- Professor Jay Brown recently ranked the most cited law professor blogs. (i.e., law review citation count). Patently-O ranks No. 6 with 73 citations since 2005. [LINK]
- Professor Paul Caron ranked the most frequently visited law professor blogs and ranked Patently-O as No. 5 or 6 in the world. [LINK]
- The site Volokh Conspiracy (a group of 20 law professors) is the only site ahead of Patently-O on both lists.
- Other IP related sites making the lists: LessigBlog (Lessig is now running for Congress…) and Goldman’s great blog.
- I ran a search this morning to compare Patently-O cites with Harvard’s excellent “Journal of Law and Technology.” Over the two-year period, Harvard’s JOLT certainly has been cited more times than Patently-O. However, to make things fair, I limited the search to articles published by Harvard JOLT to 2005 – 2007. Comparing new articles to new articles, the Crimson team barely passed Patently-O: 78 – 73… (Stretching back to Mid-2004, Harvard jumps on-top with 130 cites)
- IP & Start-ups: Berkeley’s Center for Law and Technology (BCLT) is hosting what will likely be the best conference of the year focusing on Intellectual Property’s interplay with Entrepreneurship: http://www.law.Berkeley.edu/institutes/bclt/entrepreneurship/about.html. They have an amazing lineup of top law and economic professors; lawyers; and business leaders. Registration is pretty cheap, even for the food-chain leaders Law Firm folks ($350). Academics $100; Entrepreneurs $75; Students $25. March 7–8 at the newly christened UC Berkeley Law School. (Formerly known as Boalt Hall).
- Houston IP Law: One of Berkeley’s top professors — Rob Merges — will speak at the annual Baker Botts Lecture at UH Law Center April 1 at 5:30 pm.
- F. Scott Keiff: One of the few law professors who remains staunchly in favor of strong patents (and staunchly conservative) has been appointed to the PPAC to advise the PTO director on patent policy. [LINK]
- Missouri Inventor of the Year: I’ll be giving the keynote at address at the Missouri Inventor of the Year award March 6 in Forest Park. [LINK]
I was hoping to see several Patent Law folks today in at Drake. Sorry that I could not make it.