Recent Headlines in the IP World:
- Ian Lopez: Drug Patent Database Revamp Falls Short of Tackling High Costs (Source: Bloomberg Law)
- Atty. Nancy Pei: 2020 Highlights in Canadian Life Sciences IP and Regulatory Law (Source: JD Supra)
- Bob Yedid: Motus GI Expands Intellectual Property Portfolio with U.S. Patent for the Pure-Vu® System’s Universal Method to Mount on the End of Most Commercial Colonoscopes (Source: Yahoo Finance)
- David Phelan: Apple TV Could Have Brilliantly Different Remote Control, Patent Reveals (Source: Forbes)
Commentary and Journal Articles:
- Doni Bloomfield and Prof. Aaron S. Kesselheim: Biden Can Lower Drug Prices Without Congress Doing Anything (Source: The Washington Post)
- Ian Lopez: Are Patent Judges Unconstitutional? The Arthrex Case Explained (Source: Bloomberg Law)
- Prof. Karen Sandrik: A Uniform Grace Period: Promoting International Research and Development Collaboration (Source: SSRN)
New Job Postings on Patently-O: