Tag Archives: Claim Construction

Wi-Lan v. Apple: “Clarification” or “reconstruction”?

By Jason Rantanen

Wi-Lan, Inc v. Apple Inc. (Fed. Cir. 2016) Download Opinion
Panel: Reyna (author), Wallach, Hughes

Although precedential, this case doesn’t really break new patent-law ground.  Instead, it offers a data point in the tricky issue of whether a post-verdict modification to the construction of a claim constitutes a permissible “clarification” or an impermissible “reconstruction.”    The opinion also provides an example of how claim construction can operate at multiple levels, in this case by applying to both the meaning of a given term and the meaning of that term in the broader context of the claim.

Wi-Lan, the owner of RE37,802, a patent relating to wireless data communication, sued Apple and others for infringement based on their manufacture and sale of standards-compliant products. Claim 1 of the ‘802 patent reads:

1. A transceiver for transmitting a first stream of data symbols, the transceiver comprising:

a converter for converting the first stream of data symbols into plural sets of N data symbols each;

first computing means for operating on the plural sets of N data symbols to produce modulated data symbols corresponding to an invertible randomized spreading of the first stream of data symbols; and

means to combine the modulated data symbols for transmission.

(emphasis added).  The critical claim constructions related to “modulated data symbols,” which the district court construed to mean “data symbols that have been spread apart by spreading code” and “first computing means,” which the district court construed to be a means-plus-function element linked to particular structure disclosed in the specification.   Applying these constructions, a jury found that Apple did not infringe and that the ‘802 patent was invalid as anticipated.  Following trial, the district judge denied Wi-Lan’s request for judgment as a matter of law (JMOL) on infringement but granted its request for JMOL of no invalidity based on a modified construction of the structure to which “first computing means” corresponded.

The Interdependent Text and Claim Construction

On appeal, Wi-Lan challenged the district court’s denial of JMOL on infringement (effectively challenging the jury verdict of no infringement).  This issue largely turned on an issue of claim construction: whether the district court’s constructions precluded Apple’s noninfringement defense, a defense premised on the argument that the claims required that data symbols be randomized before combining them, while Apple’s products combined the symbols before randomizing them.

On appeal, the Federal Circuit agreed with Apple.  The text of the claim indicated that the modulated data symbols had to be randomized before combining them.  The “first computing means” produces “modulated data symbols corresponding to an invertible randomized spreading of the first stream of data symbols.'”  The second means then combines “the modulated data symbols for transmission.”  Since “[s]ubsequent uses of the definite articles ‘the’ or ‘said’ in a claim refers back to the same term recited earlier in the claim,” slip op. at 10, quoting Baldwin Graphic Sys., Inc. v. Siebert, Inc., 512 F.3d 1338, 1342 (Fed. Cir. 2008), the term “the modulated symbols” in the second means element referred back to the randomized modulated symbols produced by the first means element, thus requiring randomization-before-combination.  This construction was consistent with the specification.

Wi-Lan’s principal contention was that during its pre-trial construction of  “modulated data symbols,” the district court rejected Apple’s argument that the term requires randomization.   But, the Federal Circuit held, the district court’s construction only involved the unmodified, generic term “modulated data symbols.”   Apple’s argument involved the intersection of the full language in the first means element with the use of “modulated data symbols” in the second means element:  “Even though generic ‘modulated data symbols’ do not have to be randomized, the recited ‘modulated data symbols corresponding to an invertible randomized spreading‘ do have to be randomized.”  Slip Op. at 11.  Through its use of “the,” the  second means element referred back to those randomized data symbols.  Since Apple’s products combined then randomized, there was no direct infringement.  (The Federal Circuit also disposed of Wi-Lan’s argument of infringement under the doctrine of equivalents.)

Post-verdict claim construction

Prior to trial, the district court construed the means-plus-function element “first computing means” as “element 12 of Figures 1 and 4, columns 2:6–10, 2:36–40, 2:58–62, 4:2–12, and 4:35–44, and equivalents thereof.”  Using this construction, the jury found the claims to be anticipated by a prior art reference that used real multipliers to randomize the “modulated data symbols” rather than complex multipliers.  In granting Wi-Lan’s motion for JMOL of no invalidity, however, the district court “determined that, although its construction of computing means ‘does
not specifically provide for a complex multiplier,’ a complex multiplier was nevertheless necessary because ‘expert witnesses from both sides agreed that complex multipliers are part of the structure of the ‘first computing means’ as taught by the ’802 patent.'”  Slip Op. at 8.

On appeal, the Federal Circuit concluded that this was an instance of impermissible post-verdict reconstruction.  “‘[I]t is too late at the JMOL stage to argue for or
adopt a new and more detailed interpretation of the claim language and test the jury verdict by that new and more detailed interpretation.’ Hewlett-Packard Co. v. Mustek Sys., Inc., 340 F.3d 1314, 1321 (Fed. Cir. 2003).”  Slip Op. at 16.  None of the corresponding structure in the court’s pre-trial construction mentioned complex multipliers or referred to the patent figure involving complex multipliers.

While a district judge may adjust constructions post-trial if the court merely elaborates on a meaning inherent in the previous construction,” Mformation
Techs., Inc. v. Research in Motion Ltd.,
764 F.3d 1392, 1397 (Fed. Cir. 2014), this was not such a case.  Such “clarification” is allowed because it only makes “plain . . . what should have been obvious to the jury.”  Slip Op. at 17, quoting Cordis Corp. v. Boston Scientific, 658 F.3d 1347, 1355–57 (Fed. Cir. 2011).  Here, the implicit requirement of a complex randomizers was not obvious to the jury, particularly given conflicting testimony over whether the claims actually did require the use of a complex randomizer.  The result was that the district court did not simply elaborate on the meaning of its prior claim construction in the post-verdict opinion, but altered that construction, something that it could not do.

Apple, Samsung & Design Patent Claim Construction

By Sarah Burstein, Associate Professor of Law at the University of Oklahoma College of Law

Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. v. Apple Inc. (on petition for a writ of certiorari)

In its recently-filed cert petition, Samsung makes some particularly interesting arguments about design patent claim construction. Specifically, Samsung argues “that district courts have a duty to construe [design] patent claims and eliminate unprotected features” under Markman and that the Federal Circuit has erred in “allow[ing] district courts . . . to decline to provide any meaningful claim construction.” To put these arguments in context, a bit of background is in order.

Twenty years ago, the Federal Circuit held that Markman applies to design patents. Since then, it has struggled to decide and describe how, exactly, it applies in the design context. This difficulty isn’t particularly surprising. Markman (and later Supreme Court cases about claim construction) only dealt with utility patent claims. And utility patent claims are fundamentally different from design patent claims. Unlike utility patents, design patents can contain only one claim. The verbal portion of this claim must (in general) read as follows: “The ornamental design for [the article which embodies the design or to which it is applied] as shown.” The phrase “as shown” refers to the drawings or photographs submitted by the applicant. Therefore, design patent claims consist mainly of images, not words.

The Federal revisited the issue of Markman and design patents in 2007. When it granted en banc review in Egyptian Goddess, the court asked for briefing on the issue of whether claim construction should apply to design patents and, if so, what role that construction should play in the infringement analysis. The court received numerous amicus briefs on this issue, expressing a wide range of opinions. When the court issued its decision in 2008, it ruled that district courts do not have to—and ordinarily, should not—construe a design patent claim by providing a detailed verbal description of the design. It suggested that district courts could, nonetheless, “usefully guide the finder of fact by addressing a number of other issues that bear on the scope of the claim” by, for example, describing any relevant drawing conventions, describing the effect of any relevant matters in the prosecution history, and “distinguishing between those features of the claimed design that are ornamental and those that are purely functional.”

Then, in its 2010 decision in Richardson, the Federal Circuit indicated that district courts should “factor out” functional elements in construing design patent claims. This “factoring out” approach proved to be both unworkable and unnecessary, as Chris Carani explained in this recent LANDSLIDE article. (I think of this whole line of cases as the “FUBAR cases,” in reference to the product at issue in that case.)

When Apple v. Samsung was before the Federal Circuit, Samsung argued the district court erred in “fail[ing] to instruct the jury to ‘factor out’ the unprotectable structural and functional elements of Apple’s designs,” relying on Richardson and related cases. The Federal Circuit disagreed. In its May 2015 decision in Apple v. Samsung, the court ruled that its case law did not support Samsung’s “structural” argument. It also seemed to back away from Richardson, insisting that case “did not establish a rule to eliminate entire elements from the claim scope.” A few months later, the Federal Circuit backed even further away from Richardson in Ethicon.

In its cert petition, Samsung does not rely on—or even mention—Richardson. Instead, Samsung advocates a new approach to design patent claim construction.

Samsung’s approach is based in requirement that a patentable design be “ornamental.” Samsung argues that certain features (or aspects) of a design cannot be “ornamental” as a matter of law and that district courts must “eliminate” these “unprotected features” during claim construction.

So what are the “unprotected features” that Samsung wants courts to “eliminate”? Samsung argues that an ornamental design “cannot include ‘functional’ features, for those are the proper domain of utility patent law,” citing Bonito Boats. In this respect, Samsung’s approach sounds similar to one taken in the FUBAR cases. But Samsung would apparently go further, arguing that an ornamental design “cannot include concepts, shapes or colors,” likening them to “abstract ideas” or “physical phenomenon” under Bilski.

