Malpractice and the Statute of Limitations

Wright v. Renaldo, 279 Mich. App. 526 (Mich. Ct. App. 2008)

Wright sued Renaldo and her firm for legal malpractice involving the prosecution of his patent directed to an absorbent mat. Renaldo allegedly erred in (1) failing to remove the name of an originally listed co-inventor; (2) “improperly drafted documents submitted to the patent office, and (3) failed to recognize and take steps to correct the patent because it did not adequately protect Wright’s invention.”

Without reaching the merits of the malpractice claim, the court agreed that the claim was barred by a Michigan two-year statute of limitations. Under Michigan law, a plaintiff “must file a legal-malpractice action within two years of the attorney’s last day of service to the plaintiff or within six months of when the plaintiff discovered or should have discovered the claim, whichever is later.” Here, there was evidence that Wright had been planning a malpractice claim for over two years after White revoked her power of attorney and hired different counsel.

A dissenting judge argued that the two-year time line had not expired because Renaldo had not learned of the revocation of the power of attorney until much later.

Although the patent attorney won this case, it should serve as a reminder to counsel to promptly memorialize a disengagement.

Patent Practice: Annual Practitioner Maintenance Fee.

[NEW RULES] The USPTO has announced final rules to implement an annual practitioner maintenance fee. According to the new rules effective December 17, 2008, a practitioner who fails “to pay the annual practitioner maintenance fee required under § 11.8(d) [will] be administratively suspended.” Easy to remember, the Fee under Section 11.8 is $118.

What is the point: The $118 fee will raise two or three million dollars for the PTO. Although that money is useful, the primary purpose of the fee is not to raise money. Rather, it an easy way to cull the list of registered practitioners by removing those who are not making money as patent attorneys. In the words of the office, the purposes of the fee include “protecting the public, preserving the integrity of the Office, and maintaining high professional standards.”

When folks forget to pay:

[A] paper submitted in good faith by a practitioner who does not know that he or she has been administratively suspended for failure to pay the annual practitioner maintenance fee will be

treated as unsigned. In the case of a new complete application, the applicant will receive a filing date because the signature of an attorney or agent on transmittal papers is not required. In the case of an unsigned bona fide response to an Office action, the submission will be treated in accordance with 37 CFR

1.135(c), and applicant may be given a new period of time to supply the omission. Practitioners should be aware, however, that submission of a response having an omission may affect patent term adjustment pursuant to 37 CFR 1.704(c)(7). In the case of an issue fee payment, an unsigned issue fee transmittal form may lead to abandonment of the application, in which case a petition to revive would be required.

 Who can afford this?

The Office estimates that, in 2006, the average annual income in the United States of solo practitioners was $231,777; of patent attorneys who are partners in private firms, $434,464; of patent attorneys who are associates in private firms, $152,677; and of corporate IP attorneys, $198,109; and the average annual salary of patent agents in a firm in the United States was $92,761. AIPLA Report of the Economic Survey 2007.

In many ways, the high average incomes of patent attorneys and patent agents are due to the limits created by the PTO.  When only a few can practice patent law, those few are able to charge higher prices.  Under traditional protectionist thinking, the Bar would want to take steps that solidify the monopoly by encouraging further barriers to entry and take pains to show that the limits on practice lead to better results.


  • These final rules are based on a minor portion of a five-year-old 2003 notice of proposed rulemaking. [LINK]
  • The proposed rules would have added continuing education requirements as well.
  • At that time, the AIPLA stated that it was “conceptionally … not opposed to an annual fee for registered practitioners.” The organization was, however, concerned with the practicalities of paying and with the problems created by attorneys forgetting to pay.
  • The following anonymous coment was submitted in response to the 2003 rule proposal:

Dear Bureaucrats:

Stuff your annual fees for attorneys and agents. You are really getting to be a bunch of greedy pigs. The fee structure is venal and complex enough as it is. Actually taxes should pay for mast of the PTO, but while you are not to blame for that, your asskissing desire to show your superiors haw you can rake in profits with nasty, petty little fees for ever trivial action is on your heads.

Stuff your continuing education also. If you people would keep your Rules of Practice up to date and written in intelligible language instead of insider bureaucratic gobbledygook there would be no need for continuing education. How hard is is to keep your Rules up to date in this era of wordprocessing? If the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure has grown from 1 inch to 5 inches in the span of a couple of decades, maybe the problem is with too many stupid petty rules and fees to understand. God knows writing patent applications isn’t that hard. We need a five inch manual for this?

Are you people martyrs over there? All I ever hear is whining and attitude that the public should do all the work in prosecuting patent applications so the poor bureaucrats can twiddle their thumbs. Why don’t you get it over with and specify that applicants should do a self?examination as to patentability and swear that it is accurate under penalty of law so that the Patent Office doesn’t have to do anything? You people are out of control. It is time the the PTO is privatized so we get less attitude.

