

Typically, Supreme Court patent cases alter Federal Circuit precedent, while – at the same time – leaving many open questions for the appellate court to address.  That standard certainly fits the recent set of patent eligibility cases.  In Alice Corp v. CLS Bank (2014) the Supreme Court outlined an eligibility test whose practical impact will vary greatly depending upon how it is implemented by the Patent Office and the court: broadly or narrowly?

In DDR Holdings v. Hotels.com, the Federal Circuit has affirmed the patent eligibility of DDR’s eCommerce patent.  U.S. patent No. 7,818,399. Particularly, Judge Chen authored the majority opinion that was joined by Judge Wallach. Judge Mayer wrote in dissent.  The case is close enough to the line that I expect a strong push for en banc review and certiorari.  Although Judge Chen’s analysis is admirable, I cannot see it standing up to Supreme Court review and, the holding here is in dreadful tension with the Federal Circuit’s recent Ultramercial decision.

The basic idea behind DDR’s patent (as claimed) is to allow a website operator to include various pages within its website that each corresponds to a different merchant (such as a cruise line) with products being sold through a broker (such as a cruise broker).  The various pages will have a look-and-feel that corresponds to the particular merchant (by including, for instance the cruise line logo).  And, the system dynamically populates product options on the site by pinging the broker’s server.  To accomplish all this, the invention uses computer networks in what appears to be standard form without what I would call “new technology.”  Judge Chen writes that a major purpose of this setup is to be able to provide a diversity of stores while keeping customers on the same overall website. Representative claim 19 is posted below.  The accused infringers summarize this as simply “syndicated commerce on the computer using the Internet.”

Patent Eligibility under Alice Corp: The two-step approach to eligibility decreed by Alice Corp first queries whether the invention is directed to an abstract idea. And, if so, then looks to whether the invention includes an “inventive concept” sufficient to “transform” that abstract idea into a patentable invention. In Alice, the Supreme Court particularly held that transformation is not satisfied by merely the recitation of generic computer limitations.

Here, Judge Chen finds that neither step of Alice Corp implicate the patent in question.  In doing so, Judge Chen attempts to cabin-in the scope of ideas that qualify as “abstract ideas.”

Not An Abstract Idea: First, Judge Chen found the solution here to be internet-focused with no direct corresponding offline equivalence. That conclusion is important because it helps distinguish Alice Corp where the Supreme Court found the patented invention there abstract because it related to a longstanding business practice. Judge Chen writes:

[The asserted claims do not] recite a fundamental economic or longstanding commercial practice. Although the claims address a business challenge (retaining website visitors), it is a challenge particular to the Internet.

In the dissent, Judge Mayer challenges this conclusion by drawing an analogy to the pre-internet business of having kiosk within a mall or warehouse shore that sells third-party cruise vacation packages.  Judge Chen rejects that analogy because it does not “account for the ephemeral nature of an Internet “location” or the near-instantaneous transport between these locations made possible by standard Internet communication protocols.”  According to Judge Chen, those differences introduce new problems – and it is those problems that are particularly addressed by the patented invention.

In Ultramercial, the Federal Circuit found that even novel ideas can be abstract. Distinguishing from that case, Judge Chen writes that the claims here:

are different enough in substance from those in Ultramercial because they do not broadly and generically claim “use of the Internet” to perform an abstract business practice (with insignificant added activity). Unlike the claims in Ultramercial, the claims at issue here specify how interactions with the Internet are manipulated to yield a desired result—a result that overrides the routine and conventional sequenceof events ordinarily triggered by the click of a hyperlink.

Moving on, Judge Chen finds that – even if the claims are directed to an abstract idea – they do not preempt that idea but instead represent a “specific way” of creating a composite web page “in order to solve a problem faced by websites on the Internet.”

Writing in dissent, Judge Mayer argues that the patents at issue here are “long on obfuscation but short on substance. Indeed, much of what they disclose is so rudimentary that it borders on the comical.”

DDR’s claims … simply take a well-known and widely-applied business practice and apply it using a generic computer and the Internet. The idea of having a “store within a store” was in widespread use well before the dawn of eCommerce. For example, [NLG], one of the defendants here, previously “sold vacations at . . . BJ’s Wholesale Clubs through point of purchase displays.” . . . DDR’s patents are directed to the same concept. Just as visitors to [BJ’s] could purchase travel products from NLG without leaving the BJ’s warehouse, the claimed system permits a person to purchase goods from a third-party vendor, but still have the visual “impression that she is viewing pages served by the [original host merchant].” Indeed, any doubt as to whether the claimed system is merely an Internet iteration of an established business practice is laid to rest by the fact that one of the named inventors acknowledged that the innovative aspect of his claimed invention was “[t]aking something that worked in the real world and doing it on the Internet.”  . . .

