by Dennis Crouch
In a unanimous decision released today, the Supreme Court has vacated a $43 million trademark infringement award against Dewberry Group, potentially creating a roadmap for corporate structuring to minimize trademark liability. Dewberry Group, Inc. v. Dewberry Engineers Inc., 604 U.S. ___ (2025). Justice Kagan, writing for the Court, held that when awarding the “defendant’s profits” under the Lanham Act, courts can only include profits “properly ascribable to the defendant itself” – not those of its legally separate, non-party corporate affiliates. While the decision reinforces traditional corporate law principles, it raises serious concerns about the practical enforcement of trademark rights in an era when establishing multiple corporate entities is increasingly simple and commonplace. 23-900_Dewberry Decision.
Mythological trickster figures such as the Coyote or Loki operate at the boundaries of justice — and are known for exploiting gaps between rules and reality in ways that allow for both ambiguity and transformation. Writing in Carl Jung’s posthumous book, Joseph Henderson gave a harsh rendition of the trickster: “he [the trickster] is cruel, cynical, and unfeeling.” Man and his Symbols (1964). I see Dewberry as a trickster opinion – not necessarily good or bad – but one that creates a tension between legal formalism and practical reality, inviting clever structuring that follows the letter of the law while potentially undermining its purpose. There is always a reckoning after the trickster acts as we come to grips with the gap between what the law says and what justice requires. For example, the opinion here may ultimately prompt legislative reconsideration of how trademark remedies function in the modern corporate landscape. (more…)