Today’s Supreme Court [Land] Patent Decision

by Dennis Crouch

Today the Supreme Court decided an interesting patent case in Brandt v. U.S. The patent at stake was a land patent that the Supreme Court here defined as "an official document reflecting a grant by a sovereign that is made public, or 'patent.'"

The case involved an 83-acre plot in Wyoming owned by Marvin Brandt. The U.S. government originally owned the land as part of the 1803 Louisiana Purchase.  In order to expand rail-road coverage in the US, the Government offered a free right-of-way to RR builders. General Railroad Right-of-Way Act of 1875.  In 1911, the Laramie Hahn's Peak & Pacific Railway Company (LHPP) took advantage of that offer and build a RR across the land that was later patented to Brandt's.  Thus, in 1976, when the Brandt's took fee simple ownership, that ownership was "subject to those rights for railroad purposes as have been granted to [LHPP], its successors or assigns."  Finally, in 2004, LHPP (now part of Union Pacific) removed its tracks and expressly abandoned its right of way. 

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