by Dennis Crouch
McRO (Planet Blue) v. Activision Blizzard, et al. (C.D. Cal. 2014) Decision PDF
In his second major Section 101 decision in as many weeks, Judge Wu (C.D. Cal) has relied upon Alice Corp. (2014) to invalidate all of McRO's asserted patent claims. The case is quite important because it is one of the first major applications of Alice Corp. to invalidate non-business-method claims. Here, the invention is directed toward a specific technological problem that had troubled the field of animation - automatically animating lip synchronization and facial expression of animated characters. See U.S. Patent Nos. 6,307,576 (“‘576 Patent”) and 6,611,278 (“‘278 Patent”). The appeal will be interesting and may serve as one of the Federal Circuit's first opportunities to draw a new line in the sand.