Functional Claims: Morse, Halliburton & Amgen

by Dennis Crouch

In the patent context, functional limitations describe inventions in terms of their function or intended use, rather than their specific structure or components. Such claims have been subject to much debate and litigation throughout the history of the US patent system. Notable Supreme Court cases like O'Reilly v. Morse, 56 U.S. (15 How.) 62 (1854) and Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co. v. Walker, 329 U.S. 1 (1946) significantly impacted patent practice and the balance between functional and structural claim drafting.

The pending Supreme Court case of Amgen Inc. v. Sanofi, No. 21-757 (2023) is another example, with the potential to further shift the landscape regarding functional claim limitations. The title of my essay on the case following oral arguments, "Bye Bye Functional Claims," hints at my outlook. Although the patentee focused on other issues in its briefing, the Justices repeatedly questioned the permissibility of broad functional claim limitations.

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Eligibility for Dummies; Benson Redux

by Dennis Crouch

I've become somewhat callous toward patent eligibility jurisprudence and so was surprised when I read the Federal Circuit's decision in ADASA Inc. v. Avery Dennison Corp., 55 F.4th 900 (Fed. Cir. Dec 16, 2022). The case concluded that constructively dividing a fixed-length binary number into different sub-portions was not an abstract idea.  Now, the accused infringer has asked the Supreme Court for review.

ADASA's US Patent 9,798,967 is directed toward an RFID chip "encoded with a unique object number."  This object number as various blocks pre-allocated to identify the selling-company, product reference, and serial number as shown below.  The serial number has a unique feature of being divided into a section of "most significant bits" (MSBs) and "least significant bits" (LSBs). This division between MSBs and LSBs help in the allocation of unique serial numbers in a distributed production system.  The basic approach:

  • A product-line will be exclusively allocated a particular MSB and all possible accompanying LSBs. It will then enable RFID chips using the allocated MSB and then sequentially incrementing the LSB.
  • A separate product line might also be simultaneously enabling other other chips. To ensure no overlap in serial numbers, the second-line will be allocated a different MSB.
  • The result then is that we can guarantee that each chip has a unique serial number despite parallel production lines.

The claims do not appear to include any novel features other than this constructed division between bits in a binary number.  (Claim 1, is reproduced below). In its petition, the adjudged infringer relies heavily on the old cases of Benson and Flook to argue that the setup here lacks eligibility.

Question presented:

Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) tags are encoded with lengthy serial numbers that uniquely identify particular items. The patent at issue in this case designates the leading bits in a binary serial number as “the most significant bits,” and directs that all serial numbers in an allocated block begin with the same “most significant bits.”

The question presented is whether that claim, by subdividing a serial number into “most significant bits” that are assigned such that they remain identical across RFID tags, constitutes patent-eligible subject matter under 35 U.S.C. § 101.

Avery Dennison Petition.

Chief Judge Moore wrote the opinion and concluded that the claims were not directed to an abstract idea but rather provides a novel data structure within a serial number.  Here, the idea is that the patentee was able to create a new data field that was "not a mere mental process, but a hardware-based data structure focused on improvements to the technological process by which that data is encoded;" and an improvement with "important technological consequences."

An interesting feature is that the general idea presented by the patentee was already identified and discussed in the book RFID for Dummies.  If Avery Dennison loses here, then the district court will hold a trial on anticipation.  Still, the "for Dummies" label has strong rhetorical appeal -- should everything in that book title be considered an abstract idea?  The petitioner writes:

“[A]bstract ideas are not patentable.” ... It is hard to imagine a more blatant transgression of that rule than the claim in this case, which sought a patent monopoly over the simple concept of treating one long serial number as the combination of two shorter numbers, and then [requiring] blocks of RFID tags all start with the same shorter number. At bottom, that claim is no different from a direction to mentally subdivide all telephone numbers into two component parts and then assign the same leading part to an allocated block of numbers (e.g., all telephone numbers in the District of Columbia start with 202). That may be a good idea (indeed, the concept in ADASA’s patent appears in the pages of RFID for Dummies), but it is no more patentable than the other good but abstract ideas that this Court has held unpatentable for more than 150 years.

Id.  I'm confident that if the Supreme Court takes this case, it would even further expand eligibility doctrine.

= = =

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Request for Comments on USPTO Initiatives to Ensure the Robustness and Reliability of Patent Rights

Feb 1, 2023, is the new deadline for providing comments to the USPTO on this RFC.

Topics: The USPTO invites written responses to the following questions and requests. Commenters are welcome to respond to any or all of the questions.

1. Identify any specific sources of prior art not currently available through the Patents End-to-End Search system that you believe examiners should be searching. How should the USPTO facilitate an applicant's submission of prior art that is not accessible in the Patents End-to-End Search system ( e.g., “on sale” or prior public use)?

2. How, if at all, should the USPTO change claim support and/or continuation practice to achieve the aims of fostering innovation, competition, and access to information through robust and reliable patents? Specifically, should the USPTO:

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