Graham Analysis Not Necessary for Obviousness-Type Double Patenting Rejection

In re Baselle Poliolefine Italia (Fed. Cir. 2008)

Nobel Prize winning chemist Giulio Natta filed for patent protection in 1954 on a process for polymerizing ethylene. One of Natta’s continuation patents issued in 2002. Later that year, the PTO initiated a Director-ordered reexamination based on obviousness type double patenting. Later, the BPAI affirmed the rejection. On appeal, the Federal Circuit affirmed the rejection in a 2-1 split. The majority held that the one-way obviousness type double patenting rejection was appropriate. Judge Newman dissented – arguing that the reexamination was conducted illegally and that the court’s findings were unsupported by the evidence.

The interesting legal issue here is the reminder that the obviousness determination for double patenting may be different than Section 103(a) obviousness.

Indeed, “this court has endorsed an obviousness determination similar to, but not necessarily the same as, that undertaken under 35 U.S.C. § 103 in determining the propriety of a rejection for double patenting.” In re Braat, 937 F.2d 589 (Fed. Cir. 1991). Hence, we find no basis for reversing the Board’s decision merely because the Board failed to expressly set forth each of the Graham factors in its analysis. The Board carefully considered claim 1 of the ‘987 patent and the claims of the ‘687 patent and determined that a person of ordinary skill in the art would have found the ‘687 patent claims to have been obvious. We find no error in the Board’s analysis.

Of historical interest here is the timeline:

  • 1954: Natta files Italian Appn. No. 25,109.
  • 1955: Natta files US Appn. No. 04/514,098 patented in 1971 as No. 3,582,987.
  • 1955: Natta files US Appn. No. 04/514,097 (now abandoned) claiming priority to the Italian appn.
  • 1958: Natta files US Appn. No. 04/710,840 (now abandoned) as divisional of the ‘097 appn.
  • 1958 – 1983: “multiple interferences.”
  • 1983: Natta files US Appn. No. 06/498,699 (now abandoned) as continuation of the ‘840 appn.
  • 1986: Natta files US Appn. No. 06/906,600 (now abandoned) as continuation of the ‘699 appn.
  • 1990: Natta files US Appn. No. 07/607,215 (now abandoned) as continuation of the ‘600 appn.
  • 1991: Natta files US Appn. No. 07/719,666 (now abandoned) as continuation of the ‘215 appn.
  • 1992: Natta files US Appn. No. 07/883,912 as continuation of the ‘666 application.
  • 1999: CAFC decides in re Natta, 194 F.3d 1333 (both parties agreed to further examination).
  • 2002: PTO issues Patent No. 6,365,687 based on ‘912 appn.
  • 2002: PTO orders reexamination of the ‘687 patent based on double patenting.
  • 2008: CAFC affirms invalidity of the ‘687 patent based on obviousness type double patenting (as compared to the ‘987 patent).

Patent Reform: Next Stop USPTO

Ron Katznelson has become a leading patent data guru. In a recent talk at UC Davis Law School, he presented is ideas that the next focus of patent reform should be on USPTO Operations. His focus remains on (1) pendency and (2) quality without limiting patentee rights. Katznelson calls for an optional deferred examination for those applicants willing to go slow. In his schema, a third party worried about a pending application could request examination of a deferred application. With some financial incentives (such as a substantial examination fee), many voluntary deferred applications may become voluntary abandoned claims due based on obsolescence or low market potential (creating a “substantial workload reduction”).

As shown below –the pendency problem is growing.

Katznelson also discussed the enjoined PTO continuation & claim rules. The beautiful graph below helps illustrate the significant number (about 30%) of patent applications having more than 5 independent or 25 dependent claims.

On the continuation side, Katznelson had to resort to a logarithmic axis to show the continuity chain distribution at the PTO.


Patently-O Bits and Bytes

Next PTO Directors: The PTO has 200 years of inertia and set expectations. Today, the PTO is a billion-dollar enterprise and the PTO Director’s first job is to manage that ship. However, the director should also have a visions and goals for the future of the PTO and the patent system. Along with Chief Judge Michel and a few other key players, the PTO director is seen as the leader of the US patent system. The vision of the next director will have a great impact on the potential for patent reform; international patent cooperation; and the role for industrial design protection. Part of Obama’s overall agenda is to move toward an open and transparent government. The PTO has come a long way, but the new director and deputy should be on board with ways to increase the communication channels and the ability for third parties and competitors to monitor the patenting process. Many are calling for the next PTO director to have patent prosecution experience. I agree that such experience will be helpful – both in understanding the system and for credibility. However, being a career prosecutor does not necessarily coincide with having the vision and leadership necessary for the job. Lots of speculation on upcoming PTO Officials.

