- Supporting Preliminary Injunction and Restraining Order against PTO:
- File Attachment: GSK Amended Complaint.pdf (132 KB)
- File Attachment: GSK Brief Supporting a Preliminary Injunction and TRO.pdf (106 KB)
- File Attachment: GSK Reply Supporting PI.pdf (76 KB)
File Attachment: Hexas Supporting PI.pdf
File Attachment: PhRMA Supporting PI.pdf
File Attachment: BIO Supporting PI.pdf
- Opposing Preliminary Injunction and Restraining Order:
- File Attachment: USPTO Opposition to GSK Motion for TRO-Injunction.pdf (228 KB)
- File Attachment: PTO Oppose AIPLA.pdf (75 KB)
- File Attachment: Helfgott Declaration.pdf (461 KB)
- File Attachment: Hetz Declaration.pdf (340 KB)
- File Attachment: Magen Declaration.pdf (376 KB)
- File Attachment: Kappos Declaration.pdf (77 KB)
- File Attachment: Manbeck Declaration.pdf (776 KB)
- File Attachment: pto.motiontostrike.manbeck.dec.pdf (71 KB)
- File Attachment: gsk.motion.oppose.strike.manbeck.pdf (50 KB)
- File Attachment: pto.rebuttal.brief.manbeck.declaration.pdf (82 KB)