The solution offered by DDR’s claims, however, is not rooted in any new computer technology. Its patents address the problem of preventing online merchants from losing “hard-won visitor traffic,” and the solution they offer
is an entrepreneurial, rather than a technological, one. DDR has admitted that it did not invent any of the generic computer elements disclosed in its claims. There is no dispute, moreover, that at the time of the claimed invention the use of hyperlinks to divert consumers to particular web pages was a well-understood and widely-used technique. While DDR’s patents describe the potential advantages of making two web pages look alike, they do not disclose any non-conventional technology for capturing the “look and feel” of a host website or for giving two web pages a similar appearance.

In concluding that DDR’s claims meet the demands of section 101, the court focuses on the fact that “they recite a specific way to automate the creation of a composite web page . . . .” The Supreme Court, however, has emphatically rejected the idea that claims become patent eligible simply because they disclose a specific solution to a particular problem. . . . Indeed, although the claims at issue in Alice described a very specific method for conducting intermediated settlement, the Court nonetheless unanimously concluded that they fell outside section 101.

= = = = =

This case may end up again delaying the expected USPTO examiner guidance on abstract idea analysis.

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The patent itself issued in 2006 but claims priority to a 1998 filing.  Five inventors are listed including father-son pair: DD Ross, Sr. and Jr. – hence DDR Holdings.

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Claim 19. A system useful in an outsource provider serving web pages offering commercial opportunities, the system comprising:

(a) a computer store containing data, for each of a plurality of first web pages, defining a plurality of visually perceptible elements, which visually perceptible elements correspond to the plurality of first web pages; (i) wherein each of the first web pages belongs to one of a plurality of web page owners; (ii) wherein each of the first web pages displays at least one active link associated with a commerce object associated with a buying opportunity of a selected one of a plurality of merchants; and (iii) wherein the selected merchant, the outsource provider, and the owner of the first web page displaying the associated link are each third parties with respect to one other;

(b) a computer server at the outsource provider, which computer server is coupled to the computer store and programmed to: (i) receive from the web browser of a computer user a signal indicating activation of one of the links displayed by one of the first web pages; (ii) automatically identify as the source page the one of the first web pages on which the link has been activated; (iii) in response to identification of the source page, automatically retrieve the stored data corresponding to the source page; and (iv) using the data retrieved, automatically generate and transmit to the web browser a second web page that displays: (A) information associated with the commerce object associated with the link that has been activated, and (B) the plurality of visually perceptible elements visually corresponding to the source page.

Guest Commentary by Prof. Peter Menell: Appellate Review of Patent Claim Construction and Institutional Competence

Guest commentary by Peter S. Menell.  Professor Menell is Koret Professor of Law and at UC Berkeley School of Law and Director of the Berkeley Center for Law & Technology. Professor Menell filed an amicus brief along with Professors Jonas Anderson and Arti Rai in Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. v. Sandoz Inc., 13-854. That brief can be accessed at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id= 2457958.

The U.S. Supreme Court heard argument six weeks ago in Teva Pharmaceuticals USA v. Sandoz, a case addressing the scope of appellate review of claim construction rulings. While less headline-grabbing than recent cases addressing the patentability of business methods, computer software, and DNA, Teva nonetheless confronts a critical issue that has long plagued the patent adjudication system.

Nearly two decades ago, the Supreme Court sought to promote more effective, transparent patent litigation through its ruling in Markman v. Westview Instruments that “the construction of a patent, including terms of art within its claim, is exclusively within the province of the court.” While carefully avoiding characterizing claim construction as a pure question of law, the court nonetheless removed interpretation of patent claims from the black box of jury deliberations by holding that the Seventh Amendment right of trial by jury did not extend to patent claim construction and that trial judges were better equipped than juries to resolve the mixed fact/law controversies inherent in construing disputed patent claim terms. The decision ushered in a new patent adjudication era in which judges construe patent claims before trial through a process that has come to be known as a “Markman” hearing.

Notwithstanding this shift, the transparency that the Supreme Court sought has only been partially achieved and the quality of claim constructions falls short on evidentiary and analytical rigor. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit’s sharply divided 1998 en banc decision in Cybor Corp. v. FAS Technologies held that claim construction is purely a legal issue subject to de novo appellate review, downplaying the Supreme Court’s more nuanced description of claim construction as a “mongrel practice.”