  • But first: The National Academy of Science published a book suggesting guidelines for the “most critical” Science and Technology Appointments of the new administration. PTO appointments do not make the list.
  • John Doll is expected to become the PTO director temporarily until a new director and deputy are appointed. At that point, he will most likely move back to his role as Commissioner of Patents.
  • Several sources (perhaps stemming from the same core) have identified former PTO trademark examiner Shanna Winters as a potential successor to either Mr. Dudas or Ms. Peterlin. Ms. Winters played a key role in the passage of the properly maligned House Patent Reform Act of 2007. Her staff position in the House is necessarily shifting as the IP subcommittee is being abolished. Patent reform in the next Congress will be dealt with directly by the Judiciary Committee – led by Rep Conyers.
  • Some are calling for Todd Dickinson to return to his former post. He recently took over as executive director of the AIPLA.
  • Professors Rai, Lemley, Noveck, Lesseg (and the vast majority of other law professors) have been strong Obama supporters. Professor Rai was a classmate of Obama at Harvard Law School. She was Executive Editor of the Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review while Obama led the Harvard Law Review.
  • I would be fully behind the nomination of Kevin Noonan.  (* Full Disclosure – Kevin is a partner at MBHB, my former employer and the primary Patently-O advertiser).
  • I suspect that none of these folks will get the call.
  • Notes: Joff Wild (qualities of PTO director); Gene Quinn (Nominating Paul Kamenski); Hal Wegner (“If you had a very good, honest broker that both sides could admire and respect, then common elements could be found in a solution.”)

Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse: Speaking of Mark Lemley – He and attorney Joshua Walker (who also knows Obama…) are leading an amazing new project titled the Stanford IP Litigation Clearinghouse. The free service tracks over 23,000 US District Court cases filed since 2000 and includes in depth real time information “that cannot be found elsewhere in the public domain.” [Invitation to Launch]

Wii Infringing? Motiva has sued Nintendo in the Eastern District of Texas. The young superstar plaintiff’s attorney Mark Lanier is representing the patentee. U.S. Patent 7,292,151. In his blog, Blaise Mouttet noted the potential that the Wii infringed back in 2007. [Link]

How Long Do I Wait for a First Office Action [Updated Data]

Based on the USPTO’s most recent numbers on examination, I created an updated table of the average delay until a first office action is mailed from the PTO. These numbers reflect an average for each technology center as it operates today.  The 3.7 year delay in Fuel Cell and Battery Technology (TC 1795) means that the applications receiving first office actions from that TC during the past three months were filed 3.7 years ago on average — taking us back to early 2005.  The numbers do not necessarily reflect how long it would take for an application filed today to make it through. (Although it is perhaps one of the better estimates that we have on hand.).

Technology Center





Fuel cells batteries solar




Tires, adhesive bonding, glass




Separation, purification




Pharmaceutical formulations




Business Methods




Electronic Commerce




Coating etching cleaning




Food stock materials




Cryptography security




Computer networks




Interprocess communications




Television and TV Recording




Organic chemistry and polymers




Metallurgy metal working




Digital Communications General




Organic chemistry








Business Methods – Finance




Static structures




Material handling




Computer architecture




Surface transportation




Miscellaneous computer




Package and Article Carriers




Database and file management




Wells earth boring




Machine elements




Molecular biology




Fermentation microbiology




Computer architecture




Fluid handling and




Immunology receptor ligands




Semiconductors and




Liquid crystals optical




Medical instruments








Electronic circuits static




Computerized vehicle




Respirators Therapeutic




Electronic conductors




Body treatment








Manufacturing devices




Survey results: Would Metabolite’s claim 13 be found patentable under the reasoning of Bilski?

Earlier in the week, I wrote about Bilski in relation to the recent diagnosis patent case of LabCorp v. Metabolite. Metabolite’s claim 13 reads as follows:

13. A method for detecting a deficiency of cobalamin or folate in warm-blooded animals comprising the steps of: assaying a body fluid for an elevated level of total homocysteine; and correlating an elevated level of total homocysteine in said body fluid with a deficiency of cobalamin or folate.

I asked the following question to Patently-O readers and received a response from about 200 readers: It reads as follows:

Would Metabolite’s claim 13 be found patentable under the reasoning of Bilski?

The response can be broken down as follows: 31% of responses would find the claim to include patentable subject matter while the remaining 69% would reject the claim under Section 101. Of those who would find the claim patentable, the vast majority (89%) reason that the claim includes a transformation. In my discussion of the case, I indicated one argument for showing how the assay step could be considered a transformation. The remaining 11% of those who would find the claim patentable say that it is tied to a particular machine or apparatus. None of the responses indicated that the claim satisfied both the machine and transformation prongs of the test.