Samsung argues that “[a] district court can easily . . . identify to a jury a design patent’s conceptual, functional and ornamental aspects, and instruct a jury not to find infringement based on conceptual or functional similarities.” Whether or not this would actually be easy may be a matter of some debate, especially in light of past experience with the FUBAR cases. It’s also not clear what would qualify as a “conceptual” aspect (or feature) of a design.

And as a larger policy issue, it’s questionable whether verbal claim dissection is either desirable or appropriate in the context of design patents. The better approach may be, as Chris Carani argued in the LANDSLIDE article mentioned above, to simply instruct juries “that design patents only protect the appearance of the overall design depicted in the drawings, and not any functional attributes, purposes or characteristics embodied in the claimed design.”

It’s also worth noting that under Egyptian Goddess, the prior art may be used to narrow the scope of a claimed design—not through formal claim construction but as part of the infringement analysis. But in Apple v. Samsung, prior art that could have been used to narrow the scope of the claimed designs was not admitted at trial. So, if anything, this case represents a failure to make full use of the Egyptian Goddess framework, not a failure of the framework itself.

Pending Supreme Court Patent Cases for 2016

by Dennis Crouch

Welcome to 2016! As of January 1, only two petitions for certiorari have been granted this term — both covering the same topic of enhanced damages, a.k.a. willfulness. Another 20 petitions remain pending, a few of which may have legs.

New petitions from the past fortnight include Achates v. Apple (reviewability of IPR institution decision) and Vermont v. MPHJ (federal court jurisdiction in anti-troll consumer protection case).

1. Petitions Granted:

2. Petitions for Writ of Certiorari Pending:

  • Design Patents: Samsung Electronics Co. v. Apple Inc., No 15-777 (design patent scope and damages calculation)
  • InducementLife Technologies Corporation, et al. v. Promega Corporation, No. 14-1538 (whether an entity can “induce itself” under 271(f)(1))(CVSG, awaiting government brief)
  • InducementMedtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc., et al. v. NuVasive, Inc., No. 15-85 (Commil re-hash – mens rea requirement for inducement)
  • Inducement: Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., et al., No. 15-559 (Commil re-hash – if actions were “not objectively unreasonable” can they constitute inducement?)
  • Post Grant AdminCuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-446 (BRI construction in IPRs; institution decisions unreviewable)
  • Post Grant AdminAchates Reference Publishing, Inc. v. Apple, Inc., et al., No. 15-842 (IPR institution decisions unreviewable, even when addressed in a final written decision by PTAB)
  • Post Grant AdminInterval Licensing LLC v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-716 (Can the Patent and Trademark Office appropriately apply the “broadest reasonable interpretation” standard in construing patent claims in post-grant validity challenges?)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction: Vermont v. MPHJ Technology Investments, LLC, No. 15-838 (Federal court jurisdiction in anti-troll consumer protection case)
  • Preclusion or JurisdictionAlexsam, Inc. v. The Gap, Inc., No. 15-736 (appellate jurisdiction over patents that were dropped from case pre-trial) (New Petition)
  • Preclusion or JurisdictionSpeedTrack, Inc. v. Office Depot, Inc. et al., No. 15-461 (Kesslerdoctrine – enhanced preclusion)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction:
    ePlus, Inc. v. Lawson Software, Inc., No. 15-639 (what happens with a finally-determined permanent injunction after PTO cancels the patent claim?)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction: Alps South, LLC v. The Ohio Willow Wood Company, No. 15-567 (If patent ownership is fixed after the filing of a complaint, can jurisdiction be cured by a supplemental complaint)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction: Biogen MA, Inc. v. Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, et al., No. 15-607 (Whether AIA eliminated federal district courts’ jurisdiction over patent interference actions under 35 U.S.C. § 146.)
  • Eligibility Challenges: Retirement Capital Access Management Company, LLC v. U.S. Bancorp, et al., No. 15-591 (Whether subject matter eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 is a ground specified as a condition for patentability under 35 U.S.C. § 282(b)(2))
  • Claim Construction: Media Rights Technologies, Inc. v. Capitol One Financial Corporation, et al., No. 15-725 (Claim Construction: whether there a strong presumption against construing terms as subject to 35 U.S.C. § 112p6 that do not recite the term “means.”)
  • Patent Term Adjustment Dispute: Daiichi Sankyo Company, Ltd. v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-652 (Patent Term Adjustment – whether the 180 day deadline applies; could bleed into admin law issues)
  • Damages: STC, Inc. v. Global Traffic Technologies, No. 15-592 (Whether marking the packaging of a patented article with patent notification satisfies the marking provision of 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) where the patented article itself is undisputedly capable of being marked.)
  • Damages: Innovention Toys, LLC v. MGA Entertainment, Inc., et al., No. 15-635 (Stryker/Halo follow-on)
  • Soon to be DeniedArunachalam v. JPMorgan Chase & Co., No. 15-691 (unclear)
  • Soon to be DeniedMorgan, et al. v. Global Traffic Technologies LLC, No. 15-602 (unclear)

3. Petitions for Writ of Certiorari Denied:

  • Allvoice Developments US, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., No. 15-538
  • OIP Technologies, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc., No. 15-642
  • Fivetech Technology Inc. v. Southco, Inc., No. 15-381
  • Tyco Healthcare Group LP, et al. v. Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc., No. 15-115
  • Nautilus, Inc. v. Biosig Instruments, Inc., No. 15-561
  • Chunghwa Picture Tubes, Ltd., et al. v. Eidos Display, LLC, et al., No. 15-288
  • Arthrex, Inc. v. KFx Medical Corporation, No. 15-291
  • Daiichi Sankyo, Inc., et al. v. Apotex Inc., No. 15-281
  • Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Apotex Inc., No. 15-307
  • Luv N’ Care, Ltd. v. Munchkin, Inc., No. 15-242
  • Automated Merchandising Systems, Inc. v. Michelle K. Lee, Director, United States Patent and Trademark Office, No. 15-326
  • I/P Engine, Inc. v. AOL Inc., et al., No. 14-1358
  • Interval Licensing LLC v. AOL Inc., et al., No. 14-1362
  • Content Extraction and Transmission LLC v. Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, et al., No. 14-1473
  • W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. v. Bard Peripheral Vascular, Inc., et al., No. 15-41
  • NetAirus Technologies, LLC v. Apple Inc., No. 14-1353
  • Muffin Faye Anderson v. Kimberly-Clark Corporation, No. 14-10337
  • MobileMedia Ideas LLC v. Apple Inc., No. 15-206

Pending Supreme Court Patent Cases (Update)

by Dennis Crouch

As of December 14, two petitions for certiorari have been granted — both covering the same topic of enhanced damages, a.k.a. willfulness. Another 17 petitions remain pending, a few of which have potential.

  1. Petition Granted:
  1. Petition for Writ of Certiorari Pending:
  • Design Patents: Samsung Electronics Co. v. Apple Inc., No 15-___ (design patent scope and damages calculation)(New Petition)
  • InducementLife Technologies Corporation, et al. v. Promega Corporation, No. 14-1538 (whether an entity can “induce itself” under 271(f)(1))(CVSG)
  • InducementMedtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc., et al. v. NuVasive, Inc., No. 15-85 (Commilre-hash – mens rea requirement for inducement)
  • Inducement: Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., et al., No. 15-559 (Commilre-hash – if actions were “not objectively unreasonable” can they constitute inducement?)
  • Post Grant AdminCuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-446 (BRI construction in IPRs; institution decisions unreviewable)
  • Post Grant AdminInterval Licensing LLC v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-716 (Can the Patent and Trademark Office appropriately apply the “broadest reasonable interpretation” standard in construing patent claims in post-grant validity challenges?)
  • Preclusion or JurisdictionAlexsam, Inc. v. The Gap, Inc., No. 15-736 (appellate jurisdiction over patents that were dropped from case pre-trial) (New Petition)
  • Preclusion or JurisdictionSpeedTrack, Inc. v. Office Depot, Inc. et al., No. 15-461 (Kesslerdoctrine – enhanced preclusion)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction: ePlus, Inc. v. Lawson Software, Inc., No. 15-639 (what happens with a finally-determined permanent injunction after PTO cancels the patent claim?)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction: Alps South, LLC v. The Ohio Willow Wood Company, No. 15-567 (If patent ownership is fixed after the filing of a complaint, can jurisdiction be cured by a supplemental complaint)
  • Preclusion or Jurisdiction: Biogen MA, Inc. v. Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, et al., No. 15-607 (Whether AIA eliminated federal district courts’ jurisdiction over patent interference actions under 35 U.S.C. § 146.)
  • Eligibility Challenges: Retirement Capital Access Management Company, LLC v. U.S. Bancorp, et al., No. 15-591 (Whether subject matter eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 is a ground specified as a condition for patentability under 35 U.S.C. § 282(b)(2))
  • Claim Construction: Media Rights Technologies, Inc. v. Capitol One Financial Corporation, et al., No. 15-725 (Claim Construction: whether there a strong presumption against construing terms as subject to 35 U.S.C. § 112p6 that do not recite the term “means.”)
  • Patent Term Adjustment Dispute: Daiichi Sankyo Company, Ltd. v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-652 (Patent Term Adjustment – whether the 180 day deadline applies; could bleed into admin law issues)
  • Damages: STC, Inc. v. Global Traffic Technologies, No. 15-592 (Whether marking the packaging of a patented article with patent notification satisfies the marking provision of 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) where the patented article itself is undisputedly capable of being marked.)
  • Damages: Innovention Toys, LLC v. MGA Entertainment, Inc., et al., No. 15-635 (Stryker/Halo follow-on)
  • Soon to be DeniedArunachalam v. JPMorgan Chase & Co., No. 15-691 (unclear)
  • Soon to be DeniedMorgan, et al. v. Global Traffic Technologies LLC, No. 15-602 (unclear)

IPR: Proving Patentability before Amendment

By Dennis Crouch

In Prolitec, Inc. v. ScentAir Technologies,[1] the Federal Circuit has affirmed a USPTO inter partes review (IPR) decision cancelling Prolitec’s air-freshener diffuser claims.  The patent at issue[2] is the subject of a co-pending lawsuit between the parties that was stayed in 2013 — awaiting the IPR outcome.[3]

Here, the patent included a claim limitation requiring a diffusion head “mounted to” a reservoir.  The patentee wanted that term to be limited to require permanent joining of the head to the reservoir.

Too Clever Specification Drafting?: To achieve that permanent-joining result, the patentee first argued for a narrow claim construction of the “mounted term.”  That approach failed at the PTAB and has been affirmed on appeal.  The failure is to the ordinary patent drafting strategy, employed by the patentee, of using non-definite and non-limiting terms such as “may” to describe the role of various embodiments in the specification so as to not unduly limit claim scope. Here, in particular, the specification had indicated the possibility of a permanent joining in a disposable fashion, but, by clever specification drafting, had not foreclosed the potential for non-permanent mounting.  Thus, that narrowing argument was foreclosed by the patentee’s own prior actions.

No Amendment without Major Proof: As an alternative approach, the patentee also requested permission to amend its claims to replace “mounted” term with “permanently joined.”  As per its usual modus operandi, the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) denied the motion to amend.  In particular, the PTAB found that Prolitec had failed to prove that its proposal was patentable over the prior art of record.  On appeal, the Federal Circuit affirmed – first reiterating its prior statement in Microsoft Corp. v. Proxyconn, Inc.[4] that the Board can require a patentee to establish patentability before allowing an amendment.  Here, the Federal Circuit extended that doctrine to affirm the PTAB rule that, prior to amendment, patentability must be established over all prior art of record (in both the IPR and prosecution history). That rule, according to the Federal Circuit, is not contrary to any statute and is also “reasonable.”  Further, the court held that the requirement of “establishing patentability” includes both novelty and nonobviousness.  On the merits, the court affirmed that the patentee had failed to show that its amended claims were non-obvious over the combination of references cited in the IPR petition and found in the prosecution history file.

The majority opinion was written by Chief Judge Prost and joined by Judge Taranto.

Writing in dissent, Judge Newman argued that the refusal to allow an amendment was “contrary to both the purpose and the text of the America Invents Act. . . . [E]ntry of a compliant amendment is [a] statutory right, and patentability of the amended claim is properly determined by the PTAB during the IPR trial, not for the first time at the Federal Circuit.”

= = = =

[1] Prolitec, Inc. v. ScentAir Technologies, App. No. 15-1020, (Fed. Cir. Dec. 4, 2015) (slip opinion available at http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/sites/default/files/opinions-orders/15-1020.Opinion.12-1-2015.1.PDF)

[2] U.S. Patent No. 7,712,683.

[3] Prolitec, Inc. v. ScentAir Technologies, Civil Action #: 2:12-cv-00483-RTR, Docket No. 62 (E.D. Wisc., May 17, 2013).  The IPR petition was filed in May 2013 but not instituted until August 2013. See IPR2013-00179. The claims of a second patent in the lawsuit were also largely been cancelled and was the subject of a separate appeal. That PTAB decision was affirmed without opinion in June 2015. See Prolitec, Inc. v. ScentAir Technologies, App. No. 15-1017 (Fed. Cir. June 9, 2015) (R. 36 affirmance without opinion).

[4] 789 F.3d 1292 (Fed. Cir. 2015).

Pending Supreme Court Patent Cases

by Dennis Crouch

1.   Petition Granted:

2.   Petition for Writ of Certiorari Pending:

  • Life Technologies Corporation, et al. v. Promega Corporation, No. 14-1538 (Can an entity “induce itself” under 271(f)(1)?)(CVSG)
  • Allvoice Developments US, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., No. 15-538 (“Do patent claims addressed directly to software that is inherently in a computer-readable medium qualify as a ‘manufacture’ under 35 U.S.C. § 101 without express recitation of the medium?”)
  • OIP Technologies, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc., No. 15-642 (Do the rules of civil procedure apply when defendant raises a Section 101 eligibility “defense” in a motion-to-dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted?)
  • Fivetech Technology Inc. v. Southco, Inc., No. 15-381 (What is the proper role of intrinsic evidence in claim construction?)
  • Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc., et al. v. NuVasive, Inc., No. 15-85 (Commil re-hash – mens rea requirement for inducement)
  • SpeedTrack, Inc. v. Office Depot, Inc. et al., No. 15-461 (Kessler doctrine – enhanced preclusion)
  • Cuozzo Speed Technologies, LLC v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-446 (BRI construction in IPRs; institution decisions unreviewable).
  • Arthrex, Inc. v. Smith & Nephew, Inc., et al., No. 15-559 (Commil re-hash – if actions were “not objectively unreasonable” can they constitute inducement?)
  • Alps South, LLC v. The Ohio Willow Wood Company, No. 15-567 (If patent ownership is fixed after the filing of a complaint, can jurisdiction be cured by a supplemental complaint)
  • STC, Inc. v. Global Traffic Technologies, No. 15-592 (Whether marking the packaging of a patented article with patent notification satisfies the marking provision of 35 U.S.C. § 287(a) where the patented article itself is undisputedly capable of being marked.)
  • Retirement Capital Access Management Company, LLC v. U.S. Bancorp, et al., No. 15-591 (Whether subject matter eligibility under 35 U.S.C. § 101 is a ground specified as a condition for patentability under 35 U.S.C. § 282(b)(2))
  • Biogen MA, Inc. v. Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, et al., No. 15-607 (Whether AIA eliminated federal district courts’ jurisdiction over patent interference actions under 35 U.S.C. § 146.)
  • ePlus, Inc. v. Lawson Software, Inc., No. 15-639 (what happens with a finally-determined permanent injunction after PTO cancels the patent claim?)
  • Interval Licensing LLC v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-716 (Can the Patent and Trademark Office appropriately apply the “broadest reasonable interpretation” standard in construing patent claims in post-grant validity challenges?)
  • Media Rights Technologies, Inc. v. Capitol One Financial Corporation, et al., No. 15-725 (Claim Construction: whether there a strong presumption against construing terms as subject to 35 U.S.C. § 112p6 that do not recite the term “means.”)
  • Daiichi Sankyo Company, Ltd. v. Michelle K. Lee, No. 15-652 (Patent Term Adjustment – whether the 180 day deadline applies)
  • Innovention Toys, LLC v. MGA Entertainment, Inc., et al., No. 15-635 (Stryker/Halo follow-on)
  • Morgan, et al. v. Global Traffic Technologies LLC, No. 15-602 (unclear)
  • Arunachalam v. JPMorgan Chase & Co., No. 15-691 (unclear)

S.D. Florida shifts fees from date of claim construction onward

Advanced Ground Info. Sys., Inc. v. Life360, Inc. (S.D. Fla. Civ. A. No. 14-cv-80651), is an interesting case .  The patent-in-suit covered some sort of smart phone app (it’s not clear what).  The key dispute over infringement centered on whether the end user, alone, performed each step of the patented method.  Of course, a method claim cannot be infringed without preponderant evidence of direct infringement by someone.

Here, the asserted method claims survived the accused infringer’s motion for summary judgment of non-infringement, but were found by the jury to be not infringed.  Even though the case got to a jury, the district court awarded fees to the prevailing accused infringer, rejecting the argument that simply because the case got to trial meant it was not subject to shifting.

Instead, the court emphasized that after Akamai and the district court’s claim construction, it had been clear that there could be no infringement.  To oppose fees, the accused infringer pointed out that the court had denied the defendant’s motion for summary judgment after both Akamai and claim construction.

Why then, did the district judge deny the motion for summary judgment?

In granting fees in its November 30, 2015 order, the judge explained that he had “considered granting” the motion but had not done so because of the patentee’s explanation of how the app worked. Specifically, the judge stated that he denied summary judgment of non-infringement of the method claims based on the patentee’s argument that when the end user used the app was used, the app “automatically,” performed the remaining steps and so directly infringed the method claims.  That turned out to be untrue, and so the denial of summary judgment, alone, was insufficient to avoid an exceptional case finding.

In addition, the judge in granting fees also mentioned that the patentee had never sold any products, sued a start-up that had never made a profit, and yet the patentee argued that it had suffered irreparable harm.  Given the facts, the judge awarded fees from claim construction onward.

The lessons are several, but not unusual or new.  One is obviously to have a viable infringement claim and evidence of it; lawyer argument is not evidence.  The other is to keep in mind that, post-Octane it is important to evaluate infringement and other arguments carefully after claim construction (and any other similar event) and advise the client on, not just whether the case is meritorious, but whether it is marginally so and thus continued litigation puts the client at risk of fee shifting.

Nautilus Submerges Again — Upcoming Supreme Court Cases

That was quick: The Supreme Court has denied certiorari in Nautilus v. Biosig (round II).  I discuss that case here.

The Supreme Court also denied cert in Tyco v. Ethicon (15-115) (under pre-AIA law, does prior conception under 102(g) count as prior art under 103(a)?) and denied the certiorari rehearing request in Netairus v. Apple (14-1353) (when does a device infringe a method claim?).

= = = = =

Coming up this month for consideration by the court:

  • Fivetech Technology Inc. v. Southco, Inc., No. 15-381 (what is the proper role of intrinsic evidence in claim construction?)
  • Allvoice Developments US, LLC v. Microsoft Corp., No. 15-538 (is software stored on a computer-readable medium a “manufacture” under Section 101?)
  • OIP Technologies, Inc. v. Amazon.com, Inc., No. 15-642 (do the rules of civil procedure apply when defendant raises a Section 101 eligibility “defense” in a motion-to-dismiss for failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted?)

Nautilus Surfaces Again at the Supreme Court

Nautilus v. Biosig (Supreme Court 2015) (SCOTUS ROUND II)

In Nautilus (2014), the Supreme Court significantly heightened the standard for definiteness in patent cases – now requiring that claim scope be delineated with “reasonable certainty.” Previously, the Federal Circuit had only invalidated claims that were both “insolubly ambiguous” and not amenable to construction.

On remand, the Federal Circuit took-in the new standard, but again ruled that the “spaced relationship” limitation in Biosig’s patent was not problematic. That decision (and a series of others) have suggested that, despite the Supreme Court decision, indefiniteness is still a very tough-sell in infringement litigation.

Now, the case again has been petitioned to the Supreme Court. Nautilus asks two questions:

… To perform [its] public-notice function, a patent claim must be clear the day it issues. This Court accordingly rejected the Federal Circuit’s post hoc “amenable to construction” standard: “It cannot be sufficient that a court can ascribe some meaning to a patent’s claims; the definiteness inquiry trains on the understanding of a skilled artisan at the time of the patent application, not that of a court viewing matters post hoc.” But, the remand panel again did the opposite. It copied and pasted much of its opinion this Court had vacated. It did not even mention the original prosecution history. Instead, it again viewed the claim post hoc in view of statements made in Patent Office proceedings 15 years after the patent issued. And, it again relied upon a purely functional distinction over a structurally identical prior-art design as supposedly providing sufficient clarity. The questions presented are:

1. Is a patent claim invalid for indefiniteness if its scope is not reasonably certain the day the patent issues, even if statements in later Patent Office proceedings clarify it?

2. Is a patent claim invalid for indefiniteness if its scope is distinguished from prior art solely by a functional requirement, rather than by any structural difference?

The petition has been supported by two amici filings. The first filed by a group of operating companies – including Garmin and SAS – all of whom have been accused of infringing what they allege are indefinite patents. The second amicus brief was filed by a joint effort of the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and Public Knowledge.


Cuozzo Amicus Briefs from IPO, AIPLA, BIO, et al., all arguing against Broadest Reasonable Interpretation of Claims During IPR proceedings

By Dennis Crouch

Following a 6-5 split by the Federal Circuit, Cuozzo filed a petition for writ of certiorari – asking two important questions (as paraphrased by me):

  1. During a post-issuance inter partes review (IPR) proceeding, is it proper for the Patent Trial & Appeal Board (PTAB) to construe claims according to their “broadest reasonable interpretation” rather than their proper construction being applied in court?
  2. Is the PTAB’s decision whether to institute an IPR proceeding judicially unreviewable even if the PTAB exceeds its statutory authority in instituting the IPR?

See Cuozzo Takes IPR Challenge to the Supreme Court.

Eight different friend-of-the-court briefs have now been filed and the U.S. Government’s responsive brief is due December 9, 2015.

The majority of the briefs focus solely on the claim construction issue and make three basic arguments:

  1. Policy: IPRs are designed as validity judgments rather than a new examination of the patent; and claim amendments are almost always prohibited. Because IPRs are acting in parallel with court proceedings, the different standards create instability and uncertainty while using the same claim construction as an infringement-court would promote efficiency. All this undermines the PTO’s reasons justifying application of BRI construction rather than standard construction.
  2. Deference: Congress did not give the PTO rulemaking authority to decide to implement BRI in these Inter Partes Review proceedings and as a result, the agency’s interpretation should not be given administrative law deference.
  3. Conflict: The broad standard effectively negates the presumption of validity associated with each and every patent right. The broad standard subtly justifies the PTO to avoid the preclusive effect of prior court decisions.

One amicus brief (NYIPLA) also argued that the Federal Circuit should be able to review whether the PTO exceeded its authority in instituting an IPR, despite statutory language stating that the decision is not appealable. NYIPLA argues that the statute simply bars interlocutory appeals, but that the statute does not “narrow the issues that can be raised in an appeal” of a final written decision under §319.

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I’ll note here that none of the briefs at the petition stage raise the MCM/Cooper/Affinity arguments that the whole IPR proceedings are unlawful because “a patent, upon issuance, is not subject to revocation or cancellation by any executive agent, including by any part of the USPTO.” Citing McCormick Harvesting Mach. Co. v. Aultman, 169 U.S. 606 (1898). In McCormick, the Supreme Court wrote:

[W]hen a patent has … had affixed to it the seal of the Patent Office, it has passed beyond the control and jurisdiction of that office, and is not subject to be revoked or cancelled by the President, or any other officer of the Government. It has become the property of the patentee, and as such is entitled to the same legal protection as other property. . . . The only authority competent to set a patent aside, or to annul it, or to correct it for any reason whatever [without the patentee’s consent], is vested in the courts of the United States, and not in the department which issued the patent.

I would expect that, if the petition here is successful, some parties will file briefs that collaterally attach the IPR framework and to soften the Supreme Court for the eventual petitions.

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Claim Construction Moot Court: Mizzou’s Fifth Annual Patent Law Moot Court Competition

Later today here at the University of Missouri School of Law, we are hosting the Fifth Annual Patent Law Moot Court sponsored by McKool Smith and part of the activities of our Center for Intellectual Property and Entrepreneurship (CIPE).  (Tonight’s winner gets $1,000).

The setup this year is a revival of the LightingBallast case that we argued a few years ago.  Earlier this year, the Federal Circuit again changed course in that case — finding that the patentee’s claimed “voltage source means” connotes structure to one skilled in the art (based upon expert testimony) and therefore is not interpreted under 112(f) [112,p6] (and therefore is not automatically invalid for failing to provide any structure description of the claimed means in the written description).

In the moot-court world, the Federal Circuit has granted en banc rehearing by the defendant on the following three questions:

  1. Should claim limitations using the term “means” be presumed to fall under the purview of 35 U.S.C. Section 112¶6 and, if so, what level of presumption should apply?
  2. Should a district court’s fact finding regarding commonly understood terms be entitled to deference on appeal?
  3. Did the district court correctly construe “voltage source means” as used in claim 1 of U.S. Patent No. 5,436,529?

What do you think?


Director Michelle Lee: Moving toward Patent Clarity

The following is a post from Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO Michelle K. Lee and was published on the PTO Director’s blog

Patent quality is central to fulfilling a core mission of the USPTO, which as stated in the Constitution, is to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts.” It is critically important that the USPTO issue patents that are both correct and clear. Historically, our primary focus has been on correctness, but the evolving patent landscape has challenged us to increase our focus on clarity.

 Patents of the highest quality can help to stimulate and promote efficient licensing, research and development, and future innovation without resorting to needless high-cost court proceedings. Through correctness and clarity, such patents better enable potential users of patented technologies to make informed decisions on how to avoid infringement, whether to seek a license, and/or when to settle or litigate a patent dispute. Patent owners also benefit from having clear notice on the boundaries of their patent rights. After and after successfully reducing the backlog of unexamined patent applications, our agency is redoubling its focus on quality. 

 We asked for your help on how we can best improve quality—and you responded. Since announcing the Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative earlier this year, we received over 1,200 comments and extensive feedback during our first-ever Patent Quality Summit and roadshows, as well as invaluable direct feedback from our examining corps. This feedback has been tremendously helpful in shaping the direction of our efforts. And with this background, I’m pleased to highlight some of our initial programs under the Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative. 

 First, we are preparing to launch a Clarity of the Record Pilot, under which examiners will include as part of the prosecution record definitions of key terms, important claim constructions, and more detailed reasons for the allowance and rejection of claims. Based on the information we learn from this pilot, we plan to develop best examiner and applicant practices for enhancing the clarity of the record.

 We also will be launching a new wave of Clarity of the Record Training in the coming months emphasizing the benefits and importance of making the record clear and how to achieve greater clarity. Recently, we provided examiners with training on functional claiming and putting statements in the record when the examiner invokes 35 U.S.C. 112(f), which interprets claims under the broadest reasonable interpretation standard and secures a complete and enabled disclosure for a claimed invention. Training for the upcoming year includes an assessment of a fully described invention under 35 U.S.C. 112(a) and best practices for explaining indefiniteness rejections under 35 U.S.C. 112(b).

 Second, we are Transforming Our Review Data Capture Process to ensure that reviews of an examiner’s work product by someone in the USPTO will follow the same process and access the same facets of examination. Historically, we have had many different types of quality reviews including supervisory patent examiner reviews of junior examiners and quality assurance team reviews of randomly selected examiner work product. Sometimes the factors reviewed by each differed, and the degree to which the review results were recorded. With only a portion of these review results recorded and different criteria captured in those recordings, the data gathered was not as complete, useful, or voluminous as it could have been. As a result, the USPTO has been able to identify statistically significant trends only on a corps-wide basis, but not at the technology center, art unit, or examiner levels. We are working to unify the review process for all reviewers and systematically record the same and all review results through an online form, called the “master review form,” which we intend to share with the public. 

 What are the implications of this new process and new form? This new process will give us the ability to collect and analyze a much greater volume of data from reviews that we were already doing, but that were not previously captured in a centralized, unified way. As we roll out this new review process the amount of data we collect will significantly increase anywhere from three to five times. This will allow us to use big data analytic techniques to identify more detailed trends across the agency based upon statistically significant data including at the technology center, art unit, and even examiner levels. Also, this new process will give us better insight into not just whether the law was applied correctly, but whether the reasons for an examiner’s actions were spelled out in the record clearly and whether there is an omission of a certain type of rejection. For example, for an obvious rejection we are considering not only whether a proper obvious rejection was made, but whether the elements identified in the prior art were mapped onto the claims, whether there are statements in the record explaining the rejection, and whether those statements are clear.

 The end result will be the (1) ability to provide more targeted and relevant training to our examiners with much greater precision, (2) increased consistency in work product across the entire examination corps, and (3) greater transparency in how the USPTO evaluates examiners’ work product. You can read more about these and our many other initiatives, such as our Automated Pre-examination Search pilot and Post Grant Outcomes, which incorporates insight from our Patent Trial and Appeal Board and other proceedings back into the examination process on our new Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative page on our website.

 Finally, let me close by emphasizing that our Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative is not a “one-and-done” effort. Coming from the private sector, I know that any company that produces a truly top quality product has focused on quality for years, if not decades. The USPTO is committed to no less. The programs presented here are just a start. My goal in establishing a brand new department within the USPTO was to focus exclusively on patent quality and the newly created executive level position of Deputy Commissioner for Patent Quality will ensure enhanced quality now, and into the future. With your input we intend to identify additional ways we can enhance patent quality as defined by our patent quality pillars of excellence in work products, excellence in measuring patent quality, and excellence in customer service.

 To that end, we will continue our stakeholder outreach and feedback collection efforts in various ways, such as our monthly Patent Quality Chat webinars. The next Patent Quality Chat webinar on November 10 will focus on the programs presented in this blog and our other quality initiatives. I encourage you to join in regularly to our Patent Quality Chats and visit the Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative page on our website for more information.  The website provides recordings of previous Quality Chats as well as upcoming topics for discussion. We are eager to hear from you about our Enhanced Patent Quality Initiative, so please continue to provide your feedback to WorldClassPatentQuality@uspto.gov(link sends e-mail).  Thank you for collaborating with us on this exciting and important initiative!


Federal Circuit on Fee Award and Partial Stipulated Agreements

Integrated Tech Corp (ITC) v. Rudolph Tech (Fed. Cir. 2015)

Rudolph and ITC both make testers to test semiconductor chip testers (yes, layers of testing here). Basically, their equipment looks for bent and damaged probe wires that are used in the testing process. In 2006, ITC sued Rudolph for infringing its U.S. Patent No. 6,118,894 covering testing systems and methods.

At some point after being sued, Rudolph updated its software with a redesign. However, the trial court found that both the original and the redesign infringed and awarded both enhanced damages for willful infringement (on the re-design) and attorney fees. The fees were at least partially based upon changes in Rudolph’s CEO’s testimony and the eventual revelation that he knew Rudolph’s original design was infringing but continued to argue non-infringement. In an original appeal, the Federal Circuit altered the claim construction and found that the redesign did not infringe and, as a result vacated the willfulness and attorney fee issues.

On remand, the district court then reinstated the attorney fees – finding that:

[T]he record establishes the following: Rudolph hid its infringement for years, provided false discovery responses, filed summary judgment papers even though it knew its product infringed, argued a never fully explained theory that ITC did not own the underlying patent, and during and after trial played semantic games regarding what its machines did and what functions were important to it and its customers. . . . The striking weakness of Rudolph’s position regarding its pre-2007 PRVX machines, as well as the unreasonable manner in which it litigated the case through trial and post-trial motions, satisfy the Supreme Court’s standard under § 285 for awarding fees. In fact, either the substantive strength of many of Rudolph’s litigating positions or the “unreasonable manner in which the case was litigated” make this case stand out from others. An award of fees is appropriate. The parties previously stipulated to the amount of fees [as $3.25 million].

On appeal for the second time, the Federal Circuit has now affirmed that a fee award was proper – holding that the district court did not abuse its discretion in awarding fees – particularly citing Rudolph’s CEO (Ronald Seubert’s “inconsistent deposition and trial testimony”).

Stipulating the Amount of Fees: The bulk of the Federal Circuit’s opinion focused on the stipulation — Prior to the first appeal, the parties had stipulated to the amount of attorney fees as $3.25 million. The parties agreed particularly that “Rudolph will not contest the reasonableness of ITC’s request for fees in the amount of $3,252,228.” On appeal here, however, the Federal Circuit ruled Rudolph can (despite the stipulation) still challenge the amount of fees.

The Federal Circuit implicitly agreed that the stipulated fee contract is binding, but found that it inapposite to the challenge here since the stipulation occurred prior to the first appeal and the first appeal resulted in Rudolph winning on a number of important issues (e.g., the re-design is no longer considered infringing). In particular, Rudolph is not challenging the “reasonableness” of the fees that was stipulated-to but rather whether the fee award can properly be tied to the new – much more limited – scope of liability. The Federal Circuit relied upon its contractual analysis to reach its conclusion, which suggests that a well drafted contract could have fully settled the issue. However, the court also indicated that fee award must “bear some relation to the extent of the misconduct” – thus indicating that even a well drafted fee agreement stipulation would not be enforceable if not tied to the misconduct.

A general take-away here is to also take-care with regard to contractual agreements with a party in the midst of an ongoing bet-your-business litigation – it is likely to be parsed fairly tightly and given de novo review by the Federal Circuit.

Pending Cases at the Supreme Court

As we sit here today, there are no pending patent cases before the Supreme Court where the court has granted certiorari.  That said, there are a large number of pending petitions.  These include Cuozzo & Pulse that I have previously discussed. WilmerHale has been covering these, but is a few months behind.

The following are a few recently filed petitions:

Teva Follow-On: FiveTech v. SouthCo: (1) Can the Federal Circuit limit the role of the intrinsic evidence in construing patent claims under the exacting “lexicography and disavowal” standard; (2) Does the “lexicography and disavowal” standard improperly circumscribe the objective standard of the person of ordinary skill in the art in construing claim terms.

Teva Follow-On: Chunghwa Picture Tubes v. Eidos: Whether a district court’s factual finding(s) underlying its construction of a patent claim term must be reviewed for clear error under Rule 52(a)(6) as this Court held in Teva, or is an exception created to clear error review where the appellate court finds the intrinsic record clear after a de novo review of that record, as the Federal Circuit held in this case.

Attorney Fees in Copyright:

Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley (Kirtsaeng II): What is the appropriate standard for awarding attorneys’ fees to a prevailing party under § 505 of the Copyright Act?

Omega v. Costco (Costco II): (1) Can Copyright attorney fees be based on a finding that petitioner engaged in copyright misuse when the issue of misuse was appealed but left undecided on appeal? (2) Can the pursuit of a claim of copyright infringement constitute “copyright misuse” when the allegedly infringing copy is a “pictorial, graphic, or sculptural work” that is reproduced in a “useful” article.

Inter Partes Review Challenges:

Automated Merchandising v. Michelle Lee: (1) Must the federal judiciary await the substantive conclusion of an agency proceeding before it can evaluate whether an express statutory limitation on that agency’s jurisdiction requires that agency to terminate its proceeding? (2) Did the Federal Circuit err in refusing to order the USPTO to terminate the subject inter partes reexaminations under 35 U.S.C. § 317(b)?

Luv N’ Care v. Munchkin: Did the Federal Circuit err by affirming a PTAB administrative judgment based on new issues raised sua sponte by the PTAB at the Final Hearing, thus depriving the patent owner of notice and a meaningful opportunity to respond?

ANDA Loophole Cases:

Mylan v. Apotex:  (1) Whether Article III’s case or controversy requirement can be satisfied by a suit which seeks a judgment of non-infringement of a disclaimed patent. (2) Whether Congress can create Article III jurisdiction by imposing statutory consequences that turn on obtaining a judgment of non-infringement of a disclaimed patent.

Daiichi Sankyo v. Apotex: Whether an action seeking a declaration judgment of non-infringement presents a justiciable case or controversy under Article III of the Constitution where the patent at issue was previously disclaimed and thus cannot be enforced.

Design Patent Summary Judgment: Butler v. Balkamp: Is summary judgement proper in a District Court when a factual dispute exists in a Design Patent action and the District Court substitutes its own opinion for that of the ordinary observer?

Reasons to Combine and Obviousness: Arthrex v. KFX Medical: (1) Is the “reason to combine” inquiry a subsidiary question of fact, subject to deferential review on appeal, or a legal question for the court, and reviewed de novo. (2) Should the ultimate legal issue of obviousness be resolved by the court rather than submitted to the jury for resolution.