The Cybor decision dissuaded district judges from holding evidentiary hearings regarding the meaning of disputed claims and discouraged judges from explaining their reasoning. As several district judges have candidly acknowledged, why go through all of that trouble if the Federal Circuit is going to construe the terms de novo on appeal? Claim construction reversal rates and consternation among district (and some Federal Circuit) judges rose precipitously following Cybor. And although the Federal Circuit has twice revisited this issue en banc since Cybor and reversal rates have subsided (but not as a result of more transparent records), the controversy has festered, leading to the Supreme Court’s review.

Why the Fuss?

Patent law requires that claim terms be construed from the standpoint of persons of ordinary skill in the technical art using the patent specification and prosecution history (intrinsic evidence) as well as pertinent scientific and technical sources (extrinsic evidence) where necessary as of the time of the patent filing.

Federal district judges are thus thrust into challenging, but not unfamiliar, territory. As in other areas of their docket — such as products liability, toxic torts or even criminal cases turning on forensics — in which they are called upon to resolve factual disputes about scientific and technological matters, judges have at their disposal a familiar toolbox — presentation of evidence and expert testimony. And when district courts assemble a record and explain their reasoning, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 52(a)(6) provides that their determinations “must not be set aside unless clearly erroneous, and the reviewing court must give due regard to the trial court’s opportunity to judge the witnesses’ credibility.”

Patent claim constructions add a few additional twists to this well-established general judicial framework. Even if a district judge found that a patent claim term meant “X” to skilled artisans as of the effective patent filing date, the court would still have to construe the term to mean “Y” if the intrinsic evidence established that the patentee intended such a specialized meaning. Furthermore, many disputes about patent claim meaning turn not on meaning within the technical art but rather on claim drafting conventions. Thus, courts must pay special attention to the intrinsic evidence. But the understandings of skilled artisans will be pertinent in many claim constructions, and such subsidiary factual determinations should be subject to deference under general judicial rules as well as trial judges’ proximity to the extrinsic evidence.

For these reasons, the Supreme Court should adopt a hybrid appellate standard for claim construction: Factual determinations underlying claim construction rulings should be subject to the “clearly erroneous” standard of review, while the Federal Circuit should retain de novo review over the ultimate claim construction decision. In this manner, district court judges, in their capacity as fact-finders, could better surmount the distinctive challenges posed by the technical, mixed fact/law controversies inherent in patent claim construction. The Federal Circuit would ensure that trial judges’ constructions comport with the intrinsic evidence supporting the patents.

Parsing the Supreme Court Argument

The Teva argument began with a colloquy regarding what constitutes a “subsidiary fact” and how it relates to the ultimate claim construction determination. Midway through Teva’s opening argument, Justice Samuel Alito expressed doubt that departing from the de novo standard was worth the candle. He noted that a recent empirical study could not find any case in which a shift from the de novo standard to clear error review of factual determinations would have affected the appellate review outcome.

In an unintended manner, Justice Alito’s query highlights the reason de novo review of factual determinations raises serious concerns for a justice system. The study to which he refers does not and cannot establish the “fact” that it is purported to prove. Its analysis — which is not revealed or scrutinized in the Supreme Court colloquy — boils down to the following logic: (1) three-judge panels of the Federal Circuit will be better than a single generalist district court judge at applying the appellate court’s rules of claim construction; and (2) because most claim construction reversals (77.1 percent) are unanimous, a shift to a clear error standard would not change the outcome of any cases. The first point ignores the distinctive role of judges in fact-finding, a pillar on which our court system is based. The second point does not prove that no cases would come out differently. It also overlooks the norm that appellate judges rarely dissent unless they disagree on legal questions.

More fundamentally, according greater deference to trial courts through clear error review would encourage district judges to use focused evidentiary hearings (in conjunction with the technical tutorials that are common) to substantiate the basis for their claim constructions, thereby promoting more systematic, well-founded claim construction analysis. Contrary to the study to which Alito referred, we have reason to expect clearer substantive analysis, more settlements following claim construction and trial, more effective appellate review, and fewer reversals and remands in a parallel universe in which Rule 52(a)(6) applies to claim constructions — not business as usual in the Cybor regime.

The Court also probed how deference on subsidiary facts would affect uniformity in patent interpretation. At a basic structural level, it is difficult to see how to achieve such uniformity to the extent that claim construction has a factual component. Under Blonder-Tongue Labs., Inc. v. Univ. of Ill. Found., 402 U.S. 313 (1971), the Federal Circuit’s interpretation of a patent in one case cannot be asserted offensively by the patentee in a later infringement action against other defendants to the extent that there are disputed factual underpinnings. At most, that prior adjudication can bar the patentee from seeking an alternative interpretation under judicial estoppel principles. Because the patent system has no mechanism for conclusively establishing patent scope with regard to all potential infringers where subsidiary factual disputes exist, the certainty that flows from appellate interpretations is not ironclad, as subsequent defendants can potentially bring new evidence or more effective advocacy to bear on claim meaning. Nonetheless, district courts routinely consider prior interpretations of patent claim terms in conducting claim construction. Moreover, concerns about the clarity of patent claims are more appropriately addressed through improvements to the patent prosecution process, post-grant review and reexamination, consolidation of claim construction through multi-district litigation, and adjustments to substantive claim construction jurisprudence.

