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    Monthly Job Posting on Patently-O Jobs    
    Total Fee: $200.00

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This is a job board for patent law professionals. Employers pay a small fee to post ads. Job seekers pay nothing.

Patently-O Jobs will be available on this site and through the Patently-O Blog. The Patently-O network includes a daily readership of 30,000+ patent professionals and had well over three-million web visits in the past year (in addition to e-mail and RSS subscribers). Many of the nation’s top law firms, corporations, and government agencies have continued to post their patent positions with us and find top candidates for nearly ten years now.

Pricing: A 30-day job listing costs $200. After submitting the form, you will be redirected to a page to submit payment online. If you have any questions, please contact us at before submitting.

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Renewals: Want to extend a current listing for a second (or third) month? You can do this for just $100 by submitting our renewal form. Be sure to have the URL of your listing handy. This does not apply to older listings or listings with content changes.

Note: We monitor submissions daily and will usually post listings within about one business day of receiving them.

We can’t share a preview of the listing prior to posting it, but we will email you with a link to the listing when it is live. At that point you can share any edits/feedback/etc. if you have it.

Patently-O Blog: Terms of Use and Disclaimer

Updated September 6, 2024

These Terms of Use are a binding contract between you and Patently-O LLC (PO). They contain the rules and restrictions that govern your use of Patently-O products and services (referred to below simply as “Patently-O”). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding these Terms, please contact us at

If you’re agreeing to these Terms on behalf of an organization, you represent that you are authorized to agree to these Terms on behalf of that organization and bind them to these Terms (in which case, the references to “you” and “your” throughout this document refer to that organization or entity).

The particular terms of use are simple:

  • We are providing you with access to the Patently-O blog, regularly hosted at
  • No Warranties: This site is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. While we endeavor to keep everything correct and running smoothly, it will not always happen.  PO and Dennis Crouch particularly disclaim all warranties, including merchantability and fitness.
  • Posting Content: If you post content (typically via guest post or comments), do not violate anyone else’s rights.
  • Limited License: By posting content, you provide PO with a fully paid up perpetual license to copy, display, rework and distribute the content in various forms.  You still own any copyright to your content.
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  • Copyright: The material here is copyrighted. As a subscriber, you have the right to access the content.  You can also distribute short snippets or, occasionally, entire posts, to non-subscribers.  However, you may not post the content online or share it widely without written permission from PO. Our main concern here is that we don’t want to undermine the subscription setup.
  • Filtering: As a general matter, Patently-O often tries to make reasonable and good faith attempts to remove content that we deem problematic. However, our filters are far from perfect. PO does not accept any responsibility for poor filtering.  If there is content that needs removed, please contact us and we will likely pull it from the site.
  • No Sharing Accounts: Each subscriber is an individual, and you are not permitted to share your account with others because that undermines the subscription model.
  • Limitation on Liability: To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, under no circumstances and under no legal theory shall PO or Dennis Crouch be liable to you or to any other person for any damages of any kind in any amount greater than the great of (1) $100 and (2) the amount you paid to us in connection with the prior 12 months subscription.

Size Matters: Element-by-Element Analysis in Obviousness

by Dennis Crouch

In re Universal Electronics, Inc., No. 2022-1716 (Fed. Cir. Aug. 15, 2023) (non-precedential)

This was a consolidated appeal from two Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) decisions affirming the rejection of claims from Universal Electronics, Inc.'s (UEI) U.S. Patent Application Nos. 12/645,037 and 16/279,095 as obvious under 35 U.S.C. § 103.  On appeal, the Federal Circuit has affirmed.

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