Cuozzo Takes IPR Challenge to the Supreme Court

Cuozzo Speed Tech v. Lee (Supreme Court 2015)

Cuozzo lost its petition for en banc rehearing in a 6-5 split of Federal Circuit judges.  Now, the patentee has raised is challenge to the IPR process to the Supreme Court – asking two questions:

  1. Whether the [Federal Circuit] erred in holding that, in IPR proceedings, the Board may construe claims in an issued patent according to their broadest reasonable interpretation rather than their plain and ordinary meaning.
  2. Whether the [Federal Circuit] erred in holding that, even if the Board exceeds its statutory authority in instituting an IPR proceeding, the Board’s decision whether to institute an IPR proceeding is judicially unreviewable.

Answers to these questions will fundamentally alter the inter partes review system. The petition does a good job of walking through the importance of the case and then separately explaining their legal argument.

I’m sure that we’ll cover this case more as the briefing moves forward – amici have 30 days to file.  Meanwhile, read the petition here: Cuozzo Speed Technologies LLC v Michelle K Lee Petition for a Writ of Certiorari

The Cuozzo petition was filed by a rising star in Supreme Court practice – Jeffrey Wall, who is partner at Sullivan & Cromwell.  Wall was a clerk for Justice Thomas and was an Assistant to the Solicitor General for five years. He also has the distinguishing mark of being my law school classmate (as well as Prof. Rantanen).


Fractures, Fault Lines, and the MPEP

By Jason Rantanen

As part of my standard preparation for teaching a given doctrine in my patent law class, I like to review the relevant section of the Manual of Patent Examination and Procedure (MPEP).  The MPEP typically offers a relatively well-organized description of the doctrine, with critical cases referenced.  But my review leaves me frustrated almost every time.

The reason for my frustration is that the MPEP, while doing a terrific job with legal issues on which there is clear precedent, frequently elides over the doctrinal fractures and fault lines that are at the heart of contemporary patent law disputes.  Or worse, it simply does not acknowledge their existence at all.  The result is a resource that, in presenting patent law as clear and determinate on its face, masks the existence of  sharp tensions and breakpoints in patent law.

For example, today I’ll be covering § 102 “public use” and “on sale.”   A glance through the MPEP’s sections on public use under the First-to-File regieme reveals a landscape that seems dry and barren, with the only major feature being the question of whether pre- or post-AIA § 102 applies.  From reading MPEP § 2152, one gets the sense that post-AIA, the only issue once the question of regime is resolved is whether the activity was “accessible to the public.”  Secret sales or offers for sale, for example, do not place the invention “on sale”:

“AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(a)(1) does not cover secret sales does not cover secret sales or offers for sale. For example, an activity (such as a sale, offer for sale, or other commercial activity) is secret (non-public) if it is among individuals having an obligation of confidentiality to the inventor.”

MPEP § 2152.02(d).  Experimental use has been entirely dropped from the MPEP’s discussions of post-AIA public uses and sales.  It’s as if it never existed.

Yet, these are far from resolved issues.  There are plausible arguments that Congress legislatively changed the meaning of “public use” through the AIA; there are at least equally plausible arguments that Congress did not.  The PTO’s position on secret commercial activity is on even weaker footing.  Inevitably, the Federal Circuit, and likely the Supreme Court, will weigh in on this issue of statutory construction.  But the MPEP’s characterization of this issue as settled hides a very real tension in patent law, one that will really matter to inventors and patent attorneys.  It’s not difficult to imagine a hypothetical situation in which someone relies on the MPEP’s language about secret commercial activity not constituting sales for purposes of § 102(a)(1), only to be placed in a very bad position should the Federal Circuit or Supreme Court conclude otherwise.

These issues are only the most obvious fault lines hidden under the MPEP’s seemingly solid description of patent law doctrine.  But there are others, and creative, knowledgeable attorneys likely know many of them already.  One that has always fascinated me is the question of what constitutes a “use” for purposes of § 102 “public use.”  The casebook I use for patent law, Craig Nard’s The Law of Patents, does a good job of setting up this issue through Motionless Keyboard Co. v. Microsoft Corp., 486 F.3d 1376 (Fed. Cir. 2007).  The issue is whether just showing, or perhaps even demonstrating, an embodiment of the invention constitutes a public use.  Motionless Keyboard suggests that sometimes not, at least if the invention is not used for its intended purpose.  But in other cases, the Federal Circuit brushes aside the “intended purpose” language of Motionless Keyboard.  See, e.g. Pronova Biopharma Norge AS v. Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc., 549 Fed. Appx. 934, 939-943 (Fed. Cir. 2013) (nonprecedential).  This question of what constitutes a use is a substantial fracture point where the law is indeterminate, but one gets no hint of this potential tension from the MPEP.  See § 2133, 2152.  Other fracture points and fault lines are apparent if one digs into the recent cases: the question of what constitutes an offer for sale versus an assignment or license is another fracture point within the § 102 space on which disputes ultimately get resolved,  See, e.g. Elan Corp. v. Andrx Pharmaceuticals, Inc., 366 F.3d 1336 (Fed. Cir. 2004), but which one gets no hint of from the MPEP.  Likewise, while there is an extensive discussion in the MPEP of whether an invention is “ready for patenting,” see § 2133.03(c),  there is no discussion about a fundamental important question: what is the invention for purposes of a product claim? Is it just an embodiment of the invention or is it the technical know-how (i.e.: what we usually think of as “the invention” when talking about patents)?

My point is not that the MPEP should definitely include extensive discussions of fault lines and fracture points within the caselaw.  Indeed, the MPEP isn’t much worse than most treatises, which similarly elide or ignore all but the most well-recognized tension points in the law.  And “on sale” and “public use” issues, which typically involve information within the inventors’ own possession rather than information that is easily found by the examiner, are perhaps not the most efficient places for the MPEP to offer substantial guidance.  Whether or not the MPEP would benefit from greater detail is a normative question that I’d be curious to hear folks’ thoughts on.  I do note, though, that on some issues, such as experimental use prior to the AIA, the MPEP goes into substantial detail already, so it’s treatment is more inconsistent than uniformly thin.

My point is simply that the MPEP’s presentation of patent law doctrine inherently implies a patent law that is far more determinate and clear than it really is.  There are hard questions in patent law, but reading the MPEP gives the impression that they are just complicated questions with definite answers.  The caselaw suggests otherwise.

Guest Post: To File a CON? Empirical Popularity and Prosecution Outcomes

Guest Post by Kate S. Gaudry, Ph.D and Thomas D. Franklin, Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP.  The opinions expressed in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP or its clients. This article is not intended to be and should not be viewed as legal advice.

An increasing number of statistics are available on trends in patent application filings and prosecution outcomes. However, it is uncommon to see the data segregated based on type of application. Specifically, how frequently are continuation applications filed? And does previous prosecution experience with a parent application result in favorable prosecution outcomes?

Answers to these questions may be pertinent when developing strategies as to whether to file a continuation application. Frequent continuation filings may indicate that competitors consider it important to have the claiming flexibility of keeping a family alive or a trend toward filing omnibus applications (disclosing multiple ideas or idea aspects per specification). Meanwhile, any advantage of a continuation must be considered in view of its cost, which depend in part on prosecution expectations.

Accordingly, we requested data from the USPTO that identified, for each fiscal year and technology center (TC), the number of new applications filed (excluding RCEs) that were: (1) a continuation application; (2) a divisional application; (3) a continuation-in-part application; or (4) none of the above. Further, we requested, for each of these application types: (1) the number of patents issued and number of abandonments between July 1, 2014 and July 8, 2015 (to generate a final-disposal allowance rate for this time period); and (2) the average number of office actions issued for each application that received a notice of allowance during this time.

Continuation Applications: Increasingly Common

Overall, in fiscal year 2015, 20% of the filed applications were continuation applications. Divisionals comprised 6% of the data set, and continuation-in-part applications accounted for 3% of the applications. The remaining 72% lacked a priority claim to another non-provisional U.S. application. (FIG. 1)

FIG. 1

FIG. 1

FIGs. 2A and 2B respectively show the unnormalized and normalized distributions of filing types per fiscal year. The percentage of applications that were continuations doubled from 9% in 2005 to 18% in 2015.

Patently-O App-Type FIG 2

FIG. 2

The increased popularity of continuation applications is observed across all TCs. (FIG. 3.) The most substantial increases is observed in TCs 2100 (Computer Architecture, Software, and Information Security) and 2600 (Communications), where the contribution of continuation applications to total filings increased by 142% and 132%, respectively, between 2005 and 2015.

Patently-O App-Type FIG 3

FIG. 3

Continuation applications were most common in TCs 1600 (Biotechnology and Organic Chemistry), 2100 (Computer Architecture, Software, and Information Security) and 2400 (Computer Networks, Multiplex Communication, Video Distribution and Security), where continuation applications accounted for 29%, 28% and 30% of the applications, respectively. Continuation applications were least common in TC 3600 (Transportation, Construction, Electronic Commerce, Agriculture, National Security and License & Review), accounting for only 14% of the applications. The infrequency of TC 3600 continuation applications may be due, in part, to the rarity of allowances in the business-method art units.[1]

Continuation and Original Applications have Similar Prosecution Statistics

Potentially, experience with a parent application (and, typically, a same examiner) may guide claiming strategy for a continuation. Thus, perhaps, continuations represent a two-fold cost-savings opportunity: a savings in drafting and in prosecution costs. Assessing the latter potential savings requires evaluating allowance rates and office-action counts of continuation applications. Accordingly, we evaluated prosecution statistics from a recent time period (July 2014-July 2015) for each of the application types.