Back to Basics

The Teva case poses a fundamental question going to the heart of the American justice system. Should factual determinations underlying patent claim construction be subject to substantially less deference (or more distrust) than the factual determinations made in every other area of federal adjudication? In view of the Supreme Court’s efforts over the past decade to bring patent adjudication more in line with general civil litigation principles, it is difficult to see why the Court would make an exception here. Combining deferential review of factual findings with de novo review of the overarching claim construction determination — focused on ensuring that claim construction comports with the intrinsic evidence and that the trial court followed generally applicable rules of claim construction — would enhance the quality of claim constructions, produce a more capacious and transparent appellate record, and provide the appropriate appellate safeguard.

The Reines Matter: My Long-Promised Post.

I’ve decided to set the stage and let you all just read the actual documents.  In response to the show cause order, Reines filed a massive response, including declarations from six experts, all of whom said there was no cause to reprimand Reines.  They’re worth a read, since these folks (mostly) deal with discipline.  Yes, some experts will say anything, but in my (biased?) opinion these folks nail it.  (I’ve laid out below the procedural problems with this approach.)

Once you’ve read through the brief and the exhibits (link at the end), think before you comment:

First, don’t conflate Chief Judge Rader’s admitted mistake — he’s already apologized to bench and bar for the email he sent to Reines — with Reines’ actions in forwarding the email to his family and some former, current, and apparently a few potential future clients.  (All of whom were sophisticated in-house counsel, apart from his family. I hope it is not sanctionable to send a nice note to your family.)

Second, in your comments, take into account that the court was required to find facts — something it’s not designed to do — by clear and convincing evidence.  (That’s what its disciplinary rules require).  Related to that, recognize that, ostensibly at least, the en banc court’s fact-findings, made without any opportunity to appeal, “should” result in Reines being subject to discipline by the California bar.  By that I mean:  normally, if a court imposes discipline there’s a high probability a state will follow suit (discipline; not sanctions, etc.).  In that regard, also realize that Reines’ counsel offered to provide live testimony but the Court said that because he didn’t formally require a hearing, it was not providing one… even though much of its decision turns on what it concluded Reines’ intent was.

Third, read the show-cause order itself. I won’t go into details, but it makes some allegations that required about five words in the responsive brief to show were baseless.

Fourth, and most importantly, recognize that, the key factual finding by the court (at least to me) is that Reines “stated” that his stature with the CAFC helped flip a judgment, and that is flatly wrong.  Here is what the court wrote:

It [the email in Ex. 38] suggested that his special relationship with the court should be taken into account. Respondent touted his role as chair of this court’s Advisory Council, and stated that his “stature” within the court had helped “flip” a $52 million judgment in favor of his client and that he “would love to help [the recipient of his message] do the same.” Reines Ex. 38.

Thus, the court “found” that Reines had forwarded the email and stated that his stature at the CAFC had helped him flip a verdict.

This is factually wrong.  It just is.  Not my opinion; simply facts.  But that finding is about the only thing I think the court can hang its hat on in finding an ethics violation.  In that regard, note that when I had first written in the earlier post that the court got this right, I’d focused on this $52m “finding,” too. T

But there is no evidence to support the finding, let alone clear and convincing evidence.

The court did not quote email exhibit 38. Here is the material text of Exhibit 38, sent to an in-house lawyer (apparently a friend or former client?) who was dealing with post-trial issues in district court in California, and offering to help in the district court post-trial efforts to flip that verdict:

Paul, I saw the unfortunate verdict in ND Cal in the Power Integrations case. I call to offer assistance in two ways. I can help in the district court. No one knows this court better or has a better relationship with the bench. I have chaired the ND Cal Patent Rules committee for many years and am viewed as an authority on all-things-patent by this bench. You will have maximum credibility. Second, I am a leading Federal Circuit advocate. Just yesterday Chief Judge Rader sent me an email reporting how impressed the Federal Circuit judges were in appeals I argued Tuesday. In one of those cases I helped flip a $52 million verdict. I would love to help you do the same. Yesterday’s email [from Chief Judge Rader] is below. Please keep it to Fairchild. I have served the Federal Circuit as Chair of its Advisory Council for many years. That obviously speaks to my stature at that court.

