Patently-O Bits and Bytes by Juvan Bonni

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32 thoughts on “Patently-O Bits and Bytes by Juvan Bonni

  1. 7

    Keep the pressure on the MAGAt s c u m b a g Justices and we’ll see more great decisions like this:

    The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday stepped back from the brink of totally gutting the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act.

    By a vote of 5-4, a coalition of liberal and conservative justices essentially upheld the court’s 1986 decision requiring that in states where voting is racially polarized, the legislature must create the maximum number of majority-Black or near-majority-Black congressional districts, using traditional redistricting criteria.

    1. 7.1

      Um… ok.

      From the decision:

      The point of all this is a simple one. Forcing proportional representation is unlawful and inconsistent with this Court’s approach to implementing Section 2.

      Redistributing has always been fraught with political manipulation — from both sides of the aisle.

      You appear to be whining about something no one else here has disagreed with.

      Lots in the decision (total of 112 pages), and I am not familiar with pretty much any of the details, so my reply is merely at a summary level.

      That being said, the reference to Kimble v. Marvel (page 31) is certainly a bug and not a feature.

      Have not yet made it to the dissent, but the concurrence — by none other than the Kavanaugh of the Kavanaugh Scissors fame — does appear to signal the Legislative Branch that the Court will NOT step up to fix the mess they have made in patent eligibility.

      1. 7.1.1

        “ I am not familiar with pretty much any of the details”

        Let me help you, child.

        The GOP in Alabama drew a blatantly r a c i s t redistricting map because of course they did (in fact, the Court’s shadow docket treatment of similarly illegal redistricting efforts in Alabama and other Southern states is one of the reasons the GOP was able to regain control of Congress). Alabama assumed the Court would simply gut the remainder of the Voting Rights Act but in this case the facts were simply too much for the Court to stomach.

        Note that the most transparently corrupt rightwing reactionary jerdges dissented. With luck a couple of them will be dead in a few years, by execution or natural causes.


          Calling someone — deservedly — a
          gets removed, but celebrating execution of Supreme Court Justices (because of ‘wrong tribe’) skates…


  2. 6

    > the Court’s adventurism in selecting remedies for separation of powers flaws has itself arguably resulted in separation of powers violations.”

    See also overtly “judicially-created” exceptions to statutes.

    1. 6.1

      Yep OC – that’s reflective of my post at 1 below.

      (but hey, we are only being ‘crybabies,’ eh?)

  3. 5

    Is this the thread where the worst attorneys on the planet come to whine and cry about communists and how there is not enough safe space on the Internet for crying crybabies to cry?

    [checks thread]

    Yep, this is it.

    1. 5.1

      Clearly not — as P00py and Smelly are simply worse than the accused “worst attorneys”…

      But you be you, Malcolm.

  4. 4

    “Notice how the comments are turned off for all the ‘diversity’ posts?”

    So you and the other diaper-fillers-in-chief decided to show up to this post and fill your diapers.


    1. 3.1

      I do not think that anybody has not noticed that.

      That being said, I can pretty much guarantee you that there will NOT be a consensus as to the fact that the comments have been turned off is a good and proper thing to have done, or is a cowardly thing to have done (and a spectrum between those views).

      1. 3.1.1

        “That being said, I can pretty much guarantee you that there will NOT be a consensus as to the fact that the comments have been turned off is a good and proper thing to have done, or is a cowardly thing to have done (and a spectrum between those views).”

        Bold prediction.

        Not sure why Dennis bothers. You cry babies are gonna cry whether the comments are on or off.

        Cry harder, cry baby.


          Funny how you sound like Malcolm whenever you stray from patent law.

          Maybe you shouldn’t stray?

          Maybe if you insist on straying, that you then respond on point (as opposed to you doing your own crying and mindless name calling).

          You obviously are reacting emotionally to something you don’t like. Maybe try advance a discussion on the merits instead of merely parading your emotions.


          Part and parcel of the issue (that you apparently do not want to engage upon) is that playing up victimhood is an abject political move that does NOT help the so-called victims.

          See: link to

          There simply are better ways to make the desired changes.

          So it IS a first order of business to debunk the identity politics that are so prevalent in today’s world.


            “…that you apparently do not want to engage upon…”

            Is there a sadder, lonelier person on the planet than you?


              Is there a sadder…


              For example, you – who could only muster an extremely weak insult that misses the mark as to what “engage” entails.

              Were you tr011ing for sympathy?

                1. There is something vaguely obscene about watching someone so gratuitously and repeatedly humiliate himself. One wishes that people would have more concern for their own dignity, but there seems to be regrettably little to be done for it.

                2. Greg’s lack of understanding irony is compounded here — given as he has continued to assert that he cannot even see my posts (and thus would not be able to witness what he appears to want to comment upon here).

                  Given as well that it is HIS posting (including the continued hidden link signaling — here, with misinformation and extremely poor data graphing — that is truly “repeatedly humiliating himself.”

                3. It is a little bit reminiscent of the King’s Cross Station chapter of The Deathly Hallows.

  5. 2

    >>In fact, the crux of this research is that women, across nearly all scientific fields and career stages, are significantly under-credited compared to their male counterparts, indicating an attribution bias.

    Just the gender hustlers. Rather than focusing on merit and empowering people to stand up for themselves, these “researchers” (on the taxpayers dime) want to get in the middle of human relations and force percentages of outcomes based on race, gender, and anything else that will help them get paper published, money, and power. Neo-Marxists.

      1. 2.1.1

        See: link to

        I can tell you that Greg will take issue with your view and try to give the impression that you are “crazy” and over-reacting (and most likely at the same time insert yet another hidden hyperlink to a Sprint Left viewpoint that expressly shows that you are NOT over-reacting).

  6. 1

    From Krent’s Abstract:

    In deciding how to remedy the appointments and removal violations, the Court has adopted cures for the perceived constitutional defects by rewriting statutes in increasingly freewheeling ways….

    … As a consequence, the Court’s adventurism in selecting remedies for separation of powers flaws has itself arguably resulted in separation of powers violations.

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