Overall, the final-disposal allowance rate for continuations is slightly higher than that for original applications (80% versus 74%). (FIG. 4A.) The average office-action count per patent is slightly lower for continuation applications (1.85 versus 1.96). (FIG. 4B.)

FIG. 44

FIG. 4

Discussion: Why and How to File Continuations

Continuation applications provide a variety of advantages, including an opportunity to seek a new scope of protection in view of business priorities and to strategically draft claims in view of ongoing or threatened challenges to a patent. This latter upside is becoming increasingly significant as the number of post-grant challenges continues to grow.

Should an applicant decide that the advantages of keeping a family alive are sufficiently important, claiming strategy for the child application must then be identified. Slightly tweaking an allowed claim may result in minimal prosecution costs. However, a fast allowance will lead to an overall cost of the family exploding (assuming repeated continuation filings). Seeking substantially broader protection, meanwhile, may lead to extended and frustrating prosecution. Our data showing that continuation and original applications have similar prosecution statistics suggest that applicants are not consistently choosing an easy or hard continuation-claiming path, though it may be explained by split uses of these types of claim-drafting techniques.

Another approach to continuations is to seek protection of a completely different idea in the specification. This could allow a resulting patent family to provide diverse protections towards different elements of an applicant’s technology. However, a new focus requires that the new idea be supported and enabled by the original specification. In an era where flat fees and legal bidding wars are common, it is our hypothesis that few applicants are willing to pay the higher drafting fees for preparation of such enhanced applications. However, we believe that this is a strategic approach and should be more frequently used.

Consider a case where an applicant is seeking patent protection of two ideas. A traditional approach is that separate patent applications be drafted for each idea. Another approach is to draft a single “omnibus” patent application that describes both ideas. One idea can be the focus of an original filing, and another the focus of a continuation filing. Then, by investing in keeping a single family alive (via the original and continuation filings and/or additional continuation applications), claiming flexibility for each idea is preserved. Further, if ideas within an omnibus application are related, drafting fees may be less than preparing two independent applications. The application may also illuminate synergies and interactions between the ideas, which may further expand claiming possibilities.

Concluding Thoughts

Our data shows that continuation-application filings are becoming increasingly common. Filing continuation applications offers many advantages, particularly now that patents are frequently challenged. However, blindly filing continuation applications will lead to an explosion in costs. Strategic filing of omnibus continuation applications, however, will offer long-term cost savings and prosecution advantages. Therefore, applicants should consider intelligently identifying and organizing sets of ideas into omnibus applications.

[1] Gaudry KS. 2015. Post-Alice, Allowances are a Rare Sighting in Business-Method Art Units. IPWatchDog. <http://www.ipwatchdog.com/2014/12/16/post-alice-allowances-rare-in-business-method/id=52675/>

Intervening Rights 2015

R+L Carriers v. Qualcomm (Fed. Cir. 2015)

Here’s the rough timeline:

  • R+L sued Qualcomm for infringement;
  • R+L then petitioned for ex parte reexamination of its asserted patent, and that filing resulted in the asserted claims being amended and then confirmed as patentable;
  • And, before the reexam was completed, Qualcomm stopped its allegedly infringing activity.

The in the case then is whether the amendment during reexamination allows Qualcomm to entirely avoid liability for pre-reexamination acts through a doctrine known as “intervening right.”

Substantially Identical: The Patent Act provides that back-damages for pre-reexamination infringement is only available if the reexamined claims are “substantially identical” to the original claims.  This rule stems from the reissue statute, 35 U.S.C. § 252 (a reissued patent shall have the same effect as the original patent “in so far as the claims of the original and reissued patents are substantially identical”) coupled with the reexamination provision, 35 U.S.C. § 307(b) (“a reexamination proceeding will have the same effect as that specified in section 252 for reissued patents”).

The Substantially Identical test is pretty tough standard. Although it does allow for some amendment, an amended claim will basically fail if the scope of covereage is not identical. As interpreted by the courts, the “substantially identical” standard is judged objectively and it is irrelevant as to whether the patentee thought the change was substantial or not.

The changes: The patent here is directed toward a method of “transferring shipping documentation data … from a transporting vehicle to a remote processing center.”  In the original patent, R+L had failed to include the word “comprising” and instead just put a colon following the method claim preamble. In addition, the original claims included a final step of preparing “a loading manifest . . . for further transport of the package on another transporting vehicle.”  During reexamination, the patentee added the limitations that it is an “advance” loading manifest “document” for “another transport vehicle.”  In issuing the reexamination certificate, the USPTO relied upon this last change because the prior art did not include preparing “an advance loading manifest document for another transporting vehicle.”

The Federal Circuit relied upon the examiner’s statements here to interpret the claims – finding that the amendment did change the claim scope:

The examiner expressly stated he was allowing amended claim 1 because “the manifest discussed by [the prior art] is a manifest for the current shipping vehicle and not an advance loading manifest document for another transporting vehicle.”  In other words, the examiner’s focus in allowing the claims was … on the additional limitation that the advance loading manifest be “for another transporting vehicle.”  … [T]he examiner’s commentary reveals a method that would be covered by original claim 1 but not amended claim 1: the process of preparing a loading manifest “for the current shipping vehicle.”

In its briefing, R+L acknowledges that the claims were allowed over the prior art because it agreed to add the “for another transporting vehicle” limitation. As R+L stated in its interview summary during reexamination, addition of “loading manifest document for another transportation vehicle” resulted in a tentative agreement that the amendment would overcome the rejections over the prior art. … R+L clearly understood that it was limiting the scope of its claims in another way to get around the prior art.

Thus, amended claim 1 is not “substantially identical” to original claim 1 because original claim 1 encompassed scope that amended claim 1 does not. Accordingly, we conclude that amended claim 1 is not “substantially identical” to original claim 1.

As I mentioned earlier, the reasons for the amendment do not directly impact whether the amendment is substantial or not. However, the above quotation from the opinion shows how those reasons do impact the claim construction which will then impact whether the amendment is substantial.

What’s Important about This Case: The intervening rights doctrine discussed here is not new and the results are not surprising once the claims were construed.  The real element of importance of this case seems to be claim construction – and particularly, the heavy reliance placed upon the examiner’s statements during prosecution regarding the claim coverage.

= = = =

Although reexaminations are on the decline, the PTAB trials are on the rise.  Under the AIA, intervening rights will also be generated whenever a patent claim is amended in an inter partes or post grant (including CBM) review. See 35 U.S.C. § 318(c) and 328(c).


Dickstein Shapiro Dodges Malpractice Suit by Showing Long-Ago Issued Claims Were to Ineligible Subject Matter

By David Hricik

This one will make your head spin, especially the statutory construction part.  The case is Encylopaedia Britannica, Inc. v. Dickstein Shapiro LLP (D. D.C. Aug. 26, 2015).

The Dickstein Shapiro firm was retained by Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. (EB) in 1993 to file a patent application. The patent issued, and in 2006 EB sued several companies for infringing it. The patent was held invalid due to “an unnoticed defect” in the 1993 application.  The basis for invalidity was not 101, however.

EB then sued the law firm for malpractice in prosecuting the 1993 application.  EB contended that, but for the firm’s negligence, it would have made a lot of money in the infringement suit.

After the malpractice suit was filed, Alice was decided.  The firm then argued that, as a result, the claims were ineligible and so any malpractice by it in 1993 could not have been the but-for cause of harm.  The claims would have been “invalid” under 101 even had it not botched the 1993 application, and so there was no harm caused by any error it made.

To put this in context:  Because of a 2014 Supreme Court decision, the 2006 case would have been lost anyway because, in 1993, the claims were not eligible for patenting.

And the argument worked.  The district court granted a motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim, finding the subject matter ineligible on the face of the patent.

I’ll leave the merits of that to others.

What is interesting is the court’s approach to retroactive application of Alice.  The issue was whether in the 2006 case, even had the firm’s alleged malpractice not caused the invalidity judgment, the claims were “invalid” under 101 then.  The district court held that Alice did not change the law, but merely stated what it had always been.    Specifically, the district court stated:

When the Supreme Court construes a federal statute… that construction is an authoritative statement of what the statute has always meant that applies retroactively.  Alice represents the Supreme Court’s definitive statement on what 101 means — and always meant.  Because the underlying case is governed by 101, it is appropriate for this Court to apply the Supreme Court’s construction of 101 as set forth in Alice.

(Citations omitted).

For this and other reasons, the court reasoned that “the only rule that makes sense in this context is to apply the objectively correct legal standard as enunciated by the Supreme Court in Alice, rather than an incorrect legal standard that the [district court in the 2006 infringement case] may have applied prior to July 2015 [when the court was deciding the motion.]”  The court then applied Alice and found the claims “invalid” under 101.

There’s a lot to unpack here.

First, the retroactivity of Alice bodes ill for lawyers who obtained patents now being held “invalid” under 101.  If the law “always” was this way, why did you advise your clients to spend so much money on a patent so clearly invalid that a judge could decide it by looking at it? But keep reading, because you and I know Alice and the rest changed the law.  (Indeed, the USPTO changed its examination procedures to adjust to it!)