The fact is that Reines had “flipped” a verdict in a district court.  The word “stature” appears, but (a) he did not “state” that his stature resulted in the flip and (b) , if you argue a case at the CAFC and the result is reversal — flipping a verdict — you will not know that you “flipped” the case within two days.  You might get a rule 36 affirmance, but you won’t flip a case. So, it’s not even a fair stretch.it makes no sense — and it also relies on his statement that he flipped a decision in the district court to support the en banc “fact finding” that he said his stature helped him flip a verdict at the CAFC.  Put the other way, the fact that he said he had flipped a decision in a district court was portrayed by the Court as a statement that his stature with the CAFC helped him flip a case at the CAFC.  This is factually unsupported by the record, even by wild unreasonable inferences against him.

I’m not going to comment further, so you’re on your own in the comments.  But, here is Reines’ response.  (It’s so massive it won’t fit on patentlyo…).  To be complete, he filed a short supplemental letter, too, but it’s not very important to the outcome.

And, yes, I am a friend of Judge Rader.  Always will be, I hope.

Part 1 of a Full Analysis of the Reines Decision: The Procedural Rules (edited)

(I clerked for Chief Judge Rader ending 18 months ago.  Full disclosure done.)

The Federal Circuit’s Rules.

Under the Federal Circuit’s rules on attorney discipline (here), unless a disciplinary matter arises in connection with a pending case (e.g., I make a frivolous legal argument in an appeal, in which case the panel hearing the case deals with it), a standing panel handles disciplinary matters. Specifically Rule 4 provides:

(c)  Standing Panel on Attorney Discipline.

(1)  The Standing Panel shall conduct proceedings in any matter in which disbarment, suspension, or a monetary sanction over $1000 may be considered, or in any matter referred by a merits or motions panel.

(2)  The Standing Panel shall consist of three judges, at least two of whom shall be active judges, appointed by the Chief Judge. The Chief Judge may serve as a member of the Standing Panel. The initial appointments shall be for one, two, and three year terms, so that the members’ terms are staggered. Thereafter, a member shall be appointed for a three-year term. A member who has served on the Standing Panel for three years shall not be eligible for appointment to another term until three years after termination of his or her last appointment

(3)  The chairperson of the Standing Panel shall be the senior active judge.

The panel has authority to issue a show-cause order.  Rule 5(b).

The panel must issue a decision.  Rule 5(f) (“At the conclusion of a proceeding, a panel shall issue a final order in the matter. The order may direct the attorney or the Clerk to send a copy of the order to all other courts and agencies before which an attorney is admitted….”).

That decision is then afforded at least two subsequent reviews:  after the panel decision, then rules regarding en banc hearings kick in:

An attorney may file a petition for rehearing by the panel or a combined petition for rehearing by the panel and suggestion for rehearing by the active judges of the court, or a majority of the active judges may order that a disciplinary matter be heard or reheard by them. Such a hearing or rehearing is not favored and ordinarily will not be ordered except when necessary to secure or maintain uniformity of the court’s decisions or when the proceeding involves a question of exceptional importance. Any such petition shall be filed within 30 days of the date of the panel’s final order. The procedures governing a petition for rehearing or a combined petition/ suggestion will otherwise be in accordance with the provisions of Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure 35 and 40 and Federal Circuit Rules 35 and 40.

What Happened Here?

No panel ever issued a show cause order; it was issued listing every active judge (except obviously CJ Rader).  (The show cause order is attached to the end of the en banc opinion, here.)  Thus, from the start the court was not following its own procedure.

Then, rather than issuing a panel decision, which would be subject to a motion for panel rehearing and rehearing en banc, without notice to Reines (that I could see) the court short-circuited the procedural safeguards in its own rules and issued an en banc decision.  The rules on attorney discipline do not permit, so far as I can see, this process.  Only after the panel decision do the ordinary rules that allow for sua sponte en banc proceedings kick in.

So what?  Well, this is a disciplinary proceeding. They ruin careers.  One argument, no appeal?  No court in the land permits that that I’m aware of, and certainly no state.

Beyond that, what could he have done?  He had in his brief said that he didn’t think an evidentiary hearing was necessary, but offered to appear.  Had the court indicated that it was eliminating all rehearing rights, perhaps he would have expressly requested for a hearing.

But putting that to the side, the Court from the beginning did not follow its own rules in a quasi-criminal proceeding.

Would the outcome have been the same?  Who knows.  Does it raise questions about due process?  I think so.

The substance is also interesting.  More to come.