Of the 69% of “unpatentable” responses, the majority (72%) saw the claim unpatentable as neither a machine nor a transformation. 43% of those asserting unpatentability saw the claim as unpatentable under the revived mental steps doctrine of bilski. Included in these figures is the 16% who saw the patent violating both the revived mental steps doctrine and the machine-or-transformation test.

The survey did not ask demographic data. However, of those responses using a USPTO IP address, 86% would find the claim unpatentable under Section 101.

Post-Bilski BPAI Approves of Beauregard Claims

Ex parte Bo Li, Appeal 2008-1213 (BPAI 2008)

Li’s patent application claims a computer program product stored on a computer readable memory adapted be executed to implement a report generation method. The computer program product is a typical Beauregard claim. In what appears to be the first decision to cite the new Bilski machine-or-transformation test of patentable subject matter, the BPAI overturned the examiner’s Section 101 rejection – finding that the product claim includes statutory subject matter.

Here, the examiner argued that the claimed computer program product could not be patentable because it did not produce “a useful, concrete and tangible result.” On appeal, the BPAI held that Bilski expressly rejected that statement from State Street. However, because Li’s claim was for a product, the BPAI did not apply the Bilski machine-or-transformation test to determine patentability. Rather, the court merely relied on the notion of that claimed products – even when written as Beauregard claims – are patentable.

“It has been the practice for a number of years that a “Beauregard Claim” of this nature be considered statutory at the USPTO as a product claim. (MPEP 2105.01, I). Though not finally adjudicated, this practice is not inconsistent with In re Nuijten. Further, the instant claim presents a number of software components, such as the claimed logic processing module, configuration file processing module, data organization module, and data display organization module, that are embodied upon a computer readable medium. This combination has been found statutory under the teachings of In re Lowry, 32 F.3d 1579 (Fed. Cir. 1994). In view of the totality of these precedents, we decline to support the rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 101.”

Li won the Section 101 battle, but still lost the war – the BPAI affirmed the examiner’s contention that the claim was also unpatentable as obvious.


  • Thanks to Amber Rovney of Weil’s Austin office for first noting the opinion.  
  • Assignee is IBM, but originally filed as a Korean Application.
  • The approved-of claim is drafted as follows:

42. A computer program product, comprising a computer usable medium having a computer readable program code embodied therein, said computer readable program code adapted to be executed to implement a method for generating a report, said method comprising:

  • providing a system, wherein the system comprises distinct software modules, and wherein the distinct software modules comprise a logic processing module, a configuration file processing module, a data organization module, and a data display organization module;
  • parsing a configuration file into definition data that specifies: a data organization of the report, a display organization of the report, and at least one data source comprising report data to be used for generating the report, and wherein said parsing is performed by the configuration file processing module in response to being called by the logic processing module;
  • extracting the report data from the at least one data source, wherein said extracting is performed by the data organization module in response to being called by the logic processing module;
  • receiving, by the logic processing module, the definition data from the configuration file processing module and the extracted report data from the data organization module; and
  • organizing, by the data display organization module in respone to being called by the logic processing module, a data display organization of the report, wherein said organizing comprises utilizing the definition data received by the logic processing module and the extracted report data received by the logic processing module.

Trends in patent complaints

Prof. Paul Janicke at the University of Houston Law Center is an expert on patent litigation statistics. He recently sent me a note about some recent trends in the filing of patent complaints.

Over the last three years, patent lawsuit filings have been fairly steady at around 2,700 annually. This year to date they seemed on track to stay at that level or a little higher, with filings through Oct. 31 standing at 2,327.

However, filings in recent months are down about 20%, possibly due to the general financial conditions of September and October.

Patent Suits filed in September and October (all districts):


Filings in Sept.-Oct. 







Eastern District of Texas patent suit filings in September and October:


ED Tex Filings in Sept.-Oct.







Firm Disqualified from Representing Patentee in Malpractice Suit After Defending Deposition of Prosecuting Attorney

Touchcom v. Bereskin & Parr (Fed. Cir. 2008)(non-precedential order)

This is an attorney malpractice case. The Canadian firm Bereskin & Parr prepared and prosecuted Touchcom’s US patents relating to fuel pumps. Touchcom then sued Dresser, Inc, but lost when the district court granted summary judgment of invalidity under 35 USC 112 (indefiniteness). After that loss, Touchcom sued the B&P for malpractice in preparing and filing the patent application.

Wildman Harrold represented Touchcom in the original infringement action and also in the malpractice case. During the original litigation, Wildman Harrold had also defended the deposition of the B&P patent agent who had filed the case.  Based on that conflict, B&P asked that Wildman firm be disqualified from arguing the appeal, and the Federal Circuit agreed.

