AI’s Role in U.S. Elections: Republican vs. Democratic Views

Our guest author today is a very bright high school student, Kavya Gundlapalli, who is considering a career in law. – DC

Guest Post by Kavya Gundlapalli*

As America heads toward the 2024 presidential election, artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a surprising campaign flashpoint. From voter targeting to political advertising, AI is reshaping how candidates connect with voters – and exposing a divide over how this powerful technology should be governed.  A partisan split in this area mirrors broader ideological differences about government regulation, with Republicans championing market freedom and innovation, while Democrats tend to advocate for the same, but with stronger federal oversight and ethical guardrails. 

Republican Approach: Prioritizing Innovation and Market Freedom

The Republican Party’s general approach to AI reflects wants of limited government intervention in business operations and commercial markets. Although many details have not been provided, former President Donald Trump’s campaign has strongly opposed regulatory constraints, promising to reverse President Biden’s executive order on AI governance. The 2023 executive order seeks to establish federal oversight for the development and use of AI technologies, especially when it comes to guaranteeing civil rights and national security.  Specifically, it directs federal agencies to develop standards to ensure that their use of AI is safe and trustworthy. The executive order’s biggest moves are around national security, but it also purports to promote innovation while protecting consumers and individual privacy. Republicans view Biden’s approach as too restrictive, which could potentially stifle the pace of AI adoption. 

The R Street Institute, a conservative think tank, further stresses that excessive regulation “risks disadvantage American companies in the global technology race.” Additionally, they emphasize the need to avoid regulatory overreach in AI regulations, arguing that excessive government interference could harm U.S. competitiveness in the global technology market. In their perspective, a free-market approach to AI will drive innovation, improve the economy, and strengthen national security by keeping the U.S at the top of developments for AI. 

Two significant wildcards in the potential Trump/Republican approach to AI regulation are China and Elon Musk. Regarding China, Trump’s stance on AI regulation is likely to be influenced by his broader strategy of technological competition with China, potentially leading to policies that aim to maintain U.S. dominance in AI while restricting Chinese access to advanced AI technologies. Trump’s previous administration made moves towards ensuring American dominance in technology by increasing export restrictions on AI-related components, a stance the Biden administration continued with expanded restrictions.  This approach is thus similar to that of the Biden’s administration, however Trump has also indicated alignment with conservative views that heavy regulation would stymie American competitiveness while China advances quickly in AI capabilities. 

Elon Musk is one of the wealthiest individuals on the planet and a major influencer of technology policy. Despite generally favoring less government intervention, has been a vocal advocate for some form of AI oversight. He has particularly taken a stance in the context of powerful AI systems, like OpenAI, which could potentially influence Republican policy given Musk’s significant influence in tech circles and his support for Trump. However, there’s a tension between Musk’s calls for AI safety measures and the generally deregulatory approach favored by Trump and Republicans, creating uncertainty about how these competing influences might shape a potential Trump administration’s AI policy. Musk has warned about the existential risks of irresponsible AI, suggesting that the government should implement safety measures for AI systems. 

Democratic Perspective: Emphasizing Federal Oversight and Ethics

Democrats have likewise promoted use of AI to foster innovation and economic growth, but have also focused more on the potential risks AI poses to democratic processes. Nominee Kamala Harris has expressed concern about the misuse of AI for spreading disinformation and manipulating voters. Harris asserts that “We have a sense of urgency that we get in front of this issue in terms of understanding the implications…to do what is in the best interest of the health and safety and well-being of the people of our country.”  In response to these risks, Democrats are advocating for more of a responsible framework to ensure AI is used ethically, particularly in political advertising. They worry about the increasing prevalence of AI-generated deepfakes, which could mislead voters by fabricating realistic but false political messages, especially in these final days before the election. One suggested approach is mandatory labeling of AI-generated content in political advertising, making sure that voters can differentiate between human-made and machine-generated political ads. 

Research from the Brennan Center for Justice and Pew Research highlights how AI’s ability to quickly spread targeted disinformation poses a direct threat to the integrity of elections. Democrats want more federal involvement in this topic to assure that tech companies that develop algorithms for campaigns are held accountable and have transparency. For them, ethical values must be prioritized to protect democratic norms and prevent the distortion of public opinion through misleading or fabricated content. 

Democrats recognize the potential benefits of AI in improving societal functions, such as healthcare, education, and the economy. However, unlike many republicans, they argue that without careful management, AI could exacerbate inequality, undermine privacy, and distort democratic institutions. Hence, while they embrace the technology’s potential to encourage innovation and boost the economy, their approach is cautious and stresses the need for a balanced groundwork that does not sacrifice public trust or democratic integrity. Vice President Kamala Harris, in fact, argues that “[i]innovation has so much possibility to improve the condition of human life . . . we should not dampen or in any way slow down innovation . . . and we must also ensure that in that process we are not trampling on people’s rights”.

AI & Political Advertising Debate 

AI’s role in political advertising is becoming a flashpoint in the 2024 elections. Republicans and Democrats are embracing AI as a tool for enhancing campaign efficiency, using data-driven strategies to target specific voter segments and increase outreach. AI’s ability to analyze vast datasets allows campaigns to identify key demographics and direct resources where they will be most effective. This makes AI invaluable for precision-targeted political ads, helping sway undecided voters or reinforce support in key battleground states. “We cannot allow unregulated AI to undermine our democratic process,” warns Vice President Harris, pointing to recent incidents of AI-generated deep fakes targeting candidates. Meanwhile, Trump has promised to “unleash American AI innovation” by rolling back what he calls “job-killing regulations.” Conservative FCC Commissioner Bredan Carr emphasizes the importance of allowing AI to flourish with minimal regulation, particularly in the realm of political advertising. Carr cautions against “heavy-handed regulation” of AI in political advertising, warning that it could overstep constitutional rights to political expression. 

However, as AI-generated content becomes more realistic, there is concern about its potential to mislead voters through deep fakes and other forms of disinformation. Penn State University’s research highlights how AI can be used to create fabricated content that appears authentic, making it hard to tell the difference between truth and manipulation for an average individual. This raises serious ethical concerns for Liberals, who advocate for more regulation of generative AI technologies such as ChatGPT and Gemini. The Brennan Center for Justice also follows in the same path with these concerns. They warn that without oversight, AI could exacerbate polarization by spreading false or misleading stories. 

Future Implications and Policy Considerations

The debate over AI in elections is about more than just campaign strategies –it reflects border ideological differences about the role of technology in society. The outcome of the current debate could set important precedents for how the U.S. balances technological innovation with democratic integrity. AI’s regulation into political processes and other areas of society has only just begun, and how it is regulated now will shape its role in elections for years to come. Ultimately, both parties acknowledge AI’s transformative potential, but their visions for its use in elections–and society at large–have differences. The 2024 election will serve as a test case for these competing approaches, offering insight into how AI can be harnessed to serve democracy and grow the economy, while maintaining ethical standards and public trust. The future of AI in our lives will have to achieve a balance of innovation and regulation, and regardless of political ideologies, it will depend on sound policies that will need to be shaped collectively in the months and years to come.

* Kavya Gundlapalli is an 11th grader at Barrington High School in Illinois, USA. She has a passion for current events and wants to pursue a career in law. Her hobbies include: reading, dancing, and playing badminton