Survey Response Required to Remain on USPTO Rolls

Earlier this year, the USPTO mailed a survey to the last known address to all US patent practitioners with a registration number of less than 25,000. This represents about 2,600 practitioners. Responses to those letters have been due for some time and practitioners who have not responded are now at risk of being removed from the rolls of active attorneys.  In the O.G., the USPTO has posted a list of 1,200+ practitioners who have not responded. To avoid being removed from the rolls, the practitioner must submit a response by Monday, May 7.  A practitioner removed from the rolls can be reinstated with the payment of a fee. 

The USPTO also states that that “Practitioners who may know that a former colleague whose name appears on the list below is deceased are encouraged to contact OED.”

6 thoughts on “Survey Response Required to Remain on USPTO Rolls

  1. 6

    Wonder what year they started with the 25,000 reg. number?

    Somewhere between mid-December of 1968 and mid-January of 1969.

  2. 5

    I guess anyone on that list would not be the type to be reading this blog or comment? Wonder what year they started with the 25,000 reg. number?

  3. 4

    I think any practitioner with numbers starting with 2 or 3 should be tested anew.

  4. 3

    So many oversights and miscues can be corrected with the payment of a fee đŸ˜‰

  5. 1

    The article is really interesting. It is short and sweet. The language is very simple and easy to understand. Thank you very much for sharing the article with us.

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