Second, there could be enormous consequences if Alice changed the Court’s prior interpretations of 101.

While as a matter of statutory construction the retroactivity principle relied upon by the district court is correct, retroactivity does not ordinarily apply when an interpretation is changed.  (This perhaps explains why the Supreme Court is careful to avoid saying it is changing an interpretation, because changes to interpretations of a statute are prospective, only, as a general rule.  In that regard, think about Therasense for a moment.) So, if Alice changed the law, then the district court was likely wrong to apply it retroactively.

More broadly, however, if Alice (and the rest) changed the meaning of 101, then it means many patents now being held “invalid” should not be judged under Alice.

I’ve been waiting for someone to make the retroactivity argument (as with Therasense, which clearly changed the CAFC’s interpretation of “unenforceability”).  It would be fun to try to see someone use Alice and apply it to the Supreme Court line of cases and make them all fall in a line.

Dow v. Nova: “Nautilus changed the law of indefiniteness”

By Jason Rantanen

The Dow Chemical Company v. Nova Chemicals Corporation (Fed. Cir. 2015) Download Opinion
Panel: Prost, Dyk (author), Wallach

Earlier this year in the opinion on remand in Biosig v. Nautilus, Judge Wallach rejected the argument that the Supreme Court’s opinion on the indefiniteness doctrine  “articulated a new, stricter standard.”  783 F.3d 1374, 1379 (Fed. Cir. 2015).  Instead, the Court  “modified the standard by which lower courts examine allegedly ambiguous claims; we may now steer by the bright star of ‘reasonable certainty,’ rather than the unreliable compass of ‘insoluble ambiguity.’”  Id. The thrust of Judge Wallach’s opinion was that the problem the Supreme Court saw with the Federal Circuit’s previous indefiniteness doctrine was not with the standard that the Federal Circuit was actually applying; it was that the words the Federal Circuit had been using could lead district courts astray.

Dow v. Nova presents a dramatic contrast, one that (in my view) goes a long way towards righting the boat.   Here, Judge Dyk reiterates in the strongest words since Nautilus that the Court’s opinion clearly changed the standard for indefiniteness.  There is no hint of mere Supreme clarification in this opinion, as the outcome turns entirely on whether the pre- or post-Nautilus standard applies.  Under the old standard, the result at the Federal Circuit was that the claims were definite; under the new standard, the result was that they are indefinite.  And given the purely nondeferential review applied in both cases, this pair of cases provides possibly one of the neatest examples of how a legal standard can be outcome determinative.

Background: In 2010, Dow obtained an infringement judgment against NOVA, with a jury rejecting NOVA’s indefiniteness argument.  The Federal Circuit affirmed in 2012, holding that the patents were not indefinite under its pre-Nautilus precedent.  On remand, the district court held a bench trial on supplemental damages for the period after the judgment through expiration of the patents (October 2011). While NOVA’s appeal was pending, the Supreme Court issued Nautilus.  NOVA argued that this intervening decision required the supplemental damages award to be vacated because the patents are invalid for indefiniteness.

Bars to re-litigation of indefiniteness: Nova’s challenge faced a substantial procedural hurdle, however.  Because it had litigated, and lost, its indefiniteness challenge, it would ordinarily be barred from re-litigating that issue under the doctrine of issue preclusion or law of the case.  (Claim preclusion does not apply under Federal Circuit precedent because a claim based on continuing conduct constitutes a separate claim.)     “[T]he doctrine [of law of the case] posits that when a court decides upon a rule of law, that decision should continue to govern the same issues in subsequent stages in the same case.”….Issue preclusion “bars ‘successive litigation of an issue of fact or law already litigated and resolved in a valid court determination essential to the prior judgment.’” Slip Op. at 11 (citations omitted).  However, “when governing law is changed by a later authoritative decision,” these two doctrines do not apply.  Id. at 12.

Nautilus and change in law: There are three requirements for the change in law exception to apply: (1) “the governing law must have been altered;” (2) “the decision sought to be reopened must have applied the old law;” and (3) “the change in law must compel a different result under the facts of the particular case.”  Slip Op. at 14-15.  Here, the court held, those requirements were met by the Nautilus opinion.  “First, there can be no serious question that Nautilus changed the law of indefiniteness. This was indeed the very purpose of the Nautilus decision.”  Slip Op. at 16.  Second, the earlier decision in Dow applied the old law:

Dow argues that our opinion in the previous appeal was not inconsistent with
Nautilus and that we did not apply the “amenable to construction” or “insolubly ambiguous standard.” But the fact that we did not include that particular language does not mean that we were not applying the prevailing legal standard. We cited Exxon, see Dow, 458 F. App’x at 917, which Nautilus specifically cited as exemplary of the rejected Federal Circuit standard…..We also explained that “the test for indefiniteness is not whether the scope of the patent claims is easy to
determine, but whether ‘the meaning of the claim is discernible, even though the task may be formidable and the conclusion may be one over which reasonable persons will disagree.’” Id. at 920 (quoting Exxon, 265 F.3d at 1375). This language corresponds exactly to the “amenable to construction” or “insolubly ambiguous” standard rejected in Nautilus.

Slip Op. at 17-18.

Third, the outcome was different under the Nautilus standard than under the pre-Nautilus caselaw.  Here, the issue was a measurement problem: which methodology should be applied to determine the “slope of strain hardening.”  “Three methods existed to determine the maximum slope, each providing, as Dow admits, “simply a different way of determining the maximum slope.”  Slip Op. at 21 (emphasis added).   None of these methods were taught in the patent, nor did it provide “any guidance as to which method should be used or even whether the possible universe of methods is limited to these four methods.”  Id. at 23.  And Dow’s expert used a fourth method, which he used after applying “only his judgment of what a person of ordinary skill would believe.”  He did not testify that one of ordinary skill in the art would choose his method over the three known methods.

Under the previous indefiniteness standard, the court observed, that Dr. Hsaio had developed a method for measuring maximum slope was sufficient.  But under the Nautilus standard, “this is no longer sufficient:

The question is whether the existence of multiple methods leading to different results without guidance in the patent or the prosecution history as to which method should be used renders the claims indefinite. Before Nautilus, a claim was not indefinite if someone skilled in the art could arrive at a method and practice that method. Exxon, 265 F.3d at 1379. In our previous opinion, relying on this standard, we held that the claims were not indefinite, holding that “the mere fact that the slope may be measured in more than one way does not make the claims of the patent invalid.” Dow, 458 F. App’x at 920. This was so because Dow’s expert Dr. Hsiao, a person skilled in the art, had developed a method for measuring maximum slope. See id. at 919–20.

Under Nautilus this is no longer sufficient.  “[A] patent is invalid for indefiniteness if its claims, read in light of the specification delineating the patent, and the prosecution history, fail to inform, with reasonable certainty, those skilled in the art about the scope of the invention.” 134 S. Ct. at 2124; see also id. at 2129 (“[W]e read § 112, ¶ 2 to require that a patent’s claims, viewed in light of the specification and prosecution history, inform those skilled in the art about the scope of the invention with reasonable certainty.”). Here the required guidance is not provided by the claims, specification, and prosecution history.

Slip Op. at 23-24. That an expert chooses to use a particular measurement technique is insufficient for meeting the requirements of indefiniteness.  “As we held in Interval Licensing, a claim term is indefinite if it “leave[s] the skilled artisan to consult the ‘unpredictable vagaries of any one person’s opinion.’”  Slip Op. at 25.  Perhaps this could have been satisfied by expert testimony as to which methodology a person of ordinary skill in the art would have used, but that will be a question for another day.

Some more thoughts on the opinion:

  • The opinion takes pains to distinguish Biosig v. Nautilus.  In Biosig, the question was how one of ordinary skill in the art would determine what “spaced relationship” meant.  There, “we held that the prosecution history, the language of the claims, and the knowledge of one skilled in the art demonstrated that “a skilled artisan would understand the inherent parameters of the invention as provided in the intrinsic evidence” and that the claim term at issue “informs a skilled artisan with reasonable certainty of the scope of the claim.”  Dow at 25, n. 10.   One way to think about Nautilus is that it’s really about figuring out the meaning of words in the claim, whereas this case and Teva are really about how to determine whether those words, with their meaning understood, are met.
  • The weird tension about indefiniteness being a question of law but involving factual determinations remains.  Here, the issue was originally tried to a jury (probably erroneously as the Federal Circuit implied in the original Dow opinion), and the Federal Circuit’s analysis here focuses less on interpreting the text of the claims and more on identifying which measurement methodology a PHOSITA would have picked (which sounds like a factual question to me).  Regardless of this tension, I’d expect that in future cases knowledgeable counsel will make sure that there’s good support for the particular measurement methodology used by their experts, with the experts also providing support for the proposition that their methodology is the one that a PHOSITA would have used.
  • Another way to think about this case is in tandem with Wiliamson v. Citrix, in which the Federal Circuit relaxed the difficulty of invoking § 112, para. 6 when the words “means” or “step” aren’t used in the claim.  The effect of that decision was to make it riskier to use functional language in a claim when no corresponding structure is disclosed in the specification.  Dow moves in a similar direction: when no measurement methodology is described or suggested in the specification, functional limitations such as the one here may render the claim indefinite, at least when a PHOSITA would not know which of several possible methods to use.
  • Lisa Larrimore Ouellette discusses the decision on the Written Description blog as well.