In a non-precedential order, the Federal Circuit agreed to disqualify the Wildman Harrold firm. Because the malpractice case arose in the Eastern District of Virginia, the court applied Virginia Professional Conduct Rule 1.9.  That rule prohibits (without consent) an attorney from being adverse to a former client in a matter substantially related to the prior representation.

“A lawyer who has formerly represented a client in a matter shall not thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter in which that person’s interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client unless both the present and former client consent after consultation.” Rule 1.9.

Wildman agreed that it had represented the patent agent and that the matter was substantially related. However, Wildman argued that it could turn against its former client because the firm was representing both Touchcom and the B&P patent agent.  And, the nature of the litigation meant that the B&P patent agent had no expectation that Wildman would keep any secrets from Touchcom.

Following the only Virginia case on point (an unpublished opinion), the Federal Circuit disqualified the Wildman Firm — finding that Rule 1.9 establishes broad “standards of attorney loyalty” that go beyond client confidences.

Holding: The motion to disqualify is granted to the extent that attorneys from Wildman Harrold are disqualified from representing Touchcom in this case. Replacement counsel for Touchcom is directed to file an entry of appearance within 30 days of the date of filing of this order.


Patent Demand – A Simple Path to Patent Reform

[Read Tim Wilson’s Paper] Tim Wilson (Senior IP Counsel at SAS US) has been concerned about patent quality for some time. In part, the sheer number of patent applications being filed creates a host of problems. Wilson’s solution is to raise patent fees – he says the fees should go as high as $50,000 for large corporate applicants. The result – according to natural tendencies of supply and demand – is that fewer applications will be filed and fewer patents will issue. In all likelihood, however, those that are filed will be better applications covering higher quality inventions.

Wilson did not simply pull his $50,000 figure out of his ear. Using the powerful computing resources of SAS, Wilson calculated an estimated demand curve for patent applications using both (1) historical filing reactions to increases in PTO fees and (2) an assumption that the budgets of corporate patent departments is fairly inelastic. Wilson then created his Figure 5 – showing the demand curve for patent applications drawn with respect to the patent application fees.

Wilson’s approach is admittedly only an estimate, but his intuition has to be correct that a dramatic increase in PTO fees would lead to a dramatic decrease in PTO filings.

An average high technology patent contains a minor improvement on a small portion of a product and the patent application is typically written using outside counsel working for a flat fee of a few thousand dollars. Imagine what would happen to the high technology company’s patent process if each patent application cost $50,000 just to file. The high technology company would file far fewer, but more important patent applications and they would spend more time and effort doing so. The pharmaceutical company’s process probably would not change much because a billion dollar decision depends on the outcome of the patent process.

What would happen to non-practicing entities, sometimes derisively referred to as patent trolls? I believe that these entities will change to patent market facilitators, or cease to exist. When the value of all patents is increased substantially, it is very unlikely that any patent will be available to fall to these non-practicing entities. First, each individual patent will be more valuable to the current owner of that patent, so it will be less likely that an owner would be willing to part with it to a troll. Second, if a company does fail, competitors of that company may be more willing to buy that patent rather than allow it to fall to a company that may sue the competitor. Finally, fewer issued patents mean that it will be easier for companies to monitor patents issuing in their product space and less likely that they will allow those patents to fall into the hands of a troll.

DDC Comment: Wilson’s proposal has some merit, and his work on the demand curve is especially interesting. However, the proposal suffers from three fundamental problems: First, the proposal implicitly equates economic value with technologic value – the two are related but different. Many important technical advances have only limited economic value, but still serve as building blocks for future advances. (i.e., standing on the shoulders of giants). Second, the proposal greatly favors technologies where the economic value is well known up front. Again, many important technologies are eventually found valuable – but the very high up-front price will greatly limit those applications – and consequently, the upstream incentive to innovate in that area. Third, the proposal favors firms with cash – i.e., those that have performed well in the past and have saved their money. However, many innovation experts believe that most of the breakthrough work comes from these mainstream companies. To his credit, Wilson addresses this problem by stating that the high-price only applies to large companies. However, that approach would tend to allow the “non-practicing entities” to continue to obtain patents (against one of Wilson’s primary goals). In addition, the prospect of small entities paying only $500 while large entities pay $50,000 would surely lead to other political and practical problems.


Applying Bilski to Metabolite’s Diagnosis Claim

Metabolite’s broadest method claim has two steps: First, assay a body fluid to determine its homocysteine level. Second, correlate the homocysteine level to a vitamin deficiency. It reads as follows:

13. A method for detecting a deficiency of cobalamin or folate in warm-blooded animals comprising the steps of: assaying a body fluid for an elevated level of total homocysteine; and correlating an elevated level of total homocysteine in said body fluid with a deficiency of cobalamin or folate.

