Open Invitation for February 25th Event in Columbia Missouri

Dear Colleagues –

I am writing to invite you to the Missouri Law Review’s upcoming symposium that will be held here in Columbia at the University of Missouri School of Law on Friday, February 25, 2011. The focus of the event will be on the Jurisprudence of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit – with a special emphasis on the Court’s patent law jurisprudence. David Kappos (Director of the US Patent & Trademark Office) will deliver the Earl F. Nelson Lecture. We have a set of great speakers coming that include Mark Lemley (Stanford) and Peter Menell (Berkeley). Two Mizzou Law grads will be presenting – Jason Mudd (’05) who is now an attorney at Shook Hardy and Ryan Vacca (’04) who is now a law professor at Akron.

Speakers include Professors Lisa Dolak (Syracuse) and Elizabeth Winston (Catholic) who have both been closely involved with Federal Circuit activities for a number of years. Their articles tend to show the type of insight that only comes from that type of experience. Professor Lee Petherbridge (Loyola LA) is one of the new leaders in empirical analysis of the court system. Many Patently-O readers know Professor Chris Holman (UMKC) from his biotech patent law blog. After practicing law for a number of years, Holman moved to academia and has written extensively on the role of patents in the biotechnology industry. Professor Greg Vetter (Houston) concentrates more on software related law and the interrelation between open source software and patent rights.

We have been approved for CLE credit in Missouri and are working on approval for neighboring states. This is a free event, but we apparently need to know how many will be there for lunch & cocktails. If you are planning to attend, please register.

Let me know if you have questions.


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