Judge John Murphy

This Week, the Senate confirmed John Murphy to become a Federal District Court Judge in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Murphy holds a PhD Chemical Engineering from CalTech in addition to his Harvard Law degree.  He he clerked for Judge Kimberly Moore and has been litigating patents at Baker Hostetler (Philly) since 2007. (He was  originally with Woodcock Washburn and that firmed merged with Baker in 2014). Throughout this time he as also been teaching patent litigation at Rutgers and joined Judge Moore as a co-author to her casebook on Patent Litigation (along with Tim Holbrook).  Congratulations Judge Murphy!

Murphy and I share one-degree of lawyerly separation. We were both co-counsel with Leif Sigmund representing Trading Technology in patent litigation (two separate cases).   Most recently, the pair won a jury verdict for TT of infringement and validity following a four-week trial.

3 thoughts on “Judge John Murphy

  1. 2

    can’t believe i missed this news. just a fantastic pick. a kind person in addition to all his other credentials.

  2. 1

    Nice to see a judge with incredible credentials in patents and patent litigation finally get put on bench for a change. Hallelujah!! Can we get this guy promoted the CAFC? Justice Newman is great, but she should not be the only experienced patent practioner on the court. Need a few hundred more like Judge Murphy. link to youtu.be

    1. 1.1

      Wow, and I had just settled for a string of total ninnies ad infinitum at the CAFC who’s best feature was checking a box or two

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