In 2006, the Supreme Court almost took the time to reject this claim under Section 101, but decided that the issue had not been properly raised on appeal. Dissenting from the last minute denial of certiorari were Justices Breyer, Stevens and Souter. In a dissenting opinion drafted by Justice Breyer, the three would have held the invention as claimed an unpatentable “law of nature.” The same anti-preemption theme of Bilski also runs through the Breyer opinion. The courts are concerned with the potential (but unidentified) problems of having a patent that

There can be little doubt that the correlation between homocysteine and vitamin deficiency set forth in claim 13 is a “natural phenomenon.” . . . .

Claim 13 . . . tells the user to use any test at all. Indeed, to use virtually any natural phenomenon for virtually any useful purpose could well involve the use of empirical information obtained through an unpatented means that might have involved transforming matter.

I thought it would be interesting to attempt to apply the Bilski decision to Claim 13 to judge its patentability.


Bilski offers two avenues for showing that a claimed process is patentable. First, the process will be patentable if it is tied to a particular machine or apparatus. Alternatively, the process will be patentable if it “transforms a particular article into a different state or thing.” According to the court, “particular article” does not necessarily need to be physical, but it must at least be “representative of physical objects or substances.”

Machine: Metabolite’s Claim 13 easily fails the first prong of the machine-transformation test because the claimed method is not tied to any particular machine.

Transformation: The “correlating” step could be performed in a human mind and consequently cannot serve as the basis for finding patentable subject matter. As the court noted in Bilski – a process step that “may be performed entirely in the human mind is obviously not tied to any machine and does not transform any article into a different state or thing.”

The “assay” step could follow the same analysis – if it is possible to “assay a body fluid for an elevated level of total homocysteine” only using the human mind then no there is no credible transformation. The mental step potential may be true if, for example, the body fluid’s homocysteine level is visually apparent. [Interesting timing issues here, at the time of the invention, the assay involved extensive lab work, but later-invented technology has dramatically changed the process.]

Assuming that “assaying a body fluid for an elevated level of total homocysteine” cannot be done in the mind, we must then ask whether the claim requires a transformation of a particular physical object or substance or at least transformation of a particular article that is “representative of physical objects or substances.” Perhaps the best physically related transformation involves transforming the “body fluid” into an indication of elevated homocysteine level and then into an indication of vitamin deficiency. Under Abele, both homocysteine level and vitamin deficiency do represent physical substances – consequently their ‘creation’ may be “sufficient to render that … process patent-eligible.” [Of course, this analysis may apply a loose definition of ‘transformation.’]


Constitutionality of the Marking Statute

Pequignot v. Solo Cup (E.D.Va. 2008)

Earlier this year, I discussed patent attorney Matthew Pequignot’s two “false marking” lawsuits pending in the Eastern District of Virginia. 35 U.S.C. § 292 is a penal statute and calls for damages of “not more than $500” for each false marking offense.

In an interesting turn, Solo Cup recently moved to dismiss the case based on its argument that Section 292 is unconstitutional. Now, the US Government has filed a motion to intervene and will argue (in support of the plaintiff) that the false marking statute is valid. 

On the other side, Solo Cup argues that the statute gives the courts extraconstitutional power. The statute allows any party to sue and collect half of the statutory reward, but the statute does not explicitly provide that the private lawsuit be filed on “behalf of the US Government.” These two facts lead to Solo’s argument that the court lacks Article III jurisdiction. (And that Congress had no power to enact the statute – leading to separation of power problems). 

Pequignot response will likely win the day: “given that qui tam statutes are older than the Republic, Solo fails to cite even one judicial decision holding that such provisions, including § 292, violate the Separation of Powers doctrine.”

According to the USDOJ brief, the same issue has been raised in two other pending cases: Harrington v. CIBA Vision Corp., No. 3:08cv00251 (W.D. N.C.) and North Carolina Farmers’ Assistance Fund, Inc. v. Monsanto Co., et al., No. 1:08-cv- 409 (M.D. N.C.).

“Barack,” “Obama,” and the Trademark Office

By Mark Reichel. Mark Reichel is a patent attorney at the Ice Miller firm and writes the “daily dose of IP.”

After such an exciting election, I thought I’d have some fun with a blog post and highlight a few attempts to register trademarks pertaining to our President-elect that, for reasons shown below, were unsuccessful:

BARACK STAR” – U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 78/471,745 in IC 016 and 025 – This application was abandoned after the USPTO refused registration for false association because “the proposed mark consists of or comprises matter which may falsely suggest a connection with U.S. Senator Barack Obama” and “[a]lthough not connected with the goods or services applicant provides under the proposed mark, the name BARACK is so famous that consumers would presume a connection with Senator Obama.”

DO YOU SMELL WHAT BARACK IS COOKING” – U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 77/406,936 in IC 025 – This application was abandoned after the USPTO refused registration “under Section 2(c) of the Trademark Act, for the record does not include the written consent of Barack Obama, the name of the living individual identified in the proposed mark.”

PET BARACK” – U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 77/408,020 in IC 020 – This application was abandoned after the USPTO refused registration using the same lack of consent argument as described above.

OBAMA — O BABY!” – U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 78/745,546 in IC 026 – This application was abandoned after the USPTO refused registration using a false connection argument similar to the false association argument described above.

OBAMA SO PHAT” – U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 77/135,294 in IC 040 – This application was abandoned after the USPTO refused registration using the same lack of consent argument as described above.

OBAMA NOT YOUR MAMA FOR PRESIDENT IN 2008” – U.S. Trademark Application Serial No. 77/037,088 in IC 040 – This application was abandoned after the USPTO refused registration for false association and lack of consent as described above.

In addition to the foregoing, I note one additional trademark application (77/086,418) that I will not describe here due to its sensitive and offensive nature, and of which I am personally pleased to see rejected for a multitude of reasons.

* * * * *

Following Mark’s lead, I also found this mark for Gov. Palin [also offensive] and a host “joe the plumbers” including several actual plumbers.

California Malicious Prosecution Charges Based on PTO Interference

Plumley v. Mockett, 79 Cal. Rptr. 3d 822 (California Ct. App. 2008) 79 Cal.Rptr.3d 822

Interesting case from California state court. Plumley won an interference proceeding and then sued Mockett and Mockett’s attorney for “malicious prosecution.” The allegation was that Mocket and his patent attorney “filed the federal interference action with malice and without probable cause. In the malicious prosecution charges were dismissed, but case raises important cautions to third parties intending to request interference proceedings; request reexamination; or potentially even oppose European patent grants. In this case, both parties were located in California, and the court there did not appear concerned that the interference (the alleged malicious prosecution) was filed in a non-Californian administrative agency.


  • The facts from the case are intriguing and detailed. Mockett originally sued Plumley in California court alleging that Plumley had stolen his idea. The California court, however, held that Mockett was lying and had fabricated evidence. Parallel to the original state court action, the PTO found for Mockett in the interference (noting that it was not bound by the California court’s holding). On appeal, the district court flipped BPAI’s holding – finding no evidence of derivation. Subsequently, the BPAI awarded the patent to Plumley. At that point, Plumley sued Mocket for malicious prosecution.

The patent at issue is a design patent covering a grommet for a desk that allows wires to pass through. U.S. Design Patent No. D 361711.

Responding to Examiner’s Charge of Burying Reference

In another recent first office action, the Examiner complained of the “voluminous references” submitted by the applicant. In this case just over 75 references were submitted.

[T]he cloaking of a clearly relevant reference by inclusion in a long list of citations may not comply with the Applicant’s duty of disclosure. Penn Yan Boats, Inc. v. Sea Lark Boats, Inc., 359 F. Supp. 948 (S.D. Fla. 1972). . . . accord with dicta from Molins PLC v. Textron, Inc., 48 F.3d 1172 (Fed. Cir. 1995), stating that forcing the Examiner to find “a needle in a haystack” is “probative of bad faith.” Id. [The Molins] case presented a situation where the disclosure was in excess of 700 pages and contained more than fifty references.

Therefore, it is recommended that if any information that has been cited by Applicants in the previous disclosure statements is known to be material for patentability as defined by 37 C.F.R. § 1.56, applicant should present a concise statement as to the relevance of that/those particular documents therein cited.

The Examiner here appears to only recommend more detailed statements about the submissions. Under 37 C.F.R. § 1.105 and Star Fruits, the Examiner could have instead officially requested such information.

Earlier in the year Shell Oil proposed an alternative rule that would allow an Examiner to “decline consideration of [a] reference” when the reference’s relevance could not be determined. In response, the “attorney could concisely point out the section or portion of the reference believed to be relevant or submit a concise statement of the relevance of the reference as a whole.” [Link]

Canadian Supreme Court Confirms Plavix Patent Despite Evergreening Charges

Apotex Inc. v. Sanofi-Synthelabo Canada Inc., 2008 SCC 61 (Canada Supreme Court 2008)

The Supreme Court of Canada has upheld Sanofi’s “selection patent” (the ‘875 patent) covering the blockbuster anti-clotting drug Plavix. A broader “genus” patent (the ‘777 patent) – also held by Sanofi – discloses over 250,000 different compounds. The narrower patent does have some additional patent scope. In particular, while ‘875 patent claims a particular dextro-rotatory isomer, the prior ‘777 patent only describes a racemate of that compound that includes two different isomers.

