PatentDocs: Biotech & Pharma

Blog technology has turned out to be an extremely powerful way for attorneys to rapidly communicate with with the world. Although powerful, only a small percentage really do it right. I am very proud to present the newest blog emerging from McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff attorneys: Patent Docs. They do it right!

PatentlyO2006012The Authors of "Patent Docs" are patent attorneys and all hold doctorates in a diverse array of biotech and chemical disciplines (hence the name Patent Docs).  In addition to in-depth case reviews, the site also has a number of useful regular features, including Biotech News, Court Reports, PTO Rules Updates, and Patent Profiles.
Check it out!

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IPO Supports Attorney Fee-Shifting, Opposes PTO Authority

The Intellectual Property Owner’s Association (IPO) has taken a new stand on patent reform through its passage of three specific resolutions in reaction to the pending Senate bill S.3818 that had been supported by Senators Hatch and Leahy. Resolutions:

(1) supporting a requirement that a court award attorney fees to the winning party in most patent cases; [fees “shall” be awarded unless the losing position was “substantially justified”or if the award would be unjust because of special circumstances].

(2) opposing any change to give substantive rule-making authority to the USPTO; and

(3) opposing any right for an interlocutory appeal from claim construction decisions in patent litigation. 

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