Tag Archives: impeachment

Judge Newman vs. Chief Judge Moore

I have often written about situations where Judge Pauline Newman’s position is opposed to those taken by other judges on the Federal Circuit. But today we go a step further, by actually filing a lawsuit: Newman v. Moore.  The defendant is Chief Judge Kimberly Moore along with Judge Sharon Prost, Judge Richard Taranto, and the Judicial Council of the Federal Circuit.

The lawsuit stems from the move by the Chief along with other members of the court to forcibly remove Judge Newman from office pursuant to the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980.   Of course, the Constitution indicates that impeachment is the process for removing a Federal Judge, not some internal process, even if authorized by Congress.

The lawsuit asks for the Act to be held unconstitutional; any ongoing proceedings held unconstitutional; declare any secrecy order on Judge Newman to be a violation of her rights; etc. The complaint also reveals some previously unreported allegations.

Read it here: NewmanVMooreComplaint