As an apparent “evergreening” strategy, Sanofi did not claim priority to its earlier patent filing. This allows for an additional decade of patent term. Looking at the case, the Supreme Court determined that it should simply follow the law of novelty and obviousness and not create any special ‘evergreening’ exception:

[97] Evergreening is a legitimate concern and, depending on the circumstances, strategies that attempt to extend the time limit of exclusivity of a patent may be contrary to the objectives of the Patent Act. The Act aims to promote inventiveness by conferring exclusivity for a limited period of time while providing for public disclosure of the invention to enable others to make or use it after expiry of the period of exclusivity.

[98] However, a generalized concern about evergreening is not a justification for an attack on the doctrine of selection patents for two reasons. First, a selection patent may be sought by a party other than the inventor or owner of the original genus patent. In such a case, anticipation or obviousness may be an issue, but evergreening does not arise.

On obviousness, the court found “a significant difference” between the claimed patent and the prior genus patent, and that the “difference was not obvious.”

Junk Patents

In 2007, Haliburton filed for patent protection – claiming a method of “patent acquisition and assertion by a (non-inventor) first party against a second party.” It looks like the company wants to be able to sue non-inventing entities who try to patent and assert technology against a company who has been using the technology as a trade secret. Bilski wipes cleanly out the claims – except for those claiming the step of “performing research using a computer.” The inventor Clive D. Menezes is a Halliburton patent attorney. The prosecuting attorney is Howard Speight.

Obligation to point out the inventor and invention dates of each claim not commonly owned

In a recent first office action rejection, the examiner wrote the following:

“This application currently names joint inventors. In considering patentability of the claims under 35 U.S.C. 103(a), the examiner presumes that the subject matter of the various claims was commonly owned at the time any inventions covered therein were made absent any evidence to the contrary. Applicant is advised of the obligation under 37 C.F.R. 1.56 to point out the inventor and invention dates of each claim that was not commonly owned at the time a later invention was made in order for the examiner to consider the applicability of 35 U.S.C. 103(c) and potential 35 U.S.C. 102(e), (f) or (g) prior art under 35 U.S.C. 103(a).

I’m confused by this examiner statement. (Otherwise, this particular office action is exceptionally well written). What I don’t understand is the “obligation.” After receiving this (or even before) are the patent applicants under a duty to describe the ownership structure and invention dates?

Federal Government’s Contracting Quota for Small (Racially) Disadvantaged Businesses Found Unconstitutional

Rothe Development Corp. v. Department of Defense (Fed. Cir. 2008)

Although not a patent case, Rothe raises an important Federal Constitutional issue. In Rothe, the Federal Circuit has held that the statutory quota for governmental contracts with “small disadvantaged business” is facially unconstitutional as a race-based violation of the right to equal protection (through the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment).

10 U.S.C. § 2323 (“Section 1207”) sets a goal that “five percent of federal defense contracting dollars” be awarded to small businesses owned and controlled by “socially and economically disadvantaged individuals.” Under the Small Business Act, Black Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanic Americans, and Native Americans are presumptively socially disadvantaged individuals.

Statutes that that include explicit racial classifications are reviewed with “strict scrutiny.” Such provisions are only valid if they “serve a compelling governmental interest, and [are] narrowly tailored to further that interest.” In the race setting, general efforts “to alleviate the effects of societal discrimination” are not considered compelling interests under the Supreme Court’s 1996 Shaw decision. Congress reauthorized Section 1207 in 2006. Thus, to be constitutional, the evidence of a compelling governmental interest at that time.

On appeal, the Federal Circuit found that older Congressional evidence (from the original enactment of the provision) was “stale” by 2006 and thus not reliable. Additionally, the record did not reflect that newer evidence was officially considered by Congress.

Although we are mindful that Congress has broad discretion to regulate its internal proceedings, we are hesitant to conclude that the mere mention of a statistical study in a speech on the floor of the House of Representatives or the Senate is sufficient to put the study “before Congress” for purposes of Congress’ obligation to amass a “strong basis in evidence” for race-conscious action.

Finally, the Federal Circuit found that the newer studies – even if considered by Congress – were inadequate because of the many methodology defects.

Upon these findings, the Federal Circuit held that congress did not have a compelling governmental interest in enacting Section 1207 and that the statute therefore is invalid as unconstitutional.


  • Opinion written by Chief Judge Michel and joined by Circuit Judge Mayer and District Court Judge Stearns from Massachusetts sitting by designation. These judges were appointed by Presidents Reagan, Reagan, and